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applianceman97's Blog

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Back to normal life



Well ladies and gents. Sorry I have been MIA for a while. Life has been crazy with service calls and my new technician. Also had our first baby (technician in training) blogentry-82264-0-29266900-1449760812_th. It's been an amazing experience. I am loving every second of it. It has been tough through all the changes which is why i have been absent from here for a bit. But i'm BACK! I hope the Samurai and Durham have been holding the fort down and not letting you guys get away with too much! hahaha.

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  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


I can tell by that steely-eyed gaze that he's gonna be a killa-manilla troubleshooter, unfazed by the pulse width modulated holographic molecular descrambler controls in the appliances of the future.


Your retirement plan-- only 18 years to go! 

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You going to put lots of money into that retirement plan, know that for a fact.   Well worth the investment. 

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Dude! Awesome! Congratulations! Get ready for the most rewarding and stressful part of your life. If you need any advice, my wife and I just went through new baby-ness about a year ago, so it's fresh in our minds. 


Also, as difficult as having a newborn can be, try to enjoy it as much as you can. It just hit me yesterday how quickly my son grew up. Almost a year now. It happens way too fast. Try to love every second of it. :D

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Congratulations on your bundle of "Joy"




                                          \\\\\Marry Christmas/////

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