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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Samurai Tech Academy Certification: A Standard of Excellence

Being a “Certified Appliance Repair Technician” sounds impressive and can open doors with employers and customers. But when people look into where your certification came from, will it pass scrutiny? Read on as we explain how to evaluate the merit of Samurai Tech Academy certification: http://mastersamuraitech.com/samurai-tech-academy-certification-standard-excellence/

How to Pick the Best Appliance Repair School

Training is THE hot topic in the appliance repair trade these days. Experienced techs want to up their troubleshooting game and keep up with the newer models, and many new folks are looking for training in a skilled trade so they can get a job or start a business. Manufacturers and multi-truck operations have an ongoing virtual manhunt for skilled appliance repair techs. But they just don't exist because new technicians are not entering the trade at the same rate as old servicers are retiring. [

Dryer Photo Challenge

As seen on our Facebook and Google+ pages: our latest "What's Wrong with this Picture?" quiz... Problem: Answer: Solution: LintAlert: http://amzn.to/1vJ4hEl LintAlert: http://amzn.to/1vJ4hEl

Schematic Diagrams, Timing Charts, and Open Neutrals

Here's an excerpt of a 20-minute training video now available in the Fundamentals of Appliance Repair training course on how to use the schematic diagram and timing chart to troubleshoot a problem with a washer drain pump that would not operate. The drain pump itself was good and getting voltage. Turns out that the problem was an open neutral. The full training video explains these important troubleshooting concepts in detail: - how to break down a complicated schematic and read it to solve th

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

A Unique Approach for Responding to Negative Yelp Reviews

Recently, someone posted a bogus, malicious review about our appliance service business on Yelp. We had never worked for the reviewer nor had a service call that went anything like what he described. We think it may have been posted by a competitor. But this doesn't stop Yelp from posting it or allowing it to remain. There are two ways to deal with such reviews on Yelp, both of which are focused on perception damage control and so are written with the potential customer in mind. But they are ver

Master Appliance Repair at the Samurai Tech Academy

Things are hopping at the Samurai Tech Academy as we now have a steady stream of students, and quite a few enthusiastic graduates already. Here's a new presentation video for the Samurai Tech Academy that we created for the Sample Course page at the Academy site to introduce the course to prospective students. My two sons, Stephen and Sam, put together the presentation and wrote the script and I'm the big-mouth talking it through. Check it out! This Christmas, give the gift of learning to some

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

What's wrong with this picture?

This is a picture from a recent service call I did. That white/translucent plastic tubing you see coming out of the floor and connecting to the gray PEX tubing on the refrigerator is a big No-No. That's a flood waiting to happen. Think about it: that plastic tubing us under household water pressure 24/7-- that's 40 to 60 psi. Combine that with with the fact that it gets hot behind a refrigerator that's pushed back against the wall, especially in summer. Heat... plastic... brittle... cracked or b

Huge discount on Professional Appliantologist membership for students at the Samurai Tech Academy

As if lifetime access to all the comprehensive training packed into the courses at the Samurai Tech Academy wasn't enough of a benefit, we've gone one better and turned it up to 11! Now, students enrolled in any course at the Samurai Tech Academy get a huge discount on the Professional Appliantologist membership fee here at Appliantology. Get the scoop here.

Everything you ever wanted to know about those new Evernote enex ZIP files in the Downloads section

You may have noticed the recent files added to the Downloads section of the site have a funny ending not seen here before: Evernote enex ZIP. There's a not very long and maybe less interesting story about these files. I'll also tell you how to use them. Periodically, I run across paper service bulletins (actual paper! I mean who does that?) that are worth storing for later retrieval. A great source of these is the MSA World magazine where they include lots of manufacturer service bulletins in th

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to build your own custom library of tech documents on a Kindle Fire, iPad, or other tablet in 4 easy steps!

Having the right technical document with you on a service call and knowing how to use it are the two key ingredients to getting an appliance properly diagnosed and repaired. Does that mean that you should try to find a mobile device that is already pre-loaded with appliance repair technical documents? There are several downsides to this approach, including the fact that you don’t know how current or relevant the pre-loaded docs are. Instead, you can easily create your own information arsenal usi

How to Remove the Main Control Board in a Bosch Ascenta Dishwasher

The Bosch Ascenta line of dishwashers disassemble very differently from the older Bosch dishwashers you may be familiar with. In the older Bosch's, the main control board is easily accessible in the door control panel, just like you would expect. But not with the Ascenta line. The Bosch engineers thought it would be a great idea to put the main control board way down at the bottom in back of the dishwasher so you have to pull the whole dishwasher out to get to it. Brother Chat calls the danc

How the Energy Star Requirements are (unwittingly) Protecting the Appliance Repair Trade

Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a fan of Big Gubmint-- it is far too impersonal, too easily bought and controlled by large corporate interests, and always anathema to individual liberty, security, and creativity. But, once in a while, Big Gubmint's meddlesome and doltish regulations have the unwitting effect of benefiting a narrow group of little people, like us. The Energy Star requirements are a case-in-point. Thanks to the Energy Star requirements, manufacturers are making appliances

Want an Interesting and Lucrative Career? Skip College and Go Into Appliance Repair!

I was born in 1960. Both my parents were first-generation Americans, offspring of immigrants; my moms's side from Greece and my dad's side from Ireland via Canada. When I was growing up, the Kool-Aid was that you had to go college if you were going to be "somebody who mattered." My parents, both of the post-WWII Baby Boomer generation, totally drank that Kool-Aid and relentlessly bathed me in the College-Industrial complex propaganda: "Go to college and you'll earn more money." "Go to college to

Do the Evaporators in Whirlpool Dual Evaporator Refrigerators have Leak Problems?

We're starting to hear lots of reports of frequent instances of leaking evaporators in the newer Whirlpool dual evaporator refrigerators. Brother PDuff brings this Whirlpool Service Pointer to our attention: And Brother CubbieBear84 reports this: Something to keep in mind if you're called out on one of these with a warm compartment complaint. Source: model WRF989SDAF00 whirlpool frig.
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