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  1. I have a Kenmore Whirlpool from 1979, belt-driven, no electronics, 110.82082110 Never gave me any trouble except the belt had to be tightened once Now it jams suddenly and won't do anything but fill. I had just done a full load, was running on load 2, I heard a squeak for 3 or 4 seconds, then everything but the motor stopped. Drum would not turn/move at all even by hand. Viewed from behind, the motor turned but the belt didn't move. While unplugged, I moved it by hand and at first it almost took two hands. It got easier in two steps until it was very easy. I turned it on and it ran for two minutes, then I heard a CLINK and immediately the belt stopped again. Pushed it by hand again, this time it got easy faster. Turned it on, put it in the spin section as well as the agitate section of the cycle. I ran it for 3 minutes and turned it off. It worked well but I didn't do anything and I'm sure the problem is not solved. The wig-wag solenoids seem okay, the rods inside move. I've looked at everything, don't see anything that is broken, but I don't know what to look for. TIA.
  2. Samurai Appliance Repair Man

    Dryer Belt Configurations - Old Skool Dryers

    From the album: Dryer Repair

  3. I read through every dryer forum before I posted this, I promise. I am replacing the drum belt on my Asko T721 dryer. I got the new belt, got the machine apart, but I don't understand how to install the belt onto the motor spindle and pulley wheel mechanism. There's no tension. It should be pretty tight, right? The length of the belt is correct. I compared it to the broken one. I'm missing something about the actual installation onto the pulley. I am looking at the illustration of how it is supposed to be positioned, and it says just around the motor spindle then up around the pulley, but nothing holds it on the pulley. It's not going to rotate the drum. When I've watched other videos it looks like people adjust the spring. Other times people double the belt up so it's completely around the spindle and then up around the pulley wheel, but the Asko illustration does not show that. I'm sorry if I'm not explaining well. Any guess as to what I am doing wrong? I did all this work and I'm so proud of myself that I hate the idea of calling a technician at this point. Thank you very much for your time.
  4. Hello. It is time once again to rebuild the dryer as we just started getting the brown staining from the glide wearing down. This will be, I believe, the 3rd time I've done this job. Maybe 4th. We've had this unit for 20 years. I've posted about this here in the past, but with the new site design I'm unable to view those past posts to get a parts list. Below is a listing of all the parts I think are necessary, or a good idea, to replace while doing this job. Drum Bearing: 5303281153 Drum Glide: 5303937139 Lower Felt: 5303283286 Belt: 137292700 Considering it is 20 years old, is it advisable to replace anything else while doing this job? The last repair lasted a long time and I now only vaguely remember the components to replace. Also, the last time I used automotive wheel bearing grease on the drum bearing. Was that a good idea? Regards, Gary
  5. Samurai Appliance Repair Man

    Belt Installation On A Maytag Amana Dryer

    From the album: Dryer Repair

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