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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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How to replace the defrost heater in a Samsung refrigerator

This is the kind where the engineers were smokin' some goot sheet and decided to make the defrost heater and integral part of the evaporator coil, I guess under the delusion that the heater would never burn out. I gotta git me some o' dat! Anyway, the replacement procedure is a bit more involved that in most other refrigerators. Now, for the first time ever in the Universe, Sublime Master of Appliantology Certified Tech Group 51 reveals his patented technique. Source: Samsung Ref Model #RS265LA

How to read the cycle sequence chart on a Whirlpool GWS dishwasher

You know that complicated-looking cycle sequence chart on the techsheet for these dishwashers that no one uses because they don't understand it? Yeah, that one. We explained how to use it in the Appliantology Tips and Tricks webinar on August 11, 2019. It really is a powerful troubleshooting aid that lets you check all the functions and loads in the machine in just a few minutes. Appliantology premium tech members may watch the webinar recording here.     This webinar recording i

Appliance Repair Pricing Systems: Comparing Flat Rate vs. Time and Materials

After reading a lively and long-lived discussion about flat-rate vs. time and materials pricing at another blog that Brother Durham brought to my attention, Mrs. Samurai felt The Calling to weigh in and write up her own opus magnum on the topic. We decided to post it here at my blog since she wants hers to be mostly about food, home, and health-related topics. So I'm posting it here under her by-line. It's a great read! Whether you're a professional appliantologist or a client of a professional

9 Ways to Beat Odor Problems in Modern High-Efficiency Front Load and Top Load Washers

1. Use Only HE (High Efficiency) Detergent And no, using a smaller quantity of conventional detergent is not the same as using HE detergent, as explained below. HE detergents are not simply a concentrated formulation of the regular stuff. Since front loaders and HE top loaders use much less water than conventional top loaders (about 12 gallons per wash load vs. about 56 gallons in a conventional top-loader), HE washers require a detergent with a whole different chemistry. You can read more about

Troubleshooting tip for Whirlpool inverter-type microwave ovens with an F7 error code

The high voltage system in microwave ovens is used to power the magnetron and generate the microwave sound energy that cooks the food. This voltage is in the range of 2,000 vdc. There are two ways of producing this high voltage. The older, conventional way is using a high voltage transformer, capacitor and rectifier. This is a pretty reliable configuration and easy to troubleshoot and repair. The other way of producing the high voltage for the magnetron is using an inverter board. These are ofte

Non-PCM Repair on a Jazz Board Refrigerator

This is a newish Maytag jazz board refrigerator presenting with a warm FF and cold FZ. This was not your typical defrost failure. The failure here was the evaporator fan was not running. I troubleshot the problem without disassembling the freezer-- did it all from the jazz board.  Even though this is a modern, computer-controlled refrigerator, what you're about to see are actually old skool troubleshooting techniques that have been largely lost in the appliance repair trade today: r

The consequences of using non-HE detergent in an LG washer

Today's riddle: Q: Why would someone spend $1,000 or more on a shiny new LG front load washer and then try to save a few shekels by using non-HE (high efficiency) detergent (in contradiction to the explicit warning in the owner's manual)? A: Because they're penny-wise and dollar-dumb. So what are the consequences of using non-HE detergent in any front load washer? You mean besides voiding your warranty? Well, let's see, there's all kinda mechanical problems that you're gonna induce into the

Appliantology Tips & Tricks

Appliantology is a powerful appliance repair tool, with lots of features that may not be obvious at first glance. If you feel like you're missing out on some of what the site offers, then you'll want to watch these clips from our Tips & Tricks webinar. In just a few minutes, we'll step you through how to use a few of the most commonly missed features of Appliantology. Here are some clips from the Appliantology Tips & Tricks webinar we had on May 5, 2019.   The Homepage You

Converting Kenmore refrigerator model number to LG equivalent for Tech Info

As almost everyone with a pulse knows, Kenmore appliances aren't made by a manufacturing company called, "Kenmore." There ain't no Kenmore factory in Malaysia or anywhere else. The only thing Kenmore makes is money. Kenmore appliances are all made by other, well-known manufacturers under contract for Kenmore. This can present a problem getting tech info, like service bulletins and manuals, for independent appliance techs. Since the technical documentation is written by the original manufacturer,

Dryer Photo Challenge

As seen on our Facebook and Google+ pages: our latest "What's Wrong with this Picture?" quiz... Problem: Answer: Solution: LintAlert: http://amzn.to/1vJ4hEl LintAlert: http://amzn.to/1vJ4hEl

Whirlpool Vertical Modular Washer (VMW), United Servicers Regional Training in Albany, NY

Starting to get my notes and photos together from an excellent United Servicers Association regional training in Albany, NY. Here's my summary of the training. Dave Shertzer was the instructor; he did a great job. This is a very easy machine to work on. Tears down in about 10 minutes; 15 minutes if you're one-armed, one-legged, or one-eyed. You're gonna want a set of these to facilitate electrical measurements on those tiny-ass wire harnesses. Inside the control panel the VM washer. Pan
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