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Bosch Dryer Tripped TCO

Went to a call for a Bosch electric dryer not heating. I did the standard checks, including checking the air flow at the outlet on the house. It was ‘pretty good’ using my calibrated hand. I disassembled heater assembly, expecting a tripped TCO (thermal cut out), and surely enough it was tripped. So we had an overheating at some point. Next I checked the heater thermistor, it was near spec and while it had some lint on it, it wasn’t excessive, so I didn’t think that was an issue. Hmmm. Let’

Koi Guy

Koi Guy in Field Repairs

WPL Direct Drive “burning smell”

Every now and then I’ll run across this. The complaint is the customer smells burning- possibly rubber or electrical. The machine works fine. What I sometimes find is that the smell is coming from the lid switch area, and either the connector to the switch is burned or both the connector and switch are burned. Sometimes this observed and one can see the charring of the connector. But sometimes it’s not visible. An easy way to tell is to simply remove the connector, and if the connector is r

Koi Guy

Koi Guy in Field report

Wagner Power Steamer 915e review

I’ve been using the cheap steamers for a decade now. I buy the cheap ones, $35-$40 and keep a few on hand so when one breaks I or a tech won’t be without. So a buddy got a hold of a Wagner Power Steamer 915e and he was all bragging about it. So after a few months of listening to him I was ready to pull the trigger (pun intended). I browsed every week or so and one day they were on sale from Amazon for only $100. Normally they’re $140-ish. Sweeetttt!!! This thing kicks butt! It cuts through

Koi Guy

Koi Guy in Equipment

R600a starter kit

About a year ago I was ready to start learning R600a systems. Watched all the vids and decided I was ready to buy. I bought the Yellow Jacket 61001 kit. What  I found was it has little of what I need. So, after getting some experience with R600a systems, it was time to groom one of my techs that’s wanting in the game. So I put together a kit for him, and thought I’d share. For sealed system repairs, I’m still using my normal gear, nothings changed. But I wanted this tech to have the equipme

Koi Guy

Koi Guy in Equipment

WPL D/W Nuisance F8E4 (overflow/leak)

I went on a Whirlpool dishwasher that was giving the homeowner an intermittent F8E4 error. The F8E4 error is an “overflow” error, which actually is any condition that causes water to exit the unit and spill into the drain pan, this in turn causes the float in the pan to rise up and trigger the float switch, which triggers the board that there is a flood condition. The unit will then exit the cycle and begin the flood sequence of running the drain pump continuously, the display will flash the F8E

Koi Guy

Koi Guy in Field report

WPL Ceiling Mount IM hack

I’ve seen lots of the WPL build units with the ice maker in the ceiling that get a condition where the fill tube freezes up. I’ve been working on a repair for this and I think I have it dialed in. Before starting, go through the manual and perform the diagnostic steps as outlined by Whirlpool. But what I’ve been finding in some cases is that the components are working properly- including the fill tube heater, but there was a poor installation job done at the factory, and the heater is makin

Koi Guy

Koi Guy in Field Repairs

WPL dryer timer- intermittent heat

As you’ve probably seen, the new Whirlpool dryer timers have not been very robust and are prone to several failures. These failures include: no heat, intermittent heat, not advancing the cycle, and not ending the cycle. A service call yesterday was for a “not drying clothes” complaint. Now I normally associate a dryer that’s heating but not drying clothes as a possible exhaust restriction, and that would be my first test- airflow. BUT, when it’s a Whirlpool built unit with a timer- the firs

Koi Guy

Koi Guy in Field report

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