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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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How to replace the door handle on a GE Spacemaker JVM over-the-range microwave

So, you go to open the door on your GE Spacesaver microwave and the handle comes right off in your hand! What's a brutha to do? Well, bro, you have two choices: replace just the door handle or replace the entire door. Replacing the door is obvious and easy but costs six times more than replacing just the handle. And while the handle alone is a relatively inexpensive part, it can be a tricky endeavor for the neophyte. Sublime Master RegUS_PatOff tiptoes us through these tulips. Part link

Orifice Size Code Markings for LG Gas Stove Burners

The orifice hoods are the little brass hoods that screw down on the gas jet that supplied the stove burners in a gas stove. Their purpose is to meter the correct amount of gas into the air-fule mixture that gets ignited at the burner ring. The diameters of the orifice vary with the BTU rating of the burner and the type of fuel being burned. Professor john63 provides us this handy listing of orifice metering hood size codes for LG gas cooktops and ranges: Source: LG Center Burners

How to install the heater kit on the dispenser of a GE refrigerator to stop it from freezing water in the tube

So you thawed out the dispenser supply tube and now the dispenser works again. All good, right? Wrong. Yes, you still need to install the heater kit. Don't believe me? Yeah, I know, I'm just a semi-lucid, mostly-fermented Samurai so, heck, I don't blame you-- half the time, I don't believe me, either! But perhaps you'll believe Chief Master Appliantologist DurhamAppliance: Here's the part link to the heater kit ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Heating-Element/WR49X10173/1381601 Here

Normal gas burner operation sequence in a gas dryer

My old guru, AT1 Crowe, used to tell me, "Look, sailor, how you gonna even begin to troubleshoot equipment to figure out what's wrong if you don't know what right is?" Applying this flawless logic to gas dryers, if the burner in your gas dryer ain't firing up, you gotta at least start by knowing what the correct operation sequence is. Grand Master Reg lays it out for us: To learn more about your dryer or to order parts, click here. Source: Kenmore Dryer 110.73942101 - no heat

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Whirlpool Duet washer F1E1 error

If you're getting the f1e1 error code even after replacing the CCU, it means the CCU is (still) bad. Professor of Appliantology john63 gives us the poop on this one: Buy the replacement CCU with a 365-day return policy here ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Control-Board/W10309219/1876151?RCAID=24038 Source: Whirlpool duet washer mod# wfw9250ww01

Twas the night before Christmas and the oven control board was repaired…

It was a cold December day when the call came in. Just a few days before Christmas. Gas oven no bake and loads of family coming to visit from out of town. The customer was desperate, hoping for a Christmas miracle. Things were looking grim when it turned out NOT to be the igniter, but the control board. Not only was the board not available for several weeks, but it didn't even make sense to spend that kind of money on this older, POS range. And yet, there was no time to get a replacement range i

How to replace the door boot seal in a Samsung front load washer

The Academy's Professor Emeritus of all things Samsung (and LG, too, BTW), john63, expertly guides us thru the hand jive for replacing the door boot seal on a Samsung front load washing machine ... You can buy the new door boot seal for your Samsung washer, as well as any other part you need, with a 365-day return policy ratcheer ==> http://www.repaircli...g-Machine-Parts Source: WF448AAP/XAC Door seal replacement

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

A warning about buying cheap appliance parts from Amazon or Ebay

Like to shop around Amazon or Ebay for cheap stuff, including appliance parts? Did you know that you may be buying either cheap Chinese knock-off parts or used parts? Do these parts come with a one year replacement or refund warranty? No? Hmm... did you know that all parts purchased here at Appliantology.org are new, OEM parts that can be returned for a refund or replacement for 1 year, including electrical parts like circuit boards that have already been installed? Yeah, I know, it's insane! Ye

Troubleshooting Clumping Ice in an Ice Maker Bucket and not Dispensing Properly

If your refrigerator has an ice and water dispenser, one of the things that may happen is that the ice in the bucket stops coming out the chute when you push the ice lever in the dispenser. This problem can be a real head scratcher to track down and Brother DurhamAppliance offers some sagacious tips and tricks for whuppin' up on it: To learn more about your refrigerator of to order parts, click here. Source: GE refrigerator not dispensing ice

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

LG Refrigerator Compressor Start Relay Madness

Every now and then, you run into a real CF when you're trying to order a part to fix an appliance. A case in point is trying to get a start relay kit for some models of LG refrigerators, such as the LFX25960ST. Grand Master kdog, adept extroidinaire of all things appliance repair, explains how to de-frak this mess: Here's the link to the start relay you need ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Relay-and-Overload-Kit/4387835/586449 Source: LG Fridge Model# LFX25960ST, Totally Stumpe

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

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