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  1. Fridge-freezer unit, SN 804KR00272. First issue was freezer melt-down. Didn't have time to deal with it, my appliance tech replaced the linear compressor. The compressor cooled fridge to 37F, shut off, started again at about 43F and cooled to 36.7 and never restarted again. The compressor only ran two cycles over a weekend. When we came back, I turned off power for a bit, plugged it in and compressor started. Again ran just 3 cycles and no more. Notably, the compressor makes more noise than it used to (before replacement). Our appliance tech came back and replaced the motherboard, after some other tests. I wasn't here, unfortunately, so don't know any details what he tested or otherwise changed. Since I have a GoVee WiFi thermostat and hygrometer in the fridge section, I get very detailed readings from that (great little thing btw). So after the new motherboard initial power-up, I see temperature drop to about 37F, the compressor subsequently ran 8 normal cycles maintaining the fridge within 35.6F and 41F range (see pic). Great - except after that it stopped and temperature steadily increased to room temperature and stayed there. Nobody in the house, doors closed and no other interference. When I got back, I turned power off/on, fridge compressor kicked in, quickly cooled the fridge in about 1.5 hrs from 78F to 45F (fridge is set to 37F), now the temp has climbed to 52F and compressor has not started again. Suggestions for troubleshooting steps? Process of elimination?
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