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Whirlpool Drain (or if Prince was an Appliantologist)


We all want to grow our companies,  but finding and keeping qualified techs or just finding anyone that posseses even the slightest work ethic is a difficult,  near impossible task.  This song laments this sad state of affairs but also is a tribute to the recent passing of one of the greats. 


Scroll down,  start the video,  scroll back up and sing along! 

Whirlpool Drain (or if Prince was an Appliantologist looking for good help) 

Maybe you never meant to cause me any sorrow
Maybe you never meant to cause me any pain
I only wanted to one time see you working
I only wanted to see you
working on a Whirlpool Drain

Whirlpool Drain, Whirlpool Drain
Whirlpool Drain, Whirlpool Drain
Whirlpool Drain, Whirlpool Drain 
I only wanted to see you
Steaming up a Whirlpool Drain 

I never wanted to be a hard-assed employer
But neither could I be some kind of friend
Now please go away,  go work for another
For your employment with me has to end

Whirlpool Drain, Whirlpool Drain
Whirlpool Drain, Whirlpool Drain
Whirlpool Drain, Whirlpool Drain
I only wanted to see you
Underneath a Whirlpool Drain

Dude, I know, I know
I know  appliances are changing
It's time we all reach out
to learn something new, that means you too

You say you want me to teach you
But you can't seem to concentrate your mind
So I think you better pack it
Since you can't even Ptrap a Whirlpool Drain

Whirlpool Drain, Whirlpool Drain
Whirlpool Drain, Whirlpool Drain
Service Owners, if you know what I'm singing about up here
C'mon, raise your hand

Whirlpool Drain, Whirlpool Drain
I only want to have one
Only want to see one
Working on a Whirlpool Drain


This song debuting on AppLYRICology  Best of Durham Music Vol 1  


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  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man



An opus magnum Appliantological send-off for one of rock's magic-hands superstars! Fantastic, Brother Durham! 

Here Now Tech


Nice work man! I'll be thinking about it on my next call! 

Prince has to be the most skilled player, innovative composers, and larger than life performer of all time. Cheers!

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