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  1. The Service Diagnostic tech sheet refers to settings buttons that are accessible with the door closed. However, the buttons on my KDTM354ESS 0 are situated on the top periphery of the door so they are not accessible when the door is closed. Thus I need to know how to run the diagnostics with the door closed and still be able to invoke various button pushes for various intervals of the diagnaostics. I know that I could try to repair it (in response to symptoms), but I a number of different actions could be done (some of them very time consuming). But I prefer to use the diagnostics procedure (when available) in an orderly and intelligent approach for narrowing down and pinpointing solutions. And it is my impression that the Samurai would also take such an approach . For instance, I am able to invoke the Diagnostics Cycle (by using button sequences, as suggested) with the door open, wherein all of the buttons LEDS light up and stay on for 5 seconds as a display test. I was able to get that response with the door "open" (rather than "closed" as directed). The LEDs then are supposed to go dark for 1 second prior to the Cycle reporting Customer Error history (again while the door is "closed"). Of coarse, I had to leave the door "open" to witness whether or not they were off. The LEDs all stayed on while the door was open, but I can only guess if they went dark upon closing the door. The above is supposed to complete in 5+1 seconds of "interval 25". Then diagnostics moves sequentially through "intervals" 24-21, during which Customer Error codes are generated and identifiable by the number of blinks of the "CLEAN LED" (the only LED that is observable when the door is closed0. "Interval" 19 has a 10 second pause and the Hi Temp button will be on. Then the Hi Temp button or key is to be pressed in order to clear errors and it's LED will blink twice to indicate that the errors are cleared. if it doesn't respond, one must open and close the door to wake up the control panel. Then press Hi Temp button to clear errors. Again, the door must be open in order to see that button. There is no way to know when each of 25 intervals is addressed, because the door is closed. So. does anyone know how to run the Service Diagnostics without access to the selection buttons?
  2. Samurai Appliance Repair Man

    Samsung Service News, March 2019

    Version 1.0.0


    HA Tech Tips 18 Coolant Changed from R134a to R600a in RF18FEN and RF20HFEN Refrigerators 19 New R600a Refrigerator Models Added to List of Models with Available Lokring Parts 20 Front Load Washer Vibration and Noise Troubleshooting Guide 27 Caring for Samsung’s Traditional Stainless Steel and Black Stainless Steel Appliances 33 HA GSPN Updates
  3. Samsung Service News, March 2019 View File HA Tech Tips 18 Coolant Changed from R134a to R600a in RF18FEN and RF20HFEN Refrigerators 19 New R600a Refrigerator Models Added to List of Models with Available Lokring Parts 20 Front Load Washer Vibration and Noise Troubleshooting Guide 27 Caring for Samsung’s Traditional Stainless Steel and Black Stainless Steel Appliances 33 HA GSPN Updates Submitter Samurai Appliance Repair Man Submitted 04/09/2019 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  4. For almost 25 years I have been a technician in the Appliance repair industry. In that time I have seen and witnessed many things that technicians have said or done in a home but there always seemed to be some sort of creed or code with techs that they wanted to learn and to repair the item in the home correctly. My history was I went to Devry for Electronics and actually got into the business from a friend. I never thought that I would end up doing this however being mechanically inclined, having common sense, and skills with an electrical meter, and also the ability to read wiring diagrams and timer schematics I soon found out that from helping a friend I enjoyed the freedom of being on the road in a van. I always read books, articles, and pursued knowledge in this field. My toolbox is not just tools, but an education in all things related to appliances at the time. I quickly learned in the field that there were 2 kinds of Appliance Repairmen… 1 you had the part changers, and 2 you had the actual technicians. Number 1 the part changer I could not understand how they did not want to trace down the problem. How the feeling of not knowing what was wrong with a unit drove me crazy, and made me learn and understand each unit I worked on. I had notebooks with notes, and repair manuals from the manufacturer and would take the time to read them. I would take the time if I was on a unit to learn something and not just slam in a part and leave, and say on to the next. I found out that there were many other technicians like me, that we traded information, that we called each other a lot, that we talked about issues that we were seeing, and how to test, and check them. We advised each other what to look out for. The information was invaluable. After a few years in the industry the place I was at was a little slow, what started as helping a friend to me became time to move on. I wanted to see what a larger company was so I went to Sears and they welcomed me with arms wide open because I was a full line tech who worked on everything, and every brand in a time were they literally just started working on things not sold at Sears and what they called “off brand”, items not Whirlpool, or Kenmore labeled. At the time when I started there I could say that most of the guys were technicians, truly skilled on Kenmore branded appliance and I learned many things from them. Kenmore was all that they worked on so a few guys were true masters, and I would work hard and become one myself. I wanted to be a great technician, because I wanted to know my job. I cant say that I am the best, but I could say I made it to the top, and they accepted me there and elevated me, it was a brotherhood. I helped Sears with truck stocks for off brands and became instrumental with the company in training technicians. Along with a few other techs we got a training program together and ran a course on basic electricity I & II to help technicians learn how to troubleshoot an appliance with a meter, with a live appliance. This is what separated the men from the boys, and I could not believe how many techs in different divisions had no idea how to use a meter (other than continuity) and troubleshoot an appliance. After many of these classes the area I worked improved with lower part usage and recalls. This truly shows the best tool in the toolbox is an education. I wondered tho, how the hell did some of these guys get by? How can you guess at what is wrong? If it was not a mechanical break, but something electrical that failed how did they figure it out? The meter, it never lies to me, it tells me what side of the schematic I'm on, the hot side or the neutral, and I could trace down between 2 points. What it told me was what was “good “ in the appliance and by elimination and method, led you to what was wrong in the appliance. It was strange I was in my 20’s teaching guys who have been doing this for 30 years in their 50’s. What I found was they were all trained by Sears, they were great at anything mechanical, and just lacked some knowledge, and now we gave them another tool. They did learn from other techs, with conversations and issues and they remember all that, that is how they troubleshooted electrical from experience or pure continuity checks, and it got some of them pretty far. For awhile we had an excellent overall group. THEN IT ALL CHANGED…. Sears stopped training a tech for 6 months, and literally said enough on what they considered lost labor hours and trained them for 6 yes SIX weeks total. Then they handed you a toolbox, keys, and a route. Even in 1 division like laundry you cant even see all the appliances in 6 weeks, never mind see the issues... and this was a time where there were not a quarter as many models. How could this guy with 6 weeks training run 10 calls a day?? Over time I just got fed up with many things there and left the company. It scared the sh^t out of me that they would let a guy loose in only 6 weeks. I had to train many of them, and I wouldn't let one go in a house if they weren't prepared, and I learned that the hard way after 5 weeks of training 1 guy. They had dropped the amount of pay, and had a crappy benefits policy and it attracted a lower skillset of workers. This new model of employee was trained for 6 weeks instead of 6 months and worked on all brands. It never made sense to me, they would put part in after part into a unit that had a service plan not knowing what was wrong. An Untrained, unskilled tech cost you thousands more than it does to train him. Think about the parts used on IW and Service plans, and then the lost revenue from high estimates or incomplete calls because he don't know what is wrong, and by excessive recalls and trying to clean up the mess. In the last few years Sears and A&E techs seem like a shell of what Sears use to be. The unskilled, and untrained techs in a home. The things they tell customers and the wrong advice and just mess they cause is crazy. I see it now more than ever, and it keeps getting worse. I cant believe the quality of technicians they had, and 20 years later what a mess of techs they have now. Sure there are a few excellent ones, there are great workers anywhere, but overall I have never seen a company do what they have done, just destroy their own reputation by letting the workforce just go. Are other techs seeing this as well is the industry in bad shape overall with training???
  5. Manufacturer: Whirlpool Type of Appliance: Washer Model Number: NTW4605EW0 Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): YES Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): YES W10280489 Rev D is not a match for this washer.
  6. 178 downloads

    SAMSUNG French Door Refrigerator Romanee conti-PJT New product training Service Manual MODEL CODE : RF32FMQDBSR/AA
  7. File Name: Wolf MWC24 Convection Microwave Service Manual File Submitter: dtechryan File Submitted: 26 Aug 2015 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Service manual for Wolf MWC24 convection microwave Click here to download this file
  8. 80 downloads

    Service manual for Wolf MWC24 convection microwave
  9. File Name: Samsung RF31FM Refrigerator Service Manual File Submitter: Chat_in_FL File Submitted: 31 Aug 2014 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Samsung French Door Refrigerator Service Manual RF31FM** / RF24FS** Models: RF31FMESBSR/AA RF31FMESBSR/SA RF31FMEDBSR/AA RF31FMEDBBC/AA RF31FMEDBWW/AA RF31FMEDBSL/ML RF31FMEDBSL/HC RF24FSEDBSR/AA RF24FSEDBSR/EU RF24FSEDBSR/EF RF24FSEDBBC/EU RF24FSEDBSR/WT RF24FSEDBSL/SA RF24FSEDBX3/SC Click here to download this file
  10. 890 downloads

  11. Samsung RF32FM Refrigerator Training Presentation View File SAMSUNG French Door Refrigerator Romanee conti-PJT New product training Service Manual MODEL CODE : RF32FMQDBSR/AA Submitter Chat_in_RI Submitted 08/31/2014 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  12. note, i already searched the download section using "htr17" "htr17bb" and "htr17bbs" , no joy i am request the GE Hotpoint htr17bbs refrigerator REPAIR manual. the reason, i think the compressor/fan are on too much. the temps inside the freezer and frig are correct.
  13. Can not find a manual for this unit in the search engine even with the wild card. Customer gave it to me as WM2478HWMA but I am sure she got the 7 & 8 reversed.
  14. Does anybody have a service manual for Sharp CV-P10MX Portable A/C?, Or at least know how to open it up? Bob 858 229 8753 coastalappliances.com
  15. Looking to replace freezer gasket, diagnose potential thermistor problem and order parts (but need a exploded part diagram). Anybody have a service manual they could email me? Viking model number DDBB363. Thanks, Eric
  16. File Name: Miele Dishwasher G600 and G600 Incognito service modes File Submitter: kdog File Submitted: 10 Dec 2012 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper TECHNICAL INFORMATION G 600 and G 800 Dishwashers (All US Models) Incognito Programming and Service Modes Technical Information 2 G 600/G 800 Table of Contents 1 G 803, G 643, G 843, G 663, G 863 ........................................................................... 4 1.1 Programming Mode .............................................................................................. 4 1.1.1 Setting the Water Hardness Level ............................................................ 4 1.1.2 Checking the Water Hardness Level ........................................................ 5 1.2 Service Mode 1 ..................................................................................................... 5 1.2.1 Test Program ............................................................................................ 6 1.3 Service Mode 2 ..................................................................................................... 6 1.3.1 Accessing Fault Codes ............................................................................. 7 1.3.2 Deleting Stored Fault Codes ..................................................................... 8 1.3.3 Program Index .......................................................................................... 8 2 G 818, G 658, G 858 ................................................................................................... 9 2.1 Programming Mode .............................................................................................. 9 2.1.1 Setting the Water Hardness Level ............................................................ 9 2.1.2 Checking the Water Hardness Level ...................................................... 10 2.2 Service Mode 1 ................................................................................................... 10 2.2.1 Test Program .......................................................................................... 11 2.3 Service Mode 2 ................................................................................................... 11 2.3.1 Accessing Fault Codes ........................................................................... 12 2.3.2 Deleting Stored Fault Codes ................................................................... 12 2.3.3 Program Index ........................................................................................ 13 3 G 879 ........................................................................................................................ 13 3.1 Programming Mode ............................................................................................ 14 3.1.1 EPLG 501A (Program Index P1) ............................................................ 14 3.1.2 EPLZ 530 (Program Index P2 or Higher) ................................................ 14 3.1.3 Setting the Water Hardness .................................................................... 14 3.1.4 Checking the Water Hardness Level ...................................................... 15 3.2 Service Mode 1 ................................................................................................... 15 3.2.1 Test Program .......................................................................................... 16 3.3 Service Mode 2 ................................................................................................... 16 3.3.1 Fault Code Access ................................................................................. 17 3.3.2 Deleting Stored Fault Codes ................................................................... 17 3.3.3 Program Index ........................................................................................ 17 List of Tables Table 1-1: G 803, G 643, G 843, G 663, G 863 Programming Flow Chart .............................. 4 Table 1-2: G 803, G 643, G 843, G 663, G 863 Programming Mode ...................................... 4 Table 1-3: G 803, G 643, G 843, G 663, G 863 Water Hardness Settings .............................. 5 Table 1-4: G 803, G 643, G 843, G 663, G 863 Program Sequence Chart ............................. 6 Table 1-5: G 803, G 643, G 843, G 663, G 863 Service Mode 2 Functions ............................ 7 Table 1-6: G 803, G 643, G 843, G 663, G 863 Fault Codes .................................................. 7 Table 1-7: G 803, G 643, G 843, G 663, G 863 Program Indices ........................................... 8 Table 2-1: G 818, G 658, G 858 Programming Flow Chart ..................................................... 9 Table 2-2: G 818, G 658, G 858 Programming Functions ....................................................... 9 Table 2-3: G 818, G 658, G 858 Water Hardness Settings ................................................... 10 Table 2-4: G 818, G 658, G 858 Program Sequence Chart .................................................. 11 Table 2-5: G 818, G 658, G 858 Service Mode 2 Functions .................................................. 12 Table 2-6: G 818, G 658, G 858 Fault Codes ........................................................................ 12 Technical Information 3 G 600/G 800 Table 2-7: G 818, G 658, G 858 Program Indices ................................................................. 13 Table 3-1: G 879 Programming Flow Chart ........................................................................... 13 Table 3-2: G 879 Programming Functions for EPLG 501A ................................................... 14 Table 3-3: G 879 Programming Functions for EPLZ 530 ...................................................... 14 Table 3-4: G 879 Water Hardness Settings ........................................................................... 15 Table 3-5: G 879 Program Sequence Chart .......................................................................... 16 Table 3-6: G 879 Service Mode 2 Functions ......................................................................... 17 Table 3-7: G 879 Fault Codes ............................................................................................... 17 Table 3-8: G 879 Program Indices ........................................................................................ 18 Click here to download this file
  17. Version pdf


    TECHNICAL INFORMATION G 600 and G 800 Dishwashers (All US Models) Incognito Programming and Service Modes Technical Information 2 G 600/G 800 Table of Contents 1 G 803, G 643, G 843, G 663, G 863 ........................................................................... 4 1.1 Programming Mode .............................................................................................. 4 1.1.1 Setting the Water Hardness Level ............................................................ 4 1.1.2 Checking the Water Hardness Level ........................................................ 5 1.2 Service Mode 1 ..................................................................................................... 5 1.2.1 Test Program ............................................................................................ 6 1.3 Service Mode 2 ..................................................................................................... 6 1.3.1 Accessing Fault Codes ............................................................................. 7 1.3.2 Deleting Stored Fault Codes ..................................................................... 8 1.3.3 Program Index .......................................................................................... 8 2 G 818, G 658, G 858 ................................................................................................... 9 2.1 Programming Mode .............................................................................................. 9 2.1.1 Setting the Water Hardness Level ............................................................ 9 2.1.2 Checking the Water Hardness Level ...................................................... 10 2.2 Service Mode 1 ................................................................................................... 10 2.2.1 Test Program .......................................................................................... 11 2.3 Service Mode 2 ................................................................................................... 11 2.3.1 Accessing Fault Codes ........................................................................... 12 2.3.2 Deleting Stored Fault Codes ................................................................... 12 2.3.3 Program Index ........................................................................................ 13 3 G 879 ........................................................................................................................ 13 3.1 Programming Mode ............................................................................................ 14 3.1.1 EPLG 501A (Program Index P1) ............................................................ 14 3.1.2 EPLZ 530 (Program Index P2 or Higher) ................................................ 14 3.1.3 Setting the Water Hardness .................................................................... 14 3.1.4 Checking the Water Hardness Level ...................................................... 15 3.2 Service Mode 1 ................................................................................................... 15 3.2.1 Test Program .......................................................................................... 16 3.3 Service Mode 2 ................................................................................................... 16 3.3.1 Fault Code Access ................................................................................. 17 3.3.2 Deleting Stored Fault Codes ................................................................... 17 3.3.3 Program Index ........................................................................................ 17 List of Tables Table 1-1: G 803, G 643, G 843, G 663, G 863 Programming Flow Chart .............................. 4 Table 1-2: G 803, G 643, G 843, G 663, G 863 Programming Mode ...................................... 4 Table 1-3: G 803, G 643, G 843, G 663, G 863 Water Hardness Settings .............................. 5 Table 1-4: G 803, G 643, G 843, G 663, G 863 Program Sequence Chart ............................. 6 Table 1-5: G 803, G 643, G 843, G 663, G 863 Service Mode 2 Functions ............................ 7 Table 1-6: G 803, G 643, G 843, G 663, G 863 Fault Codes .................................................. 7 Table 1-7: G 803, G 643, G 843, G 663, G 863 Program Indices ........................................... 8 Table 2-1: G 818, G 658, G 858 Programming Flow Chart ..................................................... 9 Table 2-2: G 818, G 658, G 858 Programming Functions ....................................................... 9 Table 2-3: G 818, G 658, G 858 Water Hardness Settings ................................................... 10 Table 2-4: G 818, G 658, G 858 Program Sequence Chart .................................................. 11 Table 2-5: G 818, G 658, G 858 Service Mode 2 Functions .................................................. 12 Table 2-6: G 818, G 658, G 858 Fault Codes ........................................................................ 12 Technical Information 3 G 600/G 800 Table 2-7: G 818, G 658, G 858 Program Indices ................................................................. 13 Table 3-1: G 879 Programming Flow Chart ........................................................................... 13 Table 3-2: G 879 Programming Functions for EPLG 501A ................................................... 14 Table 3-3: G 879 Programming Functions for EPLZ 530 ...................................................... 14 Table 3-4: G 879 Water Hardness Settings ........................................................................... 15 Table 3-5: G 879 Program Sequence Chart .......................................................................... 16 Table 3-6: G 879 Service Mode 2 Functions ......................................................................... 17 Table 3-7: G 879 Fault Codes ............................................................................................... 17 Table 3-8: G 879 Program Indices ........................................................................................ 18
  18. Asko Washer model 10505 Service (and parts?) Manual Request, please Thanks!
  19. May I have info how to put in diagnostic mode & assorted steps in diagnose, & service sheet for troubleshooting components. Anything else that is pertinant to malfunctioning unit. All I know is customer says it is not making ice.
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