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  1. Hello all! First time poster so forgive my noob mistakes. I have a whirlpool 5 door fridge that I’m flipping, or was the plan. The lady I got it from said that the freezer froze over and then the door alarm wouldn’t stop going off. I’ve checked the freezer section and I can’t find any indication that it ever froze over. I can however find that the eBay fan in the refrigerator section is not running and not getting power. From what I believe is due to the door switch. to date: ive probes all the leads. No power to evaporate fan. door switches all tested out with correct ohms. But the voltage is at 6, not 120 as information suggests it should be. I’ve replaced 3 of the 5 door switches. Still nothing. I’ve tried jumping/bypassing the last two remaining door switches, still a no go. the pantry door control is functioning as expected, and I read where one could disconnect the pantry door and this would correct the situation. Not with this unit! I’ve traced pantry control wiring back to where it enters the wall of the unit. Unhooked it deom that junction and inspected each wire for breaks, nada! tge LED lighting turns off after 5 minutes. And I have to unplug it and reconnect before they will come back on. the refrigerator will not run (compressor) unless I put it into test mode and then take it out manually. Once I do this I can get the compressor to turn on and start cooling. But of course the wrap starts to freeze over after a few minutes because the evap fan isn’t working. I’m on the third evap fan! The first one was dead, the second one was DOA and now this one. That so far tests out. I’ve actually started to use another fan, just as a crash test dummy so if it is the board drying them it will dry an old computer cooling fan and I’ll still have the good fan. Lol. im at a loss. The aurora board is mentioned in a few posts out there. I’ve inspected it connection by connection. But nothing has been discovered. On boards like these I generally repair them, since I’m not in a position for parts markup. The main board I’ve proved as well. Power is at all the proper points, but even this board I’ve tested and nothing. Any ideas on what to check next. Aside from my blood pressure and my insanity level. This unit is becoming my arch nemesis. I would normally walk away from it, and have 3 times already. But my sister seen it and now she wants it. Can anyone help With a service manual or any advice??? if I’ve left out anything or if you have questions for me, please post them here and I’ll respond ASAP. thanks so much for allowing me to be a part of the site. ~DIYChick
  2. Full model number: 795.79304.901 My refrigerator's evaporator fan and interior lights are not working in normal operation. As far as I know, everything else works. The passageway between the freezer and refrigerator froze up over time, so when I noticed that the refrigerator was too warm, I removed all food and defrosted the whole thing. After plugging it back in, the interior lights worked again. But after I checked back after a few hours, the refrigerator was still warm. I researched this issue, which suggested that I check to see if the evaporator fan was running. It wasn't. Also, the interior lights stopped turning on again after the freezer cooled down. During my research, I found this Service Manual for a nearly identical model; Mine just doesn't have the door-mounted water dispenser. On page 28, it talks about Test Mode, which is activated using a button on the mainboard. I tried this out, and while test mode 1 was running, the switches for the lights and the lights started working again, and the evaporator fan spun up, just like they were supposed to. So at least I now know that my fan works, and so do the switches and the light bulbs, and that the wiring is intact. Again, as far as I know, everything else works normally. There was ice buildup on the coils, but not that much so maybe it could be explained by the lack of airflow? This assumption is based on what I've read about how a lack of airflow can cause ice buildup inside the freezer. I've heard that the issue might be the defrost thermister or the refrigerator thermister, but I don't know how to check them or replace them. If someone knows more about them, that's really what I need at the moment. How do I check thermisters to see if they work? How would I need to replace them? How would a faulty one explain my symptoms, where both the evaporator fan and the lights don't turn on? I do have a cheap multimeter (it can test for ohmage but not continuity) and a thermometer. Thanks for any and all help.
  3. Hello All, Saw the following video on youtube Can the same be done on a Maytag MFI2568AES? I show J6 would be the connector Pin 1 would be DIG GNG Jump Pin 2 +12V and Pin 5 DC EVAP FAN Thankyou
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