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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Hillstomping Update: Welch n' Dickey Loop

Good to finally be out on the trail again today after being sick for over a month! Still not 100% and definitely felt that on the trail as I was hacking up some really interesting greenies on the snow. Good thing I chose a shortish hike for my reappearance in the White Mountains. The Welch and Dickey Loop is a 4.5 mile hike that has one of the highest views-to-effort ratios in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Accompanied as always by my semper-fi canine hiking partner, The Oz Man, we st

What's wrong with this picture?

This is a picture from a recent service call I did. That white/translucent plastic tubing you see coming out of the floor and connecting to the gray PEX tubing on the refrigerator is a big No-No. That's a flood waiting to happen. Think about it: that plastic tubing us under household water pressure 24/7-- that's 40 to 60 psi. Combine that with with the fact that it gets hot behind a refrigerator that's pushed back against the wall, especially in summer. Heat... plastic... brittle... cracked or b

Want an Interesting and Lucrative Career? Skip College and Go Into Appliance Repair!

I was born in 1960. Both my parents were first-generation Americans, offspring of immigrants; my moms's side from Greece and my dad's side from Ireland via Canada. When I was growing up, the Kool-Aid was that you had to go college if you were going to be "somebody who mattered." My parents, both of the post-WWII Baby Boomer generation, totally drank that Kool-Aid and relentlessly bathed me in the College-Industrial complex propaganda: "Go to college and you'll earn more money." "Go to college to

Secrets of the Ten-Step Tango™ Troubleshooting Method Revealed!

I've been working with appliance techs online for over 20 years. One of the biggest changes I've seen in the tech community during that time is a steady decline in competence in troubleshooting electrical circuits. It's to the point today that many techs don't even know what real troubleshooting is or looks like. A common misunderstanding is that pattern recognition and parts changing are what constitute "troubleshooting."  Real troubleshooting starts with a succinct problem statement that an

The Master Samurai Tech Ten-Step Tango for Troubleshooting Appliances

Troubleshooting is the big missing skill among appliance techs today. This is the skill that distinguishes parts changing monkeys (PCMs) from Master Samurai Techs. It's the difference between a drunken street brawler making monkey jabs versus a trained MMA fighter making kill shots. PCMs will thrash about wildly, monkey-jabbing at components hoping to get lucky and usually end up getting their asses kicked. Anyone can monkey jab and the sad truth is that this is the dominant practice o

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to replace the lid switch in a Whirlpool VMW washer

Example model number: WTW5640XW Here's part link to the replacement lid switch... http://www.repaircli...0404050/1938607 And here's how to replace it: - Tape down the lid - Remove the top screw from both hinged in back of the control panel. - Slide the top panel forward about 1/2" - Raise the front of the top panel up a bit - While keeping the front lip lifted, push it back a bit - Now tilt the top panel up on the rear hinges. Click for large view - Uploaded with Skitch Source: Whirlpool Washe

[video] Troubleshooting a Kenmore-Electrolux Dual Fuel Range F30 Error Code

This dual fuel range was flashing an F30 error code. The tech sheet says this points to a problem with the RTD (temperature probe). A parts changing monkey reading only the error code description without looking at the schematic replaced the RTD only to have the exact same problem: F30 error code. Watch how a real technician uses both the tech sheet and the schematic to accurately diagnose the problem without guesswork.      Get online, on-demand 24/7 appliance repair train

MST Radio Episode 28 - The Biz of Selling New Appliances

Special guest, Justin Duby, with Just-in Time Appliance Repair in Grantspass, OR ( @applianceman97 here at Appliantology) joins us to talk about his experience selling new appliances and offer tips and advice for anyone thinking of adding this to their appliance service business. Also, at the end of the show, we give an update on the developing Facebook data-selling debacle that's unfolding. More info on this in my previous blog post.   You can subscribe and listen to th

When you buy a GE appliance, the initial purchase is just the beginning of your long, corporate gang rape

Hi, boys and girls! For today's excursion into Corporate Gang Rape™ excellence, we have a Frigidaire-built washing machine with a GE label slapped on it. Frigidaire parts will work in this machine just fine-- if you happened to know that it was built by Frigidaire in the first place. That's where the Master Appliantologists in the Samurai School come in. In this example, Master Reg shows us the difference in price for two identical motor control boards for this washing machine. The only di
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