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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Have you declared your independence from tech myths & tech lines?

"Happy Independence Day" from Team Samurai!    This Independence Day we invite you to declare your independence from the tyranny that enslaves so many techs.  What is this tyranny? Well, it comes in many forms, including: Believing tech myths about circuits and technology, often without even realizing it. Not being able to read a schematic, and so relying on others to give you troubleshooting advice. Listening to parts-changing monkeys (PCMs) give bad t

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man in Tech Talk

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm thankful that the Great Forum Migration went as well as it did. Wasn't easy but it was definitely worth the hassle. I'll be out all morning, back for a little bit this afternoon and then off to some friends house for Thanksgiving dinner. Back here and online after that. Hope everyone has a great day with family and friends!

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Happy Thanksgiving 2015!

I'm giving a Mondo Mucho Domos to all my Brethren in the Craft who, through their participation, help make Appliantology the premiere tech support site on the web!   I'm also thankful that we're working in such an interesting trade, with abundant new technologies and humans to continually challenge and delight us-- keeping it real, yo!   Wishing you all a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day!  

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Happy Orthodox Easter! Christ is Risen!

Today, Orthodox Christians around the world (myself included) celebrate Orthodox Easter (also called Pascha in many traditions). This year was a big offset from Western Easter because of the difference between the Gregorian Calendar used in the West and the Julian Calendar used by Orthodox Christians for calculating the date of Easter. Although the dates are different, it's the same celebration.  The traditional greeting used by the Orthodox during the Paschal Season (from Easter to Penteco

Guided Tour of the Samurai Tech Academy Campus

Join Samurai Appliance Repair Man on a personal guided tour of the Samurai Tech Academy campus. I'll show you the answers to common questions that people have when they call or email us: - What courses do you offer? - What kind of things do you teach in the courses? - How much are the courses? - Do you teach how to read schematics? - Do you teach about the new, electronic appliances? - Do you teach how to run an appliance repair business? - Do you have any discounts? - There's so much stuff at t

Great News for current Professional Appliantologist members!

Great news: the annual fee for Professional Appliantologist members will never increase as long as you keep your membership active. That last part is very important for reasons I’ll explain below. The annual fee for new Professional Appliantologist members has increased. This does not affect current members as long they do not allow their membership to expire. The annual fee increase is also great news for prospective new members! Huh? Why? Because it means we are still accepting

Get World-Class Tech Help at Appliantology.org for FREE with your MST Enrollment

We on Team Samurai maintain and develop two different websites: Master Samurai Tech and Appliantology. Each site is designed to assist you in different stages of your appliance repair journey. Master Samurai Tech is an online academy that provides state-of-the-art appliance repair training, both for new techs and techs who have been in the business for 30 years or more. Appliantology is a tech support community that provides peer-to-peer tech help, service manual downloads, and li

GE Wall Oven: Display says "BAKE" but relays won't engage

Here's another tasty and expeditious troubleshooting tip from our friends at FixYourBoard.com, offering top quality control board re-building, specializing in bringing NLA control boards back from the dead. Here's something to watch out for when troubleshooting GE wall ovens. Same trick may apply to other brands and models. Source: GE Wall Oven: Display says "BAKE" but relays won't engage.

GE Refrigerator Repair Survival Kit

Brother Durham has assembled a very handy collection of essential technical manuals and tools needed when working on GE refrigerators. Brethren, let us attend: Adding a couple shameless plugs of my own... How to test GE refrigerator fan motors with a 9-volt battery: http://appliantology.org/topic/45190-how-to-test-the-evaporator-and-condenser-fan-motors-in-a-ge-refrigerator-with-a-9-volt-battery/ How to troubleshoot GE inverter compressors: http://appliantology.org/topic/44976-troubleshooting-an

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

GE Refrigerator Muthaboard Concession List of Affected Models

Here it is, the highly-coveted and much-ballyhooed list of GE refrigerator models included in GE's concession for having potentially-defective muthaboards. Note that this was not a recall-- this was never a safety issue. Nor were all the boards inherently defective. This was a voluntary concession by GE which covered the replacement cost for the muthaboard on the affected models due to potential problems with the boards that theoretically reduced their service life. I get asked about this list e

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

GE Refrigerator Appliantology: Fans, Evaporator and Condenser

This is the first in a series of posts I’m going to do about the technology used in GE refrigerators. Understanding the basics of how these refrigerators work will give you a lot of troubleshooting insight when you’re trying to track down a problem. This post explains how the fans in GE refrigerators are controlled and operated. Like most other refrigerators, GE refrigerators have at least two fans: - the evaporator (freezer) fan - the condenser fan (the hot coil in the back, underneath the refr

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

GE Refrigerator Appliantology: Dampers and Thermistors

This is the next in a series of posts I’m doing about the technology used in GE refrigerators. Understanding the basics of how these refrigerators work will give you a lot of troubleshooting insight when you’re trying to track down a problem. For the previous post in this series on controlling and operating the fan motors in GE refrigerators, see this page. This post gives useful tips and Fun Facts to Know and Tell for diagnosing the Damper Door and Thermistors. Damper Door The Damper Assembly h

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

GE GSD2600D02 dishwasher giving C5 error code

That is an outstanding analysis, Willie! I am truly impressed! After much weeping and gnashing of teeth, I was finally able to find something on the C5 error in this ancient-of-days electronic monstrosity and it's pretty close to what Sublime Master Willie's well-reasoned conjectures... (click for larger view) Source: GE GSD2600D02 dishwasher giving C5 code

GE front load washer "Smart" dispense pedestal problem

If you ever run into one of these overly-"smart" GE front loaders with a "smart" dispense pedestal, Brother nickfixit offers these sage words of advice: Along with this tech bulletin from GE on this problem: http://appliantology.org/files/file/934-ge-profile-front-load-washer-smart-dispenser-inop-tech-bulletin/ Source: GE SPBD880J0MV detergent dispensing pedestal

Gas range goes BOOM! after a particular stove burner is lit

In this adventure into appliance dysfunction, the customer called me with a scary problem with her gas range. After she would fire up the left-front (LF) cooktop burner and it was on for less than a minute, a big flash-boom would erupt from underneath the burners. I reproduced the problem when I was there and it was a pretty impressive explosion! I wish I had gotten video of it but thought better of repeating it. I knew I was dealing with a gas leak and had to get to the burner gas supply tubes

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Gas dryer not heating, troubleshooting with only a jumper wire

Problem: I'm on a gas dryer service call-- no heat complaint. Solution: Using only my jumper wire at the main board, I proved a problem with the Neutral sense line from the motor and made the burner fire up.  Question: At what two points did I place my jumper wire to troubleshoot this problem?   

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man in Tech Talk

Gas Dryer Ignition Systems Webinar Recording

We went on a journey of wonder and discovery in last night's webinar and demystified those vexing gas dryer ignition systems. We learned how the two-stage gas valve works; how it is controlled by those three valve coils, a radiant sensor, and ignitor. We also learned what a "split coil" is and how it works. We also had an encounter with technical gremlins that attempted to thwart the Appliantological gospel but they were quickly slain. The recording also includes a good roll of the video I
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