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R600a starter kit

Koi Guy


About a year ago I was ready to start learning R600a systems. Watched all the vids and decided I was ready to buy. I bought the Yellow Jacket 61001 kit. What  I found was it has little of what I need. So, after getting some experience with R600a systems, it was time to groom one of my techs that’s wanting in the game. So I put together a kit for him, and thought I’d share.

For sealed system repairs, I’m still using my normal gear, nothings changed. But I wanted this tech to have the equipment to check the system, and be able to dump, pull vacuum, add dye, weigh in charge. What I’m seeing in the field is refrigerant leaks that are undetectable with my sniffer. So to find the leak we’ll have to add dye and come back and see if we can find it. It’s been pretty quick and easy for me to do this. There’s such a low charge with a leak that it seems there’s little in the system. The longest part is pulling a vacuum and getting rid of some moisture.

Yellow Jacket 41868 manifold and hoses


Yellow Jacket 61003 scale


Nu-Calgon 4175-10 charging assembly


Nu-Calgon 4175-30 refrigerant 

Pittsburg 2.5cfm vacuum pump


So I put together a kit for him.

Found the perfect case at Harbour Freight- called Voyager.



Mock setup


Marked off what I needed to cut.


Trimmed up the partitions needed.



Had the perfect piece of styrofoam to act as a spacer, this keeps the can lower but raises the scale, manifold and adapter so they fit snugly and don’t bounce around.



Glued up the corners with some dryer felt glue. Added the foam…. Boom done!



Saved hundreds and saved space. 

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On 4/21/2024 at 7:02 AM, Samurai Appliance Repair Man said:

Thanks for the show and tell on that very cool kit, @Koi Guy

I Agree very informative and visual.  Mighty nice work on information we will recall but wonder “now where and who did what I saw”   I’ve forgot most of my mentors cause the list is so long. And like Homer Sempson every time I learn something new, something old gets push out or set under the dirty clothes basket in my mind. 


On 7/8/2024 at 9:18 PM, Terry Carmen said:

I have to say that I feel much better about all this confusion now that you guys are going through it too. 8-)

I felt like an idiot a few months ago when I kept ordering stuff but never had quite all the right parts that fit and didn't leak.

This R600 stuff seems a lot like they're just making it up as they go along. With the full size cylinders of r-whatver it never even crossed my mind that something might not fit, because it always fit.



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