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Kenmore HE5t washer with error code F71 and won't run

Common manifestation of this problem: no lights on the control panel and when you press the power button, you just get three or four quick beeps. Do the test on this page. If unplugging the blue harness from the MCU results in the control panel lighting up normally like the machine wants to run (but can't because the blue wire is unplugged from the MCU), then... Source: Kenmore HE5t F71 error code and won't run

Hillstomping Update: Mt. Sava with the Oz Man, 3/15/2011

Up the Ammonusuc Trail and down the Jewell Trail. Amazing conditions for these last few days of winter: snow was still stiff, consolidated and buoyant, warm temps (around 0F with wind chill), and full on sunshine on this bluebird day. Lots of other hikers out, too-- look for 'em in the slideshow, best viewed in full-screen mode with your volume turned up so you can groove on the soundtrack.

Celebrating multiculturalism in Ameedeeka

<embed width="320" height="240" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" name="main" id="main" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" src="http://video.godlikeproductions.com/modules/vPlayer/vPlayer.swf?f=http://video.godlikeproductions.com/modules/vPlayer/vPlayercfg.php?fid=a9aec169ea11bb0a951" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/></embed>

Unreported footage from the tsunami released!

<embed width="520" height="440" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" name="main" id="main" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" src="http://video.godlikeproductions.com/modules/vPlayer/vPlayer.swf?f=http://video.godlikeproductions.com/modules/vPlayer/vPlayercfg.php?fid=a7e16bcce2a99a5fd92" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/></embed>

Replacing the rear bearing in a GE / Frigidaire dryer

Friggidaire used to make dyers for GE (example model number: WSM2700HBWWW) back when GE was too busy building shoddy Mark 1 nuclear power plants to build their own shoddy dryers; those came later... and they're pretty damn shoddy. The Frigidaire-built units were better though not nearly as good as the Whirlpool units with the lint filter i the top panel. Anyway, if your dryer Frigidaire-built GE dryer is making a squeeling noise in back, you probably need to replace the rear bearing kit. S

KitchenAid refrigerator KSSS36DAW05 - icemaker fill tube keeps freezing up

Common causes for this problem are an incontinent water inlet valve or low water supply pressure (such as from being hooked up to an RO filter) which doesn't have enough pressure to seal the valve. Another common cause, and the easiest to fix, is to replace the plastic water fill tube in the back of the icemaker with the new aluminum one: Source: KitchenAid refrigerator KSSS36DAW05 - icemaker fill tube keeps freezing up

Whirlpool Duet electric dryer- three fast beeps when you press the start cycle button

Example model number: GEW9200 This problem is caused a bad door switch. Here's the link to the door switch, click the picture: You can test using an ohmmeter. There are 3 prongs on switch, identified as C,NC, and NO. C-NC should be closed circuit until you push switch and then it should be open. C-NO should be open circuit until you push switch and then read closed. Buying the switch through this site is a risk-free proposition because you can return the switch for a refund if that doesn

Mounting a dishwasher to granite counter tops

Here's something that maybe of use to someone. A system to attach the dishwasher to granite or other rock type counter tops without trying to drill and risk damage to the expensive counter top material. http://www.granitegrabbers.com/ Just happened to run across these being sold on E-bay and found this website by searching google. It appears from the google search there is a real need for this product and it's not readily known about yet. Source: Mounting a dishwasher to granite counter tops

Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Updates

Feel like a mushroom (kept in the dark and fed bovine excrement... or worse!) when it comes to news about the radiation dangers from the Fukushima meltdowns? Well, the Samurai's doing an end-run around the corporate media spin meisters and info-blockaders! I'm frequently updating my Evernote notebook on the Fukushima nuclear disaster with hand-picked news from alternative news sources that I have used for a long time and have proven to be trustworthy. No corporate media spin! Book mark this

Nuke Boy has a Tummy Ache

Oh those nutty Japanese! <embed width="320" height="240" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" name="main" id="main" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" src="http://video.godlikeproductions.com/modules/vPlayer/vPlayer.swf?f=http://video.godlikeproductions.com/modules/vPlayer/vPlayercfg.php?fid=8f27d23aedf7aff903f" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/></embed>

Hillstomping Update: Mt. Moosilaukee Moonwalk

Gorgeous hike with the Oz Man up Mt. Moosilaukee. Up and back via the Glen Cliff Trail. Only saw one other pair of hikers today and they turned back before reaching the summit. Too bad because it was one of those days on the summit that was so beautiful it was surreal. Turn your speakers up and check out the slideshow. Best viewed in full screen mode. Enjoy! <img src="http://cdn-3-service.phanfare.com/images/external/4169021_5041669_123400833_WebSmall_3/0_0_dba7a19992c27632fff86eac43c

Stinky, smelly washing machine? This is almost always a detergent problem!

It's funny how people will plunk down big $$ for these high efficiency (HE) washing machines and then try to save pennies by using cheap detergent. I've written about the follies of the Great Unwashed here. Now, to help put an even finer point on it, Brother John63 delivers today's guest sermon on detergents in today's HE washing machines: Source: Bosch Washer. Mold on door seal If your washing machine is already stunk up because of your detergent illiteracy, I have some de-stinkifying remedie
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