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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Radiation Exposure Dose Chart

Here's a handy and easy-to-use radiation dose chart that shows the radiation exposure from various activities and events ranging from mundane activities to catastrophic scenarios. Go ahead and download it and keep it handy. (click for larger view)

Troubleshooting a Dacor PCD / PCS double oven with an F1 error code

The following Dacor PCS/PCD manuals are available to Apprentices upon request: DACOR PCS PCD Diagnostic_Manual.pdf DACOR PCS PCD Fault Codes.pdf DACOR PCS PCD Light-Latch Service Bulletin.pdf DACOR PCS PCD PARTS 5995436283.pdf DACOR PCS PCD Service Bulletins ECS_FSB.pdf DACOR PCS PCD Wiring Diagrams.pdf DACOR Wall Ovens Quick Tests.pdf Find and order Dacor oven parts here. Source: PCD 230R Dacor double oven F-1 code

Putting a Samsung refrigerator into forced defrost mode

If you're troubleshooting a defrosting problem with your Samsung refrigerator, one of the first things you'll want to do is manually put it into defrost mode so you can use your meter and see if the control board is sending 120vac to the defrost heater. Here's the procedure that'll work for most current Samsung refrigerator models: (click for larger view)

Troubleshooting a Maytag Bravo electric dryer with no heat

When troubleshooting electrical problems with appliance, like no-heat complaints in dryers, you absotootly gotta have the wiring diagram / tech sheet that comes packaged with the appliance. The manufacturers cleverly hide these inside the appliance to keep owners from finding them and losing them. I love when I go out on a job and need the tech sheet but it's been removed from the appliance. The customer then informs that they took it and filed it so it wouldn't "get lost" but they can't find

Frigidaire FEZ831AS1 stack laundry unit: washer has no brakes, tub free-spins; doesn't agitate clothes

Example model number: FEZ831AS1 The most annoying part of this problem is that as it agitates, the agitator goes one direction and the basket spins the other. So the clothes never agitate they just spin with the basket. Makes you think the basket brake is broken. Except there's one problem, Sublime Master appl.tech.2901 explains... Parts links for... - tub seal - transmission Source: Frigidaire FEZ831AS1 stack laundry: washer has no brakes!
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