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Bosch Dryer Tripped TCO
Went to a call for a Bosch electric dryer not heating. I did the standard checks, including checking the air flow at the outlet on the house. It was ‘pretty good’ using my calibrated hand. I disassembled heater assembly, expecting a tripped TCO (thermal cut out), and surely enough it was tripped. So we had an overheating at some point.
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Appliantology as the Ultimate Searchable Reference Tool for Appliance Repair
One of the best things we can do to sharpen our skills as techs is to learn from other techs' experiences. There are a number of ways to do that, but the way that's both most convenient and lets you learn from the greatest variety of techs is searching the tech help forums here at Appliantology. 
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Maytag Electric Dryer Motor Stops Running After Start Switch is Released
[Video] In this recent Live Dojo appliance troubleshooting workshop, we workshopped a problem with a Maytag dryer where it would start but stop running as soon as the start button was released.
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Untangle This Tricky Water Valve Problem with the Troubleshooting Ten-Step Tango
Here's the setup: you're working on an LG refrigerator, and the customer says that they're not getting water out of the dispenser. They also say that they can get ice out of the dispenser just fine.
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Avoid These 4 Mistakes When Troubleshooting a Dead Appliance
In this video, we're going to explore a real service call and analyze the troubleshooting techniques the tech used and figure out how he can structure his call better next time. You'll have to watch it to find out exactly how the call went down, and what the problem turned out to be, but let's go through the four mistakes that were made in the initial troubleshoot...
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Don't Let This Frigidaire Oven Booby Trap Get You
Frigidaire has left a booby trap in the form of an RTD with unique specs in some of their ovens. What's more, this difference isn't even properly reflected in some of their tech sheets. They've got incorrect specs!
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Wire Piercing Probes in Action - Locating breaks in Whirlpool SxS Lower Hinge Wiring
I made a video the other day on a callback for broken lower hinge wiring on a Kitchenaid SxS. Earlier in the week I had spliced all of the breaks I could find, found two wires with multiple breaks along their length, some concealed inside unbroken insulation, advised the customer that it was a temporary fix, and was relieved when the icemaker finally passed its harvest test. 
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WPL Direct Drive “burning smell”
Every now and then I’ll run across this. The complaint is the customer smells burning- possibly rubber or electrical. The machine works fine.
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Using Schematics and Wiring Diagrams to Figure out Why the Lights Won't Turn Off on this GE Wall Oven
At one of our recent Live Dojo workshops, a tech shared an interesting problem he had encountered.
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R600a starter kit
About a year ago I was ready to start learning R600a systems. Watched all the vids and decided I was ready to buy.
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[Free Full Video] Learn the Secrets of Whirlpool's Hybrid Heat Pump Dryer...
How does a dryer dry without a vent? Why is there a sealed system in this dryer, just like what you would find in a refrigerator? How well does this model dry clothes compared to a conventional dryer?
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How to Decipher Schematics like a Pro!
In this journey to Total Appliance Enlightenment™ in a Live Dojo workshop, we worked on a real-world problem on a Kitchenaid refrigerator posted at Appliantology. We were interested in how the defrost timer motor gets Line and Neutral in both defrost and run modes. Turns out that doing so required that we also understand the rest of the circuit, including the dumbed "PC board". But how? That's what we show you!

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WPL Ceiling Mount IM hack
I’ve seen lots of the WPL build units with the ice maker in the ceiling that get a condition where the fill tube freezes up. I’ve been working on a hack for this and I think I have it dialed in.
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WPL dryer timer- intermittent heat
As you’ve probably seen, the new Whirlpool dryer timers have not been very robust and are prone to several failures. These failures include: no heat, intermittent heat, not advancing the cycle, and not ending the cycle. Here's what I found on a recent service call.
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Microwave Madness and Meter Category Demystification Double Feature
This microwave will run with the door open -- lucky for the customer, it also doesn't heat. But why is the turntable able to run with the door open? What do you do when a circuit doesn't work at all the way it's supposed to?
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Read Timer Charts with Certainty Using the Timer Chart Cha-Cha
Timer charts may be for old-skool appliances with mechanical timers, but there are still plenty of old-skool appliances knocking around, so reading timer charts remains a vital troubleshooting skill.
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How to Troubleshoot Control Boards with Confidence
When a control board doesn't seem to behave the way it's supposed to, does that mean it's always time to replace the board? How do you avoid the dreaded callbacks on service calls where you replaced the board because you had no idea what else to replace? Is there a way to reliably troubleshoot computer-controlled appliances and avoid guesswork when it comes to the control board?
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Functional Understanding of Circuits: the Key to Reading Unclear Schematics
Got a fun exercise for you today: let's use our electrical and schematic know-how to figure out how a circuit works in a schematic that leaves out a lot of useful labelling.
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[Video] Demystifying Strip Circuits and Confusing DC Terminology
What are strip circuits and how do you read them? What purpose do they serve in troubleshooting? Are they better than normal schematics, worse, or just different?
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[Video] How to Never Get Tripped Up By DC Terminology in Schematics Again
DC power in appliances works the same way no matter the manufacturer, but everyone has their own way they like to talk about it. And if you're not up on the lingo, you'll be left mystified by DC circuits in schematics.
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Quick Tips on How to Troubleshoot Relays, Triacs, and Diodes
When it comes to switches in appliances, it's hard to think of one more ubiquitous than the relay. It can be used with and without a control board, and it allows a small voltage to control a much larger voltage. But what exactly does that mean, and how do they do that? And what about triacs, the relay's solid-state cousin?
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Schematics vs. Wiring Diagrams -- Do You Know the Difference?
Schematics and wiring diagrams -- two different kinds of service documents that seem similar, but actually serve completely different purposes. One of them is essential to any electrical troubleshooting and should be consulted on every service call, while the other has much more niche applications. But which is which, and how do you tell them apart?
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[Video] How to Use a Loading Meter to Identify Ghost Voltage AND Watch the Samurai Electrocute Himself!
Ghost voltage has misled many a green tech during his troubleshooting. How are you supposed to interpret it when the VAC function of your meter tells you that you have 108 volts going to a load? Is your voltage supply bad? Or are you perhaps simply missing your Neutral?
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How Do the High-Voltage Circuit and Magnetron in a Microwave Work?
We're going to take a dive into what exactly is going on electrically with the high-voltage circuit in a microwave. We'll use this specific schematic as an example, but these principles apply generally.

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Motor Specs Demystified -- and More Sizzling Live Dojo Workshop Discussions!
How are we as techs supposed to understand the specifications we see on a split-phase motor's label? What's the difference between a motor's output power and its input power, and which of those specs is given on the label? What do acronyms like FLA and LRA mean? All that and more covered in this short video on motor specifications.
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