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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Using Temperature Data Loggers to Solve Mysterious Refrigerator Temperature Problems

<p>As professional Appliantologists, we've all run into situations where we realized that we needed a way to log temperature data inside a refrigerator for at least 24 hours to get a clear picture of what's going on inside that box.  A couple of examples are:</p> <blockquote>Customer complains of warm temperatures in the beer compartment of her Maytag side-by-side refrigerator but says that the freezer compartment is fine (and we know how accurate customer temperature measureme

Ignorance and arrogance: a toxic combination in the appliance repair trade

The techs here at Appliantology and Master Samurai tech really are the exceptional techs in the trade today. The "techs" who comment on videos at YouTube: eh, not so much. Unfortunately, many of the "techs" at YouTube illustrate the biggest problem in the appliance repair trade today: parts changers who know a little and think they know it all.  A comment on this video from a PCM who’s been changing parts for 45 years (ie., 1 year of experience repeated 45 times) reveals much of what’s wron

How to replace the washer drive belt in an oldie Frigidaire LC-248J top-loading washing machine

Here's the part link to the belt ==> http://www.repaircli...5303280326/3235 And here're some purdy-pitcher previews of where you'll be working: Click for large view - Uploaded with Skitch Pump detail: Click for large view - Uploaded with Skitch Belt and Idler Pulley detail: Click for large view - Uploaded with Skitch Source: Frigidaire LC-248J Not Spinning, Belt Worn, Need Directions on Replacement

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

What looks different about this cheap Chinese replacement motor for a Kenmore or Whirlpool dryer compared to the OEM replacement motor?

Buying cheap, generic parts is always false economy and ends up costing you way more in the long run, not just dollars but aggravation, time spent here at this forum when you coulda been squeezin' on your lady-love... just sayin'. Don't waste time and money on cheap, imitation replacement parts-- come git you a real, OEM replacement motor with a one year return policy: Part number: AP3094245 Source: Kenmore electric dryer shuts off

New FREE Short Course: Appliantology 101 - Your Guide to the Ultimate Appliance Repair Information Tool

The internet has been a game-changer for the appliance repair industry. But it only works for you if you know how to work it! Information is key. Professional appliance repair techs work on so many brands and models that access to manuals for disassembly info, schematics, and specifications is a big factor in the success of the repair.  And with the increase in computerization of appliances, war-gaming the service call ahead of time has become critical for increasing first-call complet

How does the air baffle assembly work in this refrigerator?

1. Which wires are the power supply circuit for the damper motor?  2. What does that switch by the damper motor do?  3. What's with the line going from one side of the switch back to the board?    Hint: This is a dead simple circuit. The motor does not reverse direction of rotation. The schematic alone tells you everything you need to know. You do not need any additional “inside baseball.”   Don't let me down, comrades. First one to answer all three questions correctly w

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man in Tech Talk

Samurai Tech Academy Open House and Campus Tour

NOTE: The meeting details have been edited. Who: YOU! What: You've undoubtedly heard of the Samurai Tech Academy, where young apprentice appliantologists and seasoned appliance warriors alike come to hone their troubleshooting skills to razor-sharp deadly accuracy. Here, now, is the opportunity you've been longing for to peek behind the bamboo shades of the legendary dojo of Master Samurai Techs in training. Come join us for an open house and campus tour of the Samurai Tech Academy and watch wit

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 1

The inaugural episode of Master Samurai Tech Radio is out! We just submitted it to iTunes so the iTunes subscription link will take a few days to work. But meanwhile, you can download or stream it here: http://mastersamuraitech.com/master-samurai-tech-radio-episode-1/

Free Short Course from the Master Samurai Tech Academy: The Ten Step Tango Troubleshooting Procedure

Troubleshooting is the big missing skill among appliance techs today. In fact, many techs don’t even know what troubleshooting is and mistake pattern recognition and factoids for real troubleshooting. Classical troubleshooting is a structured and scientific method for thinking and solving appliance problems. There is a method to the madness! The Master Samurai Tech troubleshooting method is called the Ten Step Tango (TST). There are specific dance steps to troubleshooting, and we teach

Appliantology Newsletter: Get the Apprentice Advantage!

Appliantology NewsletterGet the Apprentice Advantage! July 30, 2012 The Appliantology AcademyPresents another award-winning issue of... It's All You Can Eat... FREE!In our continuing efforts to enhance your experience in getting the expert appliantological wisdom you need to repair your appliances, we have made some improvements to the Appliantology Academy. With over 200,000 posts in the Appliantology repair forums, a quick search using the box in the upper right-hand corner of this page or u

How to clear an error code in a Samsung washer display

Of course, if you haven't corrected the problem, it'll just come right back, but this is good information to know while troubleshooting an elusive problem. Buy parts for your Samsung washer with a 365-day return policy here ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/Samsung-Washing-Machine-Parts Source: Samsung WF328aaw-02 - Keep Losing Main PCB - OE Error

Customer Qualification: The Cheesedork Challenge

You are a cheesedork if... you resent paying anything to have me drive to your house to troubleshoot your appliance, even if you decide not to repair it. You are a cheesedork if... you call troubleshooting your appliance "just looking at it." You are a cheesedork if... you expect me to drop what I'm doing and get right over to your house, know exactly how to repair your appliance, have the part on my service van, and get it repaired in that same service call but you carp and whine nine ways to S

Solar-Powered Snowblower Service call on Mt. Cardigan

"Can you fly, Bobby?" by Zenzoidman, on Flickr Got called out to Mt. Cardigan for a service call on a solar-powered snowblower. Oh yeah, you betcha: the Samurai stays on the bleeding edge of technology and is experienced in repairing solar-powered appliances, too. Appliantology.org: The Samurai Appliance Repair Academy -- your one stop for ALL your appliance repair needs. Wrong Address? by Zenzoidman, on Flickr I thought this was the place but it's all boarded up. My GPS musta given me bum

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Unlocking a Stuck Door on a Maytag Whirlpool Alpha Platform Front Load Washer

In this scintillating safari into front load washer wasteland, Samurai Appliance Repair Man shows you how to manually unlock the door on a front load washer with the door stuck locked. This particular kata is for the Maytag-Whirlpool Alpha 2 platform front load washers but the same technique can be applied to most other models. To order parts, call our parts department at 877-803-7957
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