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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Fun Times at ASTI 2015 in New Orleans

Just got back from the best-ever ASTI in New Orleans. Reconnected with old friends, made new ones, met many of my Appliantology brethren and several of my Samurai Tech Academy students in person. Not being a city person myself, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed New Orleans-- fantastic food and lots of fun in the French Quarter. For example, here's a plate of the best soul food you'll ever eat at a place called Mother's: Pictured above is Blackened Ham Red beans and rice Turnip greens with h

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Updates

Feel like a mushroom (kept in the dark and fed bovine excrement... or worse!) when it comes to news about the radiation dangers from the Fukushima meltdowns? Well, the Samurai's doing an end-run around the corporate media spin meisters and info-blockaders! I'm frequently updating my Evernote notebook on the Fukushima nuclear disaster with hand-picked news from alternative news sources that I have used for a long time and have proven to be trustworthy. No corporate media spin! Book mark this

Frigidaire FEZ831AS1 stack laundry unit: washer has no brakes, tub free-spins; doesn't agitate clothes

Example model number: FEZ831AS1 The most annoying part of this problem is that as it agitates, the agitator goes one direction and the basket spins the other. So the clothes never agitate they just spin with the basket. Makes you think the basket brake is broken. Except there's one problem, Sublime Master appl.tech.2901 explains... Parts links for... - tub seal - transmission Source: Frigidaire FEZ831AS1 stack laundry: washer has no brakes!

Free Short Course from the Master Samurai Tech Academy: The Ten Step Tango Troubleshooting Procedure

Troubleshooting is the big missing skill among appliance techs today. In fact, many techs don’t even know what troubleshooting is and mistake pattern recognition and factoids for real troubleshooting. Classical troubleshooting is a structured and scientific method for thinking and solving appliance problems. There is a method to the madness! The Master Samurai Tech troubleshooting method is called the Ten Step Tango (TST). There are specific dance steps to troubleshooting, and we teach

Flume and Liberty Loop with The Oz Man

Hiked the Mts. Flume and Liberty loop with The Oz Man yesterday. Went up via the Flume Slide. That was a kick in the pants! Very steep, wet, slippery, lots of loose skree, had to help The Oz Man up ledges several times. We were both hurtin' units when we got to the top of Mt. Flume. But, WOW, what a gorgeous bluebird day! I saw that blue sky and those forever views and forgot about all the pain and fatigue. I tried to capture the essence of the hike in this video. Enjoy!    <iframe src="http:

Fixitnow.com Radio: The Whole Sick Social Web Trip

Listen in on Samurai Appliance Repair Man and Mrs. Samurai having an honest discussion on the pros and cons of using social media, like Facebook and Twitter, as a venue for promoting a business. How useful is social media for communicating with existing customers or users and how effective is it for reaching out to new people? (show duration: 10 minutes) http://fixitnow.com/wp/2012/03/27/fixitnow-com-radio-the-whole-sick-social-web-trip/ (I tried to post the audio player here but the forum sof

Fixite Do: The Ancient Martial Art of Appliance Repair

Most folks think of appliance repair as just another one of the technical trades, like a plumber or electrician. And, it’s true, there are those who practice appliance repair as merely a trade. But did you know that appliance repair is actually an ancient martial art, older than Kung Fu, Karate Do, and Tae Kwon Do all put together? Yes, my leetle Grasshoppers, I shi’ite you not. The ancient martial art of appliance repair is called Fixite Do (pronounced “fixi-tay do”). According to archeological

Fixing a Whirlpool VM Washer that gets Stuck in the Cycle

This is the new Whirlpool top-loading high-efficiency washer, called the Vertical Modular Washer (VMW). The customer called in the complaint that her washer was not progressing in the cycle. Sometimes, the fix is easy... IF you understand how washers work and know what you're looking for. Watch as The Appliance Guru zeros right in on the problem with breathtaking speed. [media=] This customer is on a well (dug well, not a drilled well) and doesn't use any sediment filters in her water supply. T

Fixing a Whirlpool Duet Sport Washer that Won't Drain

This client called in with a complaint that his Whirlpool Duet Sport washer, WFW9150, was full of water and would not pump out. He was also getting the F9 E1 error code which corresponds to this problem. About 72.4% of problems are caused by something stuck in the pump, jamming the impeller. About 27.3% of these problems are caused a bad pump. The remaining 0.3% of these problems are caused by the pump not getting voltage which could be a bad wire connection or bad controller. Watch with befuddl

Fixing a Loud Noise in a Bosch Dryer

Finding the source of this noise in this Bosch dryer was tricky. Judging by the sound, the noise had to originate from either the motor or the blower wheel. The problem turned out to be the blower wheel. The noise was only heard in a heated dryer cycle. Apparently the heated air would deform the plastic blower wheel just enough to make it contact the blower housing while rotating. Here are the part links to the drum rollers and blower wheel that I used to fix this dryer: Drum rollers ==&g

Fixing a Frigidaire top-load washer that won't pump out

This customer contacted me at 2AM Saturday morning of Memorial Day Weekend via the Service Call Request form at the homepage of my website, www.ApplianceGuru.com, and I was there in just a few hours. That's SOP for The Appliance Guru! The customer was at his condo by the golf course for the weekend and the washer in his Frigidaire stacked laundry unit wouldn't pump out. That can really put a wet towel on a vacation! I disassembled the pump and found a golf tee jamming the impeller. In the video,
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