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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

Entries in this blog

Appliance Tech Certification: What does it mean? And who cares?

I get asked frequently about technician certification and there’s a lot of misunderstanding and confusion out there in the tech community about it. So I wanted to offer some thoughts that may help you think more clearly and realistically about this topic. The number one question you should ask yourself about any certification is, “What does it mean?”  Does it mean that someone simply paid a fee to take and pass a test? If so, is the person certified in this way a better technician as a

How to use the schematic to select and locate your test points on the appliance

This video shows the essential skill that all competent appliance repair techs should have: using the schematic to identify and locate your physical test points on an appliance. This process goes on both inside our heads and with our hands. This is the high skill, high dollar part of our job and it's what distinguishes real technicians from parts changing monkeys. We're using the example of a dual fuel range but this essential skill applies to any appliance. Learn appliance repair

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man in Tech Talk

How does this old skool dishwasher drain the water?

Y'all grab a cold one and gather 'round-- crusty ol' Samurai's gonna tell you a story. This here's a story about one o' them old skool dishwashers like yo momma had when you were still but a glimmer in yo pappy's eye. These old skool dishwashers didn't have a separate, dinky little drain pump motor like today's gelded dishwashers. Nawsir, these old skool dishwashers had just one big honkin' motor that did double duty washing (more like sandblasting) the dishes and draining the basin. They d

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man in Tech Talk

Appliantology March 2018 Peer Group Meeting

Fantastic Peer Group meeting last night! We had 5 presentations (including mine) and I want to thank the other presenters for doing such a fantastic job! We had almost 20 techs in attendance who stayed the full two hours. Good presentations, good discussion, good times!  Here's a listing of the presentations and presenters: Network marketing for your business, @Ed V New AHAM Guidance for Safe Servicing Appliances with Flammable Refrigerants, @KaveMan Dealing with Custo

How to replace the door handle on a GE Spacemaker JVM over-the-range microwave

So, you go to open the door on your GE Spacesaver microwave and the handle comes right off in your hand! What's a brutha to do? Well, bro, you have two choices: replace just the door handle or replace the entire door. Replacing the door is obvious and easy but costs six times more than replacing just the handle. And while the handle alone is a relatively inexpensive part, it can be a tricky endeavor for the neophyte. Sublime Master RegUS_PatOff tiptoes us through these tulips. Part link

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm thankful that the Great Forum Migration went as well as it did. Wasn't easy but it was definitely worth the hassle. I'll be out all morning, back for a little bit this afternoon and then off to some friends house for Thanksgiving dinner. Back here and online after that. Hope everyone has a great day with family and friends!

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to test and replace the heating element in an older-model Maytag electric dryer

Unplug the dryer and remove the front panel to get access to the heating element. This video has dissassembly and replacement instructions: And this video shows you how to test the heating element to see if it's grounded against the casing: Here's the part link for the heating element ==> http://www.repaircli...mber=MDE8600AYW Source: Maytag MDE8600AYW runs too hot

Back to Work!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving day with family and friends. Lots of people have the day off today but, alas, no such luxury for the Samurai. After a good morning constitutional, it's back to work! The other night in chat, BrntToast suggested that I start a forum just for tips and tricks on using and getting them most out this forum software since it's new for all the oldtimers here, including yours so freaking truly. Just did that this morning. You may have noticed the new forum cat

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Fixing a Whirlpool VM Washer that gets Stuck in the Cycle

This is the new Whirlpool top-loading high-efficiency washer, called the Vertical Modular Washer (VMW). The customer called in the complaint that her washer was not progressing in the cycle. Sometimes, the fix is easy... IF you understand how washers work and know what you're looking for. Watch as The Appliance Guru zeros right in on the problem with breathtaking speed. [media=] This customer is on a well (dug well, not a drilled well) and doesn't use any sediment filters in her water supply. T

How to test the auto load sensing switch in a Whirlpool/Kenmore 800 top loading washer

If you have the misfortune of owning one of these machines that takes away your ability to control water level (because supposedly it figures it out for you) then you need to know that you're not in Kansas anymore! These machines use an auto load sensing switch that's supposed to fill the tub with just the right amount of water based on how full it's loaded with clothes. Sounds great, right? Yeah, except it sucks. If your washer starts agitating right away when you start it, then you may ha

Troubleshooting an LG French Door Refrigerator with a Warm Freezer

The model number of this LG refrigerator is LFC25776ST/00. Customer reports that the freezer is warm but the fresh food compartment is still okay. Watch in amazement as The Appliance Guru hunts down the problem as if it were a wild, senseless beast. [media=] Unfortunately, the main PCB, p/n EBR67348002, is on national backorder so the customer will have to wait possibly up to a month to get her refrigerator fixed. If you live in the New London, NH, area and need fast, expert appliance repair se

Skip the registration process and sign right in with your Twitter log in

Added the Twitter Connect capability to the forum. Now new users can skip the registration rigamarole and just sign right in with their Twitter login on. They're automatically Grasshoppers and can ask questions in the Kitchen and Laundry forums. You can see it on the forum sign in page==> http://appliantology.org/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=login Note that if you're already logged in, you won't see it.

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

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