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Troubleshooting tip for fixing an Amana NED7200TW (Samsung-built) electric dryer that's not heating

Being a Samsung-built dryer, this one can throw you a curve ball if you're not used to thinking like a Korean. Fortunately, Doctor John is fluent in Korean Dryerese and sets us on the right track: Here's the part link for the thermistor ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Thermistor/35001191/1185513?modelNumber=NED7200TW10 And, for reference and enrichment, here's the schematic for this dryer: Click for large view - Uploaded with Skitch Source: Amana NED7200TW Dryer no heat, problem

How to Changeout a Shaft and Mode Shifter Assembly on a GE Top Loading Washer

The shaft and mode shifter assembly is used on the GE "Hydrowave" line of top loading washers. These washers has the motor with the inverter board mounted on top of it. The inverter board has an LED that flashes on and off according to an error condition or standby that it's reporting. See the table below: As you can see above, if the LED on the perverter board is flashes in a sequence of four flashes, this indicates a problem with the mode shifter circuit or mechanism. More info on access

How to fix a Samsung dual-evaporator refrigerator where the beer compartment keeps icing up

This fix is for the Samsung-built refrigerators (includes some GE's) with two evaporator coils: one in the freezer compartment and a second one in the beer compartment (most refrigerators just have a single evaporator coil in the freezer compartment). The problem here is that ice would be left in the condensate drain pan after defrost (see below) which would build up to a solid chunk of ice. Here's a clever, low-cost solution: Source: defrost failure samsung model RS2555SL

The Warm Refrigerator Troubleshooting Flowchart

Refrigerator warming up and you can't think straight enough to figure out what's wrong because you're in a pure, blind panic? Well, you just unbunch them panties and sing along with the Samurai in his Warm Refrigerator Troubleshooting Flowchart and you'll have the problem figured out before you can say, "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis."

LG refrigerator frosting up inside the freezer, but it's not a defrosting problem

This has been a long-time vexing problem in some LG refrigerator models. You'll also see this on Kenmore and GE refrigerators that were built by LG. The unit defrosts properly but builds up rime ice inside the freezer looking like there's an air leak, like from a bad door seal. But the door seals are good and no source of air leak can be found. Brother Durham found this tech memo that explains it and offers the cure: a redesigned evaporator fan motor. Here's the upgraded evaporator fan:

No-parts field repairs on two dryers with failed timers

I had two service calls recently on two different dryers with the same problem: the motor wouldn't run.  These are two different dryers: one an old skool Whirlpool-built unit with the lint filter on the top panel and the other a Maytag Neptune-style dryer. Different disassembly, wiring, and schematics, and completely different timers. But in both cases, the problem was the same--a burnt contact in the timer (failed open so would not close). In the two videos below, I show you how

[Tech Tip] How to find Whirlpool tech sheets at Appliantology quicker using the PUB number

We have have a huge and growing library of technical literature here at Appliantology. If, after searching the Downloads section using the techniques shown in the how-to search video, you're not finding what you need, I have a trick for you that applies to all Whirlpool-built appliances, including those that are Kenmore-branded Whirlpool-built.  Whirlpool-built appliances include the following brands: Whirlpool Kitchenaid Jenn-Air Amana Maytag some

Do the Evaporators in Whirlpool Dual Evaporator Refrigerators have Leak Problems?

We're starting to hear lots of reports of frequent instances of leaking evaporators in the newer Whirlpool dual evaporator refrigerators. Brother PDuff brings this Whirlpool Service Pointer to our attention: And Brother CubbieBear84 reports this: Something to keep in mind if you're called out on one of these with a warm compartment complaint. Source: model WRF989SDAF00 whirlpool frig.

Using the Tech Sheet Schematic to Root Out Appliance Gremlins

We all love those jobs where, given the brand, model, and problem description, you walk into the house already knowing what the problem is. After you've worked as an appliance tech for a while, you start noting that every machine has weak points and particular failure patterns. Some failures become so well-known that the manufacturer will issue a service bulletin on it. But what about those jobs where it's not a clear case of plug n' chug, in other words, where you DON'T know exactly what part t

Tips for troubleshooting a Samsung dishwasher with an HE (heating element) error

This problem could manifest as the dishwasher running nonstop and not entering the drying cycle. Academy Fellow john63 points us in the right direction: Part links: Heating element ==> http://www.repaircli...Number=DMR78AHS Heater relay ==> http://www.repaircli...1000260/2028620 Door latch ==> http://www.repaircli...400002B/1603323 Main circuit board ==> http://www.repaircli...Number=DMR78AHS Source: Samsung DMR78AHS dishwasher runs nonstop and do not enters drying cycle

Samsung Dryer Troubleshooting and Electric Circuits Review

Many techs have trouble interpreting a schematic diagram and understanding how to use it for troubleshooting. In this webinar, held on March 29, 2019, we used a Samsung electric dryer and a GE double oven as case studies to review electric circuit principles and troubleshooting. Some of the topics we talked about: Neutral sensing in Samsung dryers: what that means, what it does, and how it affects troubleshooting Series and parallel circuits and how to identify them on a real-worl

Tip for Testing the Door Switches in a Microwave Oven

Most microwave ovens have three safety microswitches in the door latch assembly. The diagram below is typical: These microswitches aren't the most robust switches ever made and can be down right squirrely. They may test good one minute and then look bad the next. When a switch looks flakey like that, trust your meter and just replace it. Chief jumptrout's experience with this is typical: Source: Weird microswitch

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Gas range goes BOOM! after a particular stove burner is lit

In this adventure into appliance dysfunction, the customer called me with a scary problem with her gas range. After she would fire up the left-front (LF) cooktop burner and it was on for less than a minute, a big flash-boom would erupt from underneath the burners. I reproduced the problem when I was there and it was a pretty impressive explosion! I wish I had gotten video of it but thought better of repeating it. I knew I was dealing with a gas leak and had to get to the burner gas supply tubes

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

GE Refrigerator Repair Survival Kit

Brother Durham has assembled a very handy collection of essential technical manuals and tools needed when working on GE refrigerators. Brethren, let us attend: Adding a couple shameless plugs of my own... How to test GE refrigerator fan motors with a 9-volt battery: http://appliantology.org/topic/45190-how-to-test-the-evaporator-and-condenser-fan-motors-in-a-ge-refrigerator-with-a-9-volt-battery/ How to troubleshoot GE inverter compressors: http://appliantology.org/topic/44976-troubleshooting-an

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Troubleshooting a Thermador Wall Oven F34 error code with ZERO disassembly

You arrive on the call for Thermador wall oven. Complaint: F34 error code-- cooling fan rotation problem-- shown on the display when the oven is turned on. As a black belt in the martial art of schematic-fu, you pull up the schematic on your tablet computer. With one simple move, you identify the exact cause of the problem with ZERO disassembly.  Question: What slick move did you make to identify the specific cause of the problem with ZERO disassembly?     

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man in Tech Talk

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