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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Dryer Photo Challenge

As seen on our Facebook and Google+ pages: our latest "What's Wrong with this Picture?" quiz... Problem: Answer: Solution: LintAlert: http://amzn.to/1vJ4hEl LintAlert: http://amzn.to/1vJ4hEl

Dryer Auto Dry cycle not working - a simple fix using the Dean's Method

Most dryers have an Auto Dry cycle where it sense the dryness of the clothes and adjusts the cycle time accordingly. Sometimes, clothes will stop drying properly on the Auto Dry cycle but still dry normally on the Timed Dry cycle. Brother john63, the Dean of LG Appliantology, has developed a simple procedure to correct this problem and it works on all brands and models of dryers with an Auto Dry feature. Source: Samsung Dryer DV350AEW/XAA auto dry not working

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Dragonfly Theatre on Mt. Ascutney

Check out the dragonflies swarming at Gus's Lookout on Mt. Ascutney as they snatch mosquitoes mercilessly from the sky keeping the trails safe for hikers.   <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/46163053" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

Double-extra Special Secret Tip for Troubleshooting a GE Refrigerator that's DOA

If you're working on a GE refrigerator that's dead in the water and you've checked for a good 120vac power supply right up to the J11 connector on the muthaboard, then try this troubleshooting tip from Brother BryanS: The muthaboard diagram below shows the location of the J2 connector of which Brother BryanS speaks: You can see a bigger version of the muthaboard diagram here. If it the refrigerator starts running with the J2 connector unplugged, you should replace BOTH the affected fan motor

Don't confuse Old Skool with Dumb Skool

Most techs today work by the philosophy of "tear down first, use the meter later." They claim that this is "old school. I'm old school and I'm here to tell you that is absolute BS. Let's take an all-too common, simple example: dryer keeps blowing the TCO. I can't tell you the number of techs I hear talk about disassembling the dryer, replacing the TCO, only to have it blow again soon after. And they have no idea what's going on or how to even troubleshoot this problem. As an old school tech

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man in Tech Talk

Do the Evaporators in Whirlpool Dual Evaporator Refrigerators have Leak Problems?

We're starting to hear lots of reports of frequent instances of leaking evaporators in the newer Whirlpool dual evaporator refrigerators. Brother PDuff brings this Whirlpool Service Pointer to our attention: And Brother CubbieBear84 reports this: Something to keep in mind if you're called out on one of these with a warm compartment complaint. Source: model WRF989SDAF00 whirlpool frig.

Dishwasher Filmology: Handling Hard Water and Mineral Buildup Problems in Today's Wimpy Dishwashers

Intro The dishwashers being made today ain’t like yo mamma’s dishwasher. Dishwashers made as recently as 1997 used big honkin’ motors that practically sandblasted your dishes clean and then reversed direction to pump the water out. They used a lot more energy and water than the delicate little dainties being made today. They also lasted much longer and weren’t as prone to having problems with mineral buildup inside of ‘em… but don’t get me started on that rant. Prodded along by the Beltway Bandi

Digital Data Communications in Appliances - Samsung Dryer

Most appliances today use computers to control the various appliance functions. Computers talk in logical 1's and 0's which are actually pulses or square waves of voltage that you can see on an oscilloscope or measure with a meter. These pulses are arranged in a specific sequence to transmit and receive information inside the appliance. In this video, the Samurai uses a Samsung dryer to show you what these pulses look like and how to use this information for troubleshooting. Come with me no

Dielectric Grease: Myths and Reality

There's a lot of misinformation and mythology out there in the tech community about the use of dielectric grease on electrical connections. Some techs, knowing that the word "dielectric" refers to an electrically insulating material, mistakenly conclude that dielectric grease should never be used on electrical connections. This is based on a misunderstanding about how dielectric grease works. Dielectric grease has two main properties that make it especially desirable specifically for use on elec

Diagnosing Catastrophic Front Load Washer Drum Bearing and Inner Basket Failures

Front Load Washers Rule! First, lemme start off by saying I love front load washers. I think they offer the best clothes washing technology out there combining low water use with a gentle tumble wash that's easy on the fabrics, making your clothes last longer, and does a very thorough job of cleaning the clothes compared to the high efficiency (HE) top load washers. We're a family of five with dogs and cats. We've used a front load washer for over 16 years at our house and, aside from routine r

Diagnosing a Couple of Problems with the Door on a Frigidaire Dishwasher

The door on this dishwasher has a couple things going on with it: it falls down heavily when it's opened and the front panel is separating from the rest of the door. The customer called me in to assess the problems and give an estimate for the repairs so they could decide whether to repair or replace the dishwasher. Watch with shock and awe as The Appliance Guru immediately hones in on the problems with the accuracy and precision that only his calibrated eyeballs can bring to the job! [media=]

Defective customers and Youtube

There's a lot of great stuff on Youtube on just about any topic you're interested in. You can even find detailed how-to information on appliance repair, for which the premiere, go-to channel is this one. But unless you know how to apply what you're seeing on Youtube to your exact, specific appliance repair problem, then Youtube videos just become a source of noise and confusion. In fact, if you are someone specially endowed with the Cheesedork mentality, then Youtube videos will only make you d

Daughter of Samurai's Big Fat Greek Wedding: The Movie

My daughter got married September 2 this year in Syracuse, NY. It was a Big Fat Greek wedding just like in the eponymous movie. I'm half Greek and half white so my family contributed a little, watered-down Greekness. But my daughter married into a huge and very Greek family. The reception was a blast: open bar with beer, wine, mixed drinks; live Greek band; lots of Greek dancing, partying and having a good time. There was so much prep leading up to the wedding that I got behind my other work an

Customer Qualification: The Cheesedork Challenge

You are a cheesedork if... you resent paying anything to have me drive to your house to troubleshoot your appliance, even if you decide not to repair it. You are a cheesedork if... you call troubleshooting your appliance "just looking at it." You are a cheesedork if... you expect me to drop what I'm doing and get right over to your house, know exactly how to repair your appliance, have the part on my service van, and get it repaired in that same service call but you carp and whine nine ways to S

Countdown to Takeoff

Today's zie big day: the pilgrimage to Mount Athos, the Holy Mountain, in Greece. It all starts with a two hour bus ride to Boston Logan airport. After clearing the TSA anal cavity check, we'll have a seven hour, bone crushing flight to Zurich where we'll enjoy a five hour wait for our connecting flight. Mmm, five hours hanging around a stinking airport with blaring loud speakers and and constant threats of more body cavity violation. Jealous yet? From there, we'll take another five hour fl

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

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