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The Smart Kitchen of Tomorrow is Here Today

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


I know from comments on my previous blog post on The Future of Appliance Repair: a Profession or an "Idiocracy"? that many appliance techs are bemoaning the increasing computerization of appliances. For most of these techs, it's because they have no idea how to troubleshoot them and so feel threatened. Many are even thinking, wishfully but incorrectly, that the increasing use of electronics in appliances is just a fad and will go away. 

Nyet, tovarish! 

Computers in appliances are not only here to stay, they're evolving and, for many techs, getting "scarier." Rather than complain about them and wax nostalgic for the "good ol' days," smart techs are learning the skills they need to stay current and successfully repair them, zooming ahead of their competition and reaping the benefits of increased income.

The infographic below gives a nice summary of where appliance technology is today and where it's going in the very near future. If you need the mental tools to effectively compete in the appliance repair market of today and tomorrow, learn these skills cost-effectively and conveniently in our online training courses at the Master Samurai Tech Academy. Learn more, earn more! 




Cool infographic courtesy of HalfPrice.com.au http://www.halfprice.com.au/products/roller-shutters/


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so... do we believe all the medical data about how we are being poisoned by the use of plastics in food related industries, or do we just start cooking all our food in plastic bags?

For anyone that is not familiar - I know how to repair Sou Vides... fixed a few of them, nothing scary there. 

  • Team Samurai
Mrs. Samurai


Ever since learning about sous vide, I've wondered about the whole cooking in a plastic bag thing. I'm not planning to buy one anytime soon, so I haven't looked into it.


Posted (edited)

My nephew bought my mother a sous vide for Christmas. She is an old style southern cook. He showed her how to use it and even used it a few times around Christmas. It was placed back in the box when they left and it is still there. The food tasted ok but I wasn't too impressed.

Edited by Lighthouse


Please do not heat or eat anything in plastic. All plastic leaches toxins into the food. BPA free is a marketing scam. The replacement chemical is just as toxic. I know it's tough to avoid plastic but be aware and do what you can. The slogan for plastic food packaging should be "GOT CANCER?"



That's extreme


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