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  1. I have a GE WSM2700DAWWW combo washer dryer that will not agitate. I have the front cover off and the motor makes no attempt to move after filling. The dial does not advance after filling. If I move the dial manually, it will do the rinse and spin so the motor works and belt is not broken. Any help/ideas greatly appreciated.
  2. Am trying to determine if the transmission is bad before I start buying the drive block and a belt or whatever else I may need. I notice that the gear box turns CClockwise but not Clockwise from underneath. I tried to remove the drive block with a chisel but now must resort to breaking it to get it off! I understand (from blogging) that once it is off and you can visibly see the inner shaft whether it is turning or not. If it is not you are looking at a bad transmission?
  3. I have a Whirlpool WTW4800XQU top load washer that will not agitate correctly. After the water fills the tub, you hear the agitation start then after about 2-3 seconds it just stops. There is no noise coming from the machine, but the timer still runs. So I don't believe there is any motor kicking on or anything. Like as if there is a short somewhere. After about 5-10 minutes you hear the agitator try to work again for a couple seconds, then stops again. Then the washer continues to go through the rinse and spin cycle but still not agitation. The weird thing is if I run the washer with no load of clothes in it, the agitation worked. So I'm wondering if there is a fault somewhere and with the loaded tub, it completely kills any chance of agitation. I'm have no idea, but it's just an assumption that I made based off of only one trial lol. Thank you in advance for any feedback.
  4. I'm having a problem with my LG WM2016CW front load washer. I am receiving the LE error code. I have replaced the sensor (apparently the most likely cause of the LE code) and motor harness and still am having issues. The washer goes through part of a cycle and drum will spin before the error hits. After I replaced the motor harness, I ran an empty load and it made it all the way through. Tried with a small load and it made it through to the rinse cycle before the LE error appeared. Any suggestions would be appreciated
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