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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Tips for troubleshooting a Samsung dishwasher with an HE (heating element) error

This problem could manifest as the dishwasher running nonstop and not entering the drying cycle. Academy Fellow john63 points us in the right direction: Part links: Heating element ==> http://www.repaircli...Number=DMR78AHS Heater relay ==> http://www.repaircli...1000260/2028620 Door latch ==> http://www.repaircli...400002B/1603323 Main circuit board ==> http://www.repaircli...Number=DMR78AHS Source: Samsung DMR78AHS dishwasher runs nonstop and do not enters drying cycle

Mt. Ascutney with the Oz Man

Up and back to the West Peak of Mt. Ascutney via the Weathersfield Trail. Very icy trail conditions! The Oz Man and I both took several world class tumbles. I was wearing Yak Trax Pros because my Katoola microspikes broke. And full-blown 10-point crampons would've been overkill, even dangerous with the many rocks poking up out of the ice-- snag a crampon fang on one of those going down and you're going headlong down the mountain. Wish I had taken some pics of the trail but I got some other s

Appliantology is Your Key to Appliance Repair Service Call Success!

The Old Skool method of doing service calls was to go out on the call and pray to the pot bellied Buddha that the tech sheet was still hidden somewhere on the appliance. The plan being that, if the tech sheet was still there, you could stare at the lines and squiggles long enough to convince the customer you had reached a definitive and scientific conclusion about the problem.  My friends, I'm here to tell you that the Internet has made this Monkey Boy way of doing bidness obso-frikkin-lete

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Whirlpool Cabrio / Maytag Bravo / Kenmore Oasis Washer Tub Bearing and Seal Replacement Kit

Tub bearing failure and seal leaks are just one of the repair joys that await the unsuspecting owner of these machines, especially if you're using non-HE detergent. Used to be that when the tub bearing or seal failed, you have to replace the entire tub because Whirlpool didn't sell the bearing and seal separately. The tub assembly alone runs $300 Part number: AP5306816 After much wailing and gnashing of teeth from both victims, er, I mean owners of these machines and the professional applian

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

The Appliantology Live Tech Help Chatroom

Mah Breverens, As you may know, I hold weekly, live tech training webinars for Master Samurai Tech Academy students and I recently included Professional Appliantologist members here at Appliantology in those those webinars as well. I know, I know-- that was already a 10 on the Awesome Meter® and, just when you thought it wasn't humanly possible to get any more awesome value out of your Professional Appliantologist membership, we've gone and cranked it up to 11 by adding Live Tech Help! 

Troubleshooting technique for checking the MCU in a Whirlpool Duet Sport washer

If you're dealing with a Whirlpool Duet Sport front load washer (also sold under the Maytag and Kenmore brands) that just beeps when you press the start button but doesn't lock the door or run, it can be tricky to figure what the problem is. The prime suspects are: CCU (central control unit), MCU (motor control unit), and the door latch assembly. Academy Fellow Trying to help offers this tip for checking the MCU to determine whether it's the cause of the problem or not. If it checks good, you ha

Special repair trick for fixing an LE error code in LG front-load washers (and it's NOT the hall sensor)

As most people know after a quick search of the Internet, the LE error code in LG front-load washers is usually caused by a bad hall sensor, also called a rotor position sensor or RPS. Part number: AP4440680 The hall sensor is easy to test and replace, see this post at Fixitnow.com for detailed instructions. Okay, let's say you replaced the hall sensor because you believed it was bad and you're still getting that ding-dang infernal LE error code. What's a brutha to do? First off, don't go in
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