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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Appliantology Newsletter: The Warm Refrigerator Fire Drill

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Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 22: How big is the Samurai's ego?

In this special episode, we explore the question of size of the Samurai's ego. Turns out that it's so massive that we needed a whole episode devoted to it. Yes, size does matter!  Also:  - Upcoming ASTI in St. Petersburg - Tech training challenges - Three stumbling blocks to becoming a better tech - What makes Appliantology so great?  - MST Alumnus program   Subscribe to the podcast here.  

How to retrieve the error codes in a Frigidaire Affinity front load washer

If you're having a problem with your Frigidaire washer, such as it won't start, one of the first things you'll want to do is get any error codes that may be stored in the control board. This can help point you in the right direction for finding and fixing the problem. Grand Master Reg gives us the key dance for this little procedure: Source: Frigidare Affinity ATF7000EG0 won't start

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to retrieve the error codes and enter diagnostic mode in a Whirlpool Duet Sport - Kenmore front load washer

If your washer stops mid-wash or starts flashing an error code or won't start at all, the first thing you'll want to do is retrieve any error codes that may be stored in the control module. This can give you a clue on where to start hunting for the problem. Grand Master Reg has posted the procedure for entering service mode in your washer so you can read any stored error codes and run the built-in diagnostic program: Source: Kenmore Front Loader Flashing Lights Mod#110.46462501

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Whirlpool Duet Sport - Kenmore washer leaving clothes sopping wet at the end of the cycle

So your Whirlpool Duet Sport or (Kenmore equivalent) washer is leaving your clothes sopping wet at the end of the wash cycle? It seems to be tumbling the clothes okay and it pumps the water out but it never kicks into high speed spin. Sublime Master tronicsmasta has some inside scoop on the fix: Part link ==> Motor Control Unit Source: Whirlpool duet washer WFW9750WW01

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Now Accepting Applications for the Samurai Appliance Tech Boot Camp Beta Class!

The Samurai Appliance Tech Boot Camp is currently in the Beta testing phase. Final pricing for tuition will be announced after the Beta phase. The Beta class will be a very small group of carefully selected early testers who agree to provide constructive feedback for improving the course. After the Beta period, all students will pay the full tuition at the current rates. The specially-reduced tuition for the Beta class is $100 for the first half of the course, Part 1: Fundamentals. This is a fra

Troubleshooting a Gas Dryer No Heat Problem

In this appliance repair extravaganza, Samurai Appliance Repair Man shows you how to think like a real technician using the schematic as your troubleshooting strategy map and track down the cause for a no heat problem in a gas dryer. Learn appliance repair online at the Master Samurai Tech Academy Get tech support at Appliantology.org  

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Retrieving Fault Codes Stored in a Bosch Dishwasher Control to Help Troubleshoot a Problem

Bosch dishwasher not heating? Stalling in cycle? Not filling? Some other weird problem? Wouldn't it be nice if you could get just get some clue about what's wrong? Well, you can! All Bosch dishwashers (and most modern appliances that use electronic control boards) store fault codes pertaining to specific areas the appliance is having a problem with... or at least the areas that the control board thinks is having a problem. Anyway, it's a good place to start. These control boards all hav

MST Radio Episode 25: Sears tech attacks customer

Samurai Appliance Repair Man and Mrs. Samurai suss out various angles and facets in a sensational recent news story where a Sears contractor tech attacked a customer. Lots of interesting lessons from this story for both customers and in-home service professionals.  Link to the news story: http://denver.cbslocal.com/2018/02/19/repairman-arrested-homeowner-attack/    

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to test the motor in a Whirlpool Duet Sport - Kenmore HE2 Plus front load washer

If your front load washer isn't spinning or tumbling the drum, the three big components to test are the door latch assembly, the motor control board, and the motor. Usually details for these tests are given in the tech sheet inside the washer. Here are some tips from Sublime Master Willie for testing the motor using an ohm meter: Source: Kenmore HE2 Plus, mod# 110.47511701. Won't agitate or spin

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Tech Boot Camp Orientation

We launched the beta-testing phase of Part 1 of the Samurai Appliance Tech Boot Camp last week and our beta students are busily working their way through the course. We plan to have Part 1 ready and open for general enrollment by June 15th. The Orientation presentation gives you some idea of what to expect:

Is the Samurai Appliance Tech Boot Camp Fundamentals Course Right for You?

Since opening the Samurai Appliance Tech Boot Camp Fundamentals of Appliance Repair course up for general enrollment, I've gotten emails from techs with experience ranging from rookies (less than two years in the trade) to seasoned techs with over five years in the trade all trying to assess one thing: whether or not the Fundamentals course is right for them given their knowledge and experience. Obviously, I can't speak to your knowledge or experience because it's not something that I have any f
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