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  1. Does anyone have experience with fixing this problem? I have a 5 year GE GSH25ISZB SS refrigerator freezer that is no longer cooling and performing as in the past. Freezer temp was -4F and refrigerator temp 34F. It now reads 19F and 38F respectively. I have no technical manuals, but I have attempted the following solution approach using what I located on the internet. Steps I have taken are as follows: Cleaned the coils - it was loaded with dust Checked the cooling fan - it is working Listened to the compressor - I can hear it but don't know if what I'm hearing is correct I would appreciate any expertise that you may provide. Not sure if it's necessary to replace this thing, but your assistance would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
  2. I recently found out that my Kenmore Elite Model 79572053110 stopped cooling the freezer, and the refrigerator. Here is what I did while troubleshooting. Opened fridge and freezer door, then held down "Ice Select & Refrigerator Temp" to put in demo mode "O FF", then turned off demo mode. Opened back panel at top, and pressed the little black button on the mother board once. Fridge beeped 3 times (all options on control panel at front lit up). Pressed it again and it beeped three times but as two consecutive beeps (Control panel went back to normal). Pressed it again, and fan turned off, and was as if it turned off the fridge. Repeating the pattern does the same. The times when it beeped, the fan ran inside the fridge, and it seemed like it was working, but the air wasn't cold, I don't really think so. The compressor makes noise, so it's getting power, but I don't know if enough. The compressor stops running with a kind off scratch noise, and then I suppose will start up again, because it's running sometimes. There is an LED light on the mother board that blinks six times. The capacitor looks fine (no burns). I have unplugged it, waited 15 minutes or so, then plugged it back in. The coils are clean, the big fan back there is running. There have not been any error codes, and I'm sure that I did not erase by unplugging. The filter fan works. No air is being pushed into the fridge unless compressor is running, and that air is not cooled. I have a list of suspected part failures, but I need a veteran to tell me what the likely suspect is. Please Help.
  3. Ok, I come forth again to humbly ask help on battling this foe again. Around 4 years ago this refrigerator had the evaporator fan failure, someone here helped me diagnose it and I was able to get a fan and replace it rather than waiting the -5- weeks the service company said it would take to get the part and get their tech back out to install. starting about a year ago, according to the teenagers and my partner the control panel would stop responding for random amounts of time. The lengths got longer and longer until a few months ago when it stopped responding completely. The fridge and freeze were well within temp ranges so they didn't worry about it, then in the last month they told me that the temps have started to creep up. I did some research online and came up with 3 possibilities,. Control panel control board, HV board and the control panel itself. I tried swapping control panel board first, but no Bueno... Then the HV board the next time I was up ( I'm out on the coast and only get the chance to work on things when I am up here 5 hrs away, for appointments. I swapped the old HV board back in as I was unable to get into programming mode to program the new HV board. at this point it looks like the actual control panel is bad, but I am no longer certain, is there any troubleshooting steps I can be pointed at (voltages to check, etc...)??? im ending up working on it again as she called a couple service companies in the area and both wanted a couple hundred just to come look at the dang thing, and she couldn't scrape up that much at once.
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