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How to test the auto load sensing switch in a Whirlpool/Kenmore 800 top loading washer

If you have the misfortune of owning one of these machines that takes away your ability to control water level (because supposedly it figures it out for you) then you need to know that you're not in Kansas anymore! These machines use an auto load sensing switch that's supposed to fill the tub with just the right amount of water based on how full it's loaded with clothes. Sounds great, right? Yeah, except it sucks. If your washer starts agitating right away when you start it, then you may ha

How to test and replace the heating element in an older-model Maytag electric dryer

Unplug the dryer and remove the front panel to get access to the heating element. This video has dissassembly and replacement instructions: And this video shows you how to test the heating element to see if it's grounded against the casing: Here's the part link for the heating element ==> http://www.repaircli...mber=MDE8600AYW Source: Maytag MDE8600AYW runs too hot

How to replace the door handle on a GE Spacemaker JVM over-the-range microwave

So, you go to open the door on your GE Spacesaver microwave and the handle comes right off in your hand! What's a brutha to do? Well, bro, you have two choices: replace just the door handle or replace the entire door. Replacing the door is obvious and easy but costs six times more than replacing just the handle. And while the handle alone is a relatively inexpensive part, it can be a tricky endeavor for the neophyte. Sublime Master RegUS_PatOff tiptoes us through these tulips. Part link

How to test the motor in a Whirlpool Duet Sport - Kenmore HE2 Plus front load washer

If your front load washer isn't spinning or tumbling the drum, the three big components to test are the door latch assembly, the motor control board, and the motor. Usually details for these tests are given in the tech sheet inside the washer. Here are some tips from Sublime Master Willie for testing the motor using an ohm meter: Source: Kenmore HE2 Plus, mod# 110.47511701. Won't agitate or spin

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Whirlpool Duet Sport - Kenmore washer leaving clothes sopping wet at the end of the cycle

So your Whirlpool Duet Sport or (Kenmore equivalent) washer is leaving your clothes sopping wet at the end of the wash cycle? It seems to be tumbling the clothes okay and it pumps the water out but it never kicks into high speed spin. Sublime Master tronicsmasta has some inside scoop on the fix: Part link ==> Motor Control Unit Source: Whirlpool duet washer WFW9750WW01

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to retrieve the error codes and enter diagnostic mode in a Whirlpool Duet Sport - Kenmore front load washer

If your washer stops mid-wash or starts flashing an error code or won't start at all, the first thing you'll want to do is retrieve any error codes that may be stored in the control module. This can give you a clue on where to start hunting for the problem. Grand Master Reg has posted the procedure for entering service mode in your washer so you can read any stored error codes and run the built-in diagnostic program: Source: Kenmore Front Loader Flashing Lights Mod#110.46462501

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to retrieve the error codes in a Frigidaire Affinity front load washer

If you're having a problem with your Frigidaire washer, such as it won't start, one of the first things you'll want to do is get any error codes that may be stored in the control board. This can help point you in the right direction for finding and fixing the problem. Grand Master Reg gives us the key dance for this little procedure: Source: Frigidare Affinity ATF7000EG0 won't start

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to replace the plastic condenser fan motor kit in an Amana-Kenmore refrigerator

This is kind of a funky little condenser fan motor kit to install and can be confusing, especially since the kit doesn't come with destructions. Here's the condenser fan motor kit ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Condenser-Fan-Motor/12002738/1256875 Just be sure to use wire ties to secure fan motor leads back away from fan motor blade. This will prevent leads from blocking condenser fan blade. Master Willie offers some additional insight and analysis: Source: kenmore 59652673202

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to fix an LG front loading washer that won't complete final spin gives UE error

The UE error code is an imbalance error. If you've recently moved the washer from one location to another, then you have to think about transport and new working location for the washer. Transport: See this post ==> All about those elusive shipping bolts that come with LG front loading washers New Location: Brother john63 catechizes us in his latest sermon. Let's listen: Source: LG WM2487HWM won't complete final spin gives UE error

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

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