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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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How to replace the door handle on a GE Spacemaker JVM over-the-range microwave

So, you go to open the door on your GE Spacesaver microwave and the handle comes right off in your hand! What's a brutha to do? Well, bro, you have two choices: replace just the door handle or replace the entire door. Replacing the door is obvious and easy but costs six times more than replacing just the handle. And while the handle alone is a relatively inexpensive part, it can be a tricky endeavor for the neophyte. Sublime Master RegUS_PatOff tiptoes us through these tulips. Part link

How to replace the door boot seal in a Samsung front load washer

The Academy's Professor Emeritus of all things Samsung (and LG, too, BTW), john63, expertly guides us thru the hand jive for replacing the door boot seal on a Samsung front load washing machine ... You can buy the new door boot seal for your Samsung washer, as well as any other part you need, with a 365-day return policy ratcheer ==> http://www.repaircli...g-Machine-Parts Source: WF448AAP/XAC Door seal replacement

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to replace the defrost heater in a Samsung refrigerator

This is the kind where the engineers were smokin' some goot sheet and decided to make the defrost heater and integral part of the evaporator coil, I guess under the delusion that the heater would never burn out. I gotta git me some o' dat! Anyway, the replacement procedure is a bit more involved that in most other refrigerators. Now, for the first time ever in the Universe, Sublime Master of Appliantology Certified Tech Group 51 reveals his patented technique. Source: Samsung Ref Model #RS265LA

How to replace the chopper-mascerator blade in an LG Dishwasher

Many dishwashers have a part called the macerator or chopper to cut up larger chunks of food before sending the waster stream back to the wash impeller. These are not meant to function as a disposal but to protect the wash impeller from stray chunks of food that may be circulating in the dishwasher. The best way to prepare dishes for the dishwasher is to scrape off all the chunks with a fork and leave the rest. Don't pre-rinse because you'll just create a caustic slurry that will etch your gl

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to replace and reprogram the main control board on Bosch dishwashers

Replacing and re-programming the control in these Bosch dishwasher is a pretty straightforward job. But the instructions for the reprogramming are a little different from what you might actually see. Here's a video showing how to replace the control. And here are the written instructions from Bosch (click to enlarge): In the video, the re-programming portion is the last 30 seconds or so of the video. Notice that what they show in the video doesn't quite match up with what's shown in the

How to replace a broken drum baffle in a Whirlpool / Kenmore dryer

The drum baffles in a dryer are those plastic ridges that stick out in the drum. They look like this: Without those drum baffles, the clothes would get wadded up into a tangled ball that wouldn't dry werf a shi'ite. If one of the baffles is broken off inside your dryer, it's an easy and inexpensive repair. Here's the part link to the baffle ==> Dryer Drum Baffle And here's how to install it: Source: Clothes getting all tangled, bar came off Kenmore 80 series dryer

How to Remove the Main Control Board in a Bosch Ascenta Dishwasher

The Bosch Ascenta line of dishwashers disassemble very differently from the older Bosch dishwashers you may be familiar with. In the older Bosch's, the main control board is easily accessible in the door control panel, just like you would expect. But not with the Ascenta line. The Bosch engineers thought it would be a great idea to put the main control board way down at the bottom in back of the dishwasher so you have to pull the whole dishwasher out to get to it. Brother Chat calls the danc
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