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Appliance Repair Tech Tips

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Avoid These PCM Control Board Troubleshooting Mistakes by Using the Ten-Step Tango

A lot of techs lose their heads when it comes to control boards. This leads to the classic PCM behavior of "throw a part at it and hope it works." But isn't there a better way of troubleshooting computer-controlled appliances?

Of course there is. With a concrete and logical troubleshooting plan like the Ten-Step Tango, you can troubleshoot any appliance with a control board with confidence. In fact, in many ways, a control board being present makes it easier to do your troubleshooting.

How? That's exactly what we show in this latest webinar recording. Topics include:

  • Using the Ten Step Tango to structure every troubleshoot and avoid costly blunders
  • Identifying AC and DC loads and switches on a schematic
  • Identifying explicit, implicit, and omitted specs in documentation and performing your tests accordingly
  • Locating EEPs to make convenient tests with minimal disassembly
  • ...and more!

This and our dozens of other technical training webinar recordings are only viewable by premium tech members at Appliantology.

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Want to watch this webinar and dozens others like it? Click here to become a premium tech member today.

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