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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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How to tell whether the touchpanel or control board is bad in a Whirlpool dishwasher

Many times when troubleshooting a Whirlpool-built dishwasher (also sold under the Kenmore and Kitchenaid brands), you'll have a problem that looks like it could be either a bad touchpanel or the control board, but you can't really be sure. Examples include: - Normal light keeps blinking but the dishwasher won't run - none of the lights on the panel work and the dishwasher won't run Could take on lots of other variations but the thing they'll all have in common is that dishwasher won't run. The c

How to enter service test diagnostic mode in Bosch WTMC dryers

Once in test mode, you can select the tests to run using this procedure: Selecting WTMC / WTXD Dryer Tests Test Position on knob WTMC33/WTXD53 WTMC63/65, WTXD83/85 View fault codes 1st position on right (cw) Extra Dry (Reg./Cot.) Extra Dry (Reg./Cot.) Safety test2nd position on right (cw) Very Dry (Reg./Cot.) Very Dry (Reg./Cot.) Display test (LED's/LCD's) 3rd position on right (cw) Regular Dry (Reg./Cot.) Regular Dry (Reg./Cot.) Control elements test 4th position on right (cw) Damp Dry (Reg./Co

Rigging and using a compressor test cord to manually operate a compressor

One of the many things that can make a refrigerator warm up is the compressor is trying but failing to start. You may occasionally hear this type of noise from the back of the refrigerator (starts about 15 seconds in): This is the sound of your compressor trying, but failing miserably, to start. Best case scenario: Bad compressor start relay. Worst case scenario: open compressor start winding or seized compressor bearing == buy a new refrigerator. Question: How do you tell which is which? Answ

Maytag Performa washer thrust bearing re-assembly order

If you ever have to replace the thrust bearing, basket drive hub, or snubber in one of these Maytag Performa top-loading washers, you may get the washers and spacers that comprise the thrust bearing out of order. Brother fairbank56 has put together this nifty roadmap showing the proper sequence for re-assembling the thrust bearing. If you boogar up or lose these parts, you can buy the replacement kit here: http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Basket-Drive-Hub-Kit/12002213/1042142

How to run each component in an Asko DW70 dishwasher from the control panel

A powerful and indispensable troubleshooting technique to use when working on any modern appliance with a computer control board is to run the self test built into the control board. Almost all control boards used in appliances today have some type of self test. The trick is knowing the key dance to get into it. The other trick is knowing how to interpret the results. Brother PDuff shares with us the key dance for putting an Asko DW70 dishwasher into self test mode where you can activate ea

The Warm Refrigerator Troubleshooting Flowchart

Refrigerator warming up and you can't think straight enough to figure out what's wrong because you're in a pure, blind panic? Well, you just unbunch them panties and sing along with the Samurai in his Warm Refrigerator Troubleshooting Flowchart and you'll have the problem figured out before you can say, "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis."

GE front load washer "Smart" dispense pedestal problem

If you ever run into one of these overly-"smart" GE front loaders with a "smart" dispense pedestal, Brother nickfixit offers these sage words of advice: Along with this tech bulletin from GE on this problem: http://appliantology.org/files/file/934-ge-profile-front-load-washer-smart-dispenser-inop-tech-bulletin/ Source: GE SPBD880J0MV detergent dispensing pedestal

GE Wall Oven: Display says "BAKE" but relays won't engage

Here's another tasty and expeditious troubleshooting tip from our friends at FixYourBoard.com, offering top quality control board re-building, specializing in bringing NLA control boards back from the dead. Here's something to watch out for when troubleshooting GE wall ovens. Same trick may apply to other brands and models. Source: GE Wall Oven: Display says "BAKE" but relays won't engage.

LG refrigerator frosting up inside the freezer, but it's not a defrosting problem

This has been a long-time vexing problem in some LG refrigerator models. You'll also see this on Kenmore and GE refrigerators that were built by LG. The unit defrosts properly but builds up rime ice inside the freezer looking like there's an air leak, like from a bad door seal. But the door seals are good and no source of air leak can be found. Brother Durham found this tech memo that explains it and offers the cure: a redesigned evaporator fan motor. Here's the upgraded evaporator fan:

Troubleshooting tip for Whirlpool inverter-type microwave ovens with an F7 error code

The high voltage system in microwave ovens is used to power the magnetron and generate the microwave sound energy that cooks the food. This voltage is in the range of 2,000 vdc. There are two ways of producing this high voltage. The older, conventional way is using a high voltage transformer, capacitor and rectifier. This is a pretty reliable configuration and easy to troubleshoot and repair. The other way of producing the high voltage for the magnetron is using an inverter board. These are ofte

Special repair trick for fixing an LE error code in LG front-load washers (and it's NOT the hall sensor)

As most people know after a quick search of the Internet, the LE error code in LG front-load washers is usually caused by a bad hall sensor, also called a rotor position sensor or RPS. Part number: AP4440680 The hall sensor is easy to test and replace, see this post at Fixitnow.com for detailed instructions. Okay, let's say you replaced the hall sensor because you believed it was bad and you're still getting that ding-dang infernal LE error code. What's a brutha to do? First off, don't go in

How to test and replace the ADC "Jazz" circuit board in Maytag and Amana refrigerators

The "Jazz" control board is what Whirlpool (makers of Amana and Maytag appliances) calls the Adaptive Defrost Control (ADC) board used in some models of french door and bottom-mount Maytag and Amana refrigerators. You can identify the Jazz control board by the two, single-digit digital displays for the freezer and fresh food temperature adjustment that are located at the top of the fresh food compartment. These Jazz boards fail pretty frequently. The two most common failure modes on these boards

Troubleshooting technique for checking the MCU in a Whirlpool Duet Sport washer

If you're dealing with a Whirlpool Duet Sport front load washer (also sold under the Maytag and Kenmore brands) that just beeps when you press the start button but doesn't lock the door or run, it can be tricky to figure what the problem is. The prime suspects are: CCU (central control unit), MCU (motor control unit), and the door latch assembly. Academy Fellow Trying to help offers this tip for checking the MCU to determine whether it's the cause of the problem or not. If it checks good, you ha

Wire harness madness to watch out for when replacing the evaporator fan in Kitchenaid built-in refrigerators

This Public Service Announcement is brought to you today by Brother fixyourboard of Fixyourboard.com fame, providing fast, expert rebuild and repair of NLA circuit boards: Here's the link to the PDF of the evaporator fan motor installation instructions: http://appliantology.org/files/file/867-whirlpool-fridge-8201589-evaporator-fan-instructions/ Source: KSSS42FK KA Built In Evap Fan not running after board/fan replacement
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