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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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How to replace the door boot seal in a Samsung front load washer

The Academy's Professor Emeritus of all things Samsung (and LG, too, BTW), john63, expertly guides us thru the hand jive for replacing the door boot seal on a Samsung front load washing machine ... You can buy the new door boot seal for your Samsung washer, as well as any other part you need, with a 365-day return policy ratcheer ==> http://www.repaircli...g-Machine-Parts Source: WF448AAP/XAC Door seal replacement

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Official Appliantology Service Call Mugs™ now available

Brethren, we're always looking for new ways to establish credibility and trust with our customers. This is an especially difficult task in our trade because of the many hacks, shysters and parts-changing monkeys that infest our venerable Craft. Now you can instantly show your customers that you're not just another PCM-- nawsir, you can show them that you're an appliantological GOD with the Official Appliantology Service Call Mug™! There's just no surer way to inspire trust and confidence in

Whirlpool Cabrio / Maytag Bravo / Kenmore Oasis Washer Tub Bearing and Seal Replacement Kit

Tub bearing failure and seal leaks are just one of the repair joys that await the unsuspecting owner of these machines, especially if you're using non-HE detergent. Used to be that when the tub bearing or seal failed, you have to replace the entire tub because Whirlpool didn't sell the bearing and seal separately. The tub assembly alone runs $300 Part number: AP5306816 After much wailing and gnashing of teeth from both victims, er, I mean owners of these machines and the professional applian

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How Gas Dryers Work

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/mcipN8bvpa0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> To learn more about your dryer, or to order parts, click here.

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to test the keypads on the touchpanel of a Whirlpool dishwasher

If you have a flashing light above one of the keypads on your Whirlpool dishwasher, the keypad may be shorted. This does not apply to the Clean Light blinking in a sequence of seven blinks, pause, seven blinks, etc.; more on that here and here. The dishwasher's tech sheet is located behind the bottom kick panel. Remove the panel to retrieve the tech sheet-- it has a procedure for testing the key pads on the touchpanel. But in case someone with sticky fingers done stole your'n, this awwta g

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Valentine's Day and 21st Wedding Anniversary Dinner with Mrs. Samurai

I took Mrs. Samurai to the Inn at Pleasant Lake last night to celebrate both Valentine's Day and the 21st anniversary of our Greek Orthodox wedding (we had our pagan wedding two years prior-- we've been married for almost 23 years of pure bliss). The meal was a gourmet six-course affair at a flat rate of $72/seating. I have never had a meal like that! It began with a cocktail hour during which the chef and owner of the Inn came out and introduced the guests to the coming meal with mouth-wat

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Learn how to create an account so that you can get free, personalized help at the Appliantology Academy Forums

In her next amazing episode of the award-winning screencast rock opera, As the World Turns to Appliantology, Mrs. Samurai gently guides you through the short n' sweet registration process for becoming a new student, a Grasshopper, here at the Appliantology Academy. Grab some popcorn, kick back, and enjoy... <iframe src="http://www.screenr.com/embed/Goys" width="650" height="396" frameborder="0"></iframe> Watch the pilot episode of this inspiring rock opera screencast series here ==&

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Welcome! New here? Take a free tour of the beautiful Appliantology Academy campus!

Join Mrs. Samurai on a five-minute stroll through the beautiful campus of the Appliantology Academy. She'll point out some of the buildings and facilities here on campus to help you get to know your way around... <iframe src="http://www.screenr.com/embed/boys" width="650" height="396" frameborder="0"></iframe> COMING SOON: Stay tuned for Mrs. Samurai's next exciting screencast rock opera where she'll step you thru how to register as a new student in the Academy by clicking the gr

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

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