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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Appliantology Newsletter: Keep Your Furnace Firing This Winter

Appliantology NewsletterKeep Your Furnace Firing This Winter November 15, 2012 Presents Another Award-Winning Issue of... As the temperatures drop, folks all around the country are firing up their furnaces to keep out the cold. This issue of Appliantology offers you some tips for keeping your furnace running at peak efficiency and some resources for repair help and parts in case your furnace breaks. Replace Your Furnace Filter NowThis is the single most important and easiest thing you can do to

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Tip for checking a mechanical cold control in a refrigerator

Some refrigerators use a mechanical cold control like this one: for regulating the temperature inside the compartments. These controls have a feeler capillary tube attached to the body of the cold control. Inside the body, changes in temperature, as picked up by the capillary tube, cause the bellows to expand and contract which, in turn, causes a set of electrical contacts to open and close. These contacts control the line power to the compressor and need to be closed for the compressor to run.

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Unlocking a Stuck Door on a Maytag Whirlpool Alpha Platform Front Load Washer

In this scintillating safari into front load washer wasteland, Samurai Appliance Repair Man shows you how to manually unlock the door on a front load washer with the door stuck locked. This particular kata is for the Maytag-Whirlpool Alpha 2 platform front load washers but the same technique can be applied to most other models. To order parts, call our parts department at 877-803-7957

Dielectric Grease: Myths and Reality

There's a lot of misinformation and mythology out there in the tech community about the use of dielectric grease on electrical connections. Some techs, knowing that the word "dielectric" refers to an electrically insulating material, mistakenly conclude that dielectric grease should never be used on electrical connections. This is based on a misunderstanding about how dielectric grease works. Dielectric grease has two main properties that make it especially desirable specifically for use on elec

How to properly replace the thermistors in a refrigerator: an illustrated and annotated guide

A special treat today, kids: Sublime Master Bob-tech is featured in this week's edition of Techniques from the Masters™ for replacing the thermistors in a GE refrigerator. The technique demonstrated here is on a GE bottom-mount refrigerator but the same technique applies to all brands and types of refrigerators that use thermistors for temperature sensing. The idea is that you want those connections to have as little resistance as possible, ideally less than 1/2 ohm. Samsung, for example, pre

Some Pearls of Wisdom on the Maytag MAH2400AWW washer and on the Maytag Brand in General

Our Brother in The Craft, nickfixit, who has logged hundreds of thousands of hours in hand-to-appliance combat in his distinguished career as a Professional Appliantologist, offers his unique and practical perspective on the Maytag MAH2400AWW washer on the once-venerable Maytag brand in general. Ignore his wisdom at your own peril: To learn more about your washing machine or to order parts, click here. Source: A Mini Rant

Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 6

In this life-changing episode of Master Samurai Tech Radio, Samurai and the Mrs. talk about all kinds of things appliantological.   Due to the overwhelming response we've gotten the last few days, we've extended our Labor Day tuition discount on all courses and bundles at the Samurai Tech Academy thru Sunday, 9/13! Coupon code: LABORDAY2015. Enroll here: http://mastersamuraitech.com/online-enrollment/   Industry News: we talk about the international appliance brand Beko - number one in the UK -

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

A Tribute to Parts Changing Monkeys

I've been beating on Parts Changing Monkeys (PCMs) pretty hard lately and, honestly, I think it's a bit overdone. The under-appreciated PCM is a vital part of my business because they make me look good! My Brethren in the Craft, please join me in thanking these stealth promoters of our business-- the many, the vile, the Parts Changing Monkeys!  

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to access and disassemble the Custom Cool unit in a GE Profile or Arctica refrigerator

This video shows how to disassembly the freezer in a GE Profile or Arctica refrigerator. It also shows disassembly of the Custom Cool™ unit itself and its various parts. <object id="scPlayer" width="320" height="288" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://content.screencast.com/users/zenzoidman/folders/Videos/media/0bf36abc-28f7-4ba8-8b58-35355fdd0504/mp4h264player.swf" > <param name="movie" value="http://content.screencast.com/users/zenzoidman/folders/Videos/media/0bf36abc

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 8

Industry News: an interesting twist in the legal drama surrounding the GE-Electrolux merger. GE’s biggest laundry product launch in 20 years: yet another top-loader? Future tech: are ultrasonic dryers on the horizon?   Appliantology News: Traipsing through the various incarnations of the Samurai’s online appliance repair forums and groups (first one on the internet in 1997!) right up through the present incarnation as Appliantology.org. Discussion of the various membership groups at Appliantolog

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Online Appliance Parts Ripoffs and Scams

Floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee, it's another killa issue of Appliantology. I look out on the web and what do I see? Another frikka-frakka scammer got his eye on me. How'm I 'posed to git the appliance parts I need wif all these little punks tryin' to make me bleed? Ain't but one person got the truth, I know: SamuraiRepairman, here I go…

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 11

In this episode...   - Upcoming webinar on Schematic-foo: ancient Samurai art using tech sheets as deadly weapons in appliance repair. Get details here: http://appliantology.org/calendar/event/768-schematic-workshop-webinar/ - Appliance product training today: we don't need hands-on, we need brains on. The future is here NOW! - Bidness Talk: Pricing your services; fixed and variable costs; how much should you be charging for repairs? Strategic customer selection and when to fire your customer; P

Welcome! New here? Take a free tour of the beautiful Appliantology Academy campus!

Join Mrs. Samurai on a five-minute stroll through the beautiful campus of the Appliantology Academy. She'll point out some of the buildings and facilities here on campus to help you get to know your way around... <iframe src="http://www.screenr.com/embed/boys" width="650" height="396" frameborder="0"></iframe> COMING SOON: Stay tuned for Mrs. Samurai's next exciting screencast rock opera where she'll step you thru how to register as a new student in the Academy by clicking the gr

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 12 [Special Video Edition]

Industry Talk: - BSH- what's the "H" stand for? - Charge your smart phone from your refrigerator *wirelessly* with WattUp technology.   Master Samurai Tech news: - New post on how loose electrical connections, like splices and terminals, can produce enough heat to burn wires and insulation. http://mastersamuraitech.com/loose-electrical-connections-and-heat/ - Recapping the dismal and outdated state of appliance repair training today. YouTube makes hands-on disassembly training obsolete. What we

Samurai's 12 Laws of Appliance Repair

Samurai's Ichiban Law of Appliance Repair: Never replace a part unless you have proof that the part is bad. This distinguishes the Samurai School of Appliantology from the Monkey Boy School of Appliance Repair. When I replace an appliance part, it's because I have proven that the part is bad. This proof could be something subtle, like an electrical measurement, or something simple, like laying eyeballs on a burned wire connection. It could be direct, meaning the part is getting proper input but

Happy Orthodox Easter! Christ is Risen!

Today, Orthodox Christians around the world (myself included) celebrate Orthodox Easter (also called Pascha in many traditions). This year was a big offset from Western Easter because of the difference between the Gregorian Calendar used in the West and the Julian Calendar used by Orthodox Christians for calculating the date of Easter. Although the dates are different, it's the same celebration.  The traditional greeting used by the Orthodox during the Paschal Season (from Easter to Penteco

Double-extra Special Secret Tip for Troubleshooting a GE Refrigerator that's DOA

If you're working on a GE refrigerator that's dead in the water and you've checked for a good 120vac power supply right up to the J11 connector on the muthaboard, then try this troubleshooting tip from Brother BryanS: The muthaboard diagram below shows the location of the J2 connector of which Brother BryanS speaks: You can see a bigger version of the muthaboard diagram here. If it the refrigerator starts running with the J2 connector unplugged, you should replace BOTH the affected fan motor

Beware Appliance Parts Buyer's Remorse!

Y'all gather 'round, ol' Uncle Samurai has another sad tale to tell about how someone thought they were gonna save a buck or two buying cheap, generic parts off of Ebay or Amazon but it turns out the parts either don't last long or don't work at all. I rectum this is an increasingly common story in these tough economic times with everyone pinching pennies so hard you can almost hear ol' Abe screaming. But, as we're gonna see in today's saga, buying cheap, knock-off parts from the online peddlers
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