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I have an Admiral ATW4475VQ1 top loading washing machine that tries to shake itself apart every time it's in the spin cycle. I've already done a few things to find/fix the issue, but it's still not much better. The things I've tried: 1)making sure the washer is level 2) making sure the laundry load is balanced 3) replacing the 3 suspension springs 4)checking the pads under the drum The machine is level, loads are balanced, and the pads look fine. Replacing the springs helped a little, in that the drum doesn't bang against the sides much anymore, but the whole machine shakes worse than it did. It'll try and walk itself out of its closet if I don't sit on it. I'm not a professional, so I'm not sure what to look for next. Any insight, tutorial links, etc. would be greatly appreciated by me and probably my downstairs neighbors. Cheers!
Old Admiral stove ARE35083 gradually stopped working
ingwis posted a topic in DIY Appliance Repair Help
Model # ARE35083 So we have an Admiral stove which is at least 15 years old. It had been working fine but at one point last year 2 of the burners stopped working. We were fine just using the other ones. Then the other day, I was using the remaining 2 burners at the same time, and everything stopped working, from the oven to all the stovetop burners to the timer. I tried resetting the breaker from the circuit panel but that did nothing. I saw something online about how some ovens have a reset button on the unit but I don't see anything like that. Anyway I figured since the last problem happened after a certain demand on several parts at once, it was a fuse issue so I bought a bunch of fuses to replace them, but turns out I have to go back to the store as they're not all the same wattage and I'm missing a few. So I was wondering if someone could confirm that it's a simple fuse replacement issue before I go spending more money on fuses? It would be greatly appreciated as we are students with a low budget! Needless to say I know next to nothing about this stuff so please dumb it down a little lol! Have a fantastic day! -
Admiral Amana Crosley Magic Chef Washer Tech Bulletin - New Hub and Seal
Samurai Appliance Repair Man posted a file in Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper
Version 1.0.0
Models Policy Letter √ Service Information Service Managers √ Service and Parts Managers Current Production: NAV2335AWW, PAVT910AWW, CW5500W, CAV2005AWW, AAV7000AWW, NAV3335AWW, CW6500W, CAV4004AWW, PAVT920AWW, AAV8005EWW, NAV5805AWW, CW9505W, NAV8805EWW, MAV1655AWW, MAV1755AWW, PAV2755AAW, MAV2755AJW, MAV275SAWW, PAV3855AAW, MAV3855AGW, MAV3855AKW, MAV385SAWW, MAV5920AGW, AAV4000AWW, CAV1004AWW, HAV1200ARW, HAV1200AWW, PAVT915AWW, AAV7000AGW, AAV7000AJW, AAV7000AKW, CAV2004AJW, CAV2004AKW, NAV2335AJW, AAV8000AGW, AAV8000AJW, CAV4004AGW, AAV9000AGW, HAV4200AKW, HAV4200ATW, HAV4200AWW, MAV208DAWW, MAV2755AWW, MAV2757AWW, MAV308DAWW, MAV3757AWW, MAV3758AWW, MAV3855AWW, MAV3905AWW, MAV3955EWW, MAV408DAWW, MAV4755AWW, MAV4757AWW, MAV4758AWW, MAV551EEWW, MAV5758EWW, MAV5920EWW, MAVT236AWW, MAVT346AWW, MAVT446AWW, MAVT546EWW Previous Production: MAV5960AW*, MAV6200AW*, MAV7200AW*, MAV7600AW*, MAV7700AW*, MAV7650AW*, MAV9600EW*, MAV7600AG*, MAV7600BG*, MAV6300AG*, MAV6300BG*, MAV7750AG*, MAV7750BG*, MAV7450AW*, MAV7580EW*, MAV7357AW*, MAV6357AW*, MAV7358AW*, MAV7757AW*, MAV8757AW*, MAV6650AW*, MAV9750AW*, MAV8551AW*, MAV7551AW*, MAV6451AW*, MAV6358AW*, MAVT634AW*, MAVT834AW*, MAV6260AW*, MAV6548AW*, MAV6601AW*, MAV7260AW*, MAV8260AW*, MAV8601AW*, MAV9501EW*, MAV7501EW*, MAV6300CG*, MAV7600CG*, MAV7750CG*, PAV2200AW*, PAV2300AW*, PAV5000AW*, CAV2000AG*, CAV2000AJ*, CAV2000AK*, CAV2000AW*, CAV4000AW*, CAV4050AW*, MAV2200AJ*, PAV2200AA*, PAV2200AK*, PAV2360AW*, PAV3200AA*, PAV3240AW*, PAV3200AW*, PAV3300AW*, PAV3360AW*, PAV4960AW*, PAV5157AW*, PAV5158AW*, AAV1200AG*, AAV1200AJ*, AAV1200AK*, AAV1200AR*, AAV2200AG*, AAV2200AJ*, AAV4200AG*, CW5000*, CW6000*, CW7500*, HAV1200AR*, HAV1200AW*, HAV4200AK*, HAV4200AT*, HAV4200AW*, DLW231RAW, LNC6766A*, LNC6764A*, LNC6762B01, LNC6762B71, PAV2200AG*, PAV2200AR*, LNC6760B71, MAV7260BW*, MAVT734EW*, LNC6766B71, PAV3300AG*, PAV3300AK*, PAV2300AG*, MAV6457AW*, MAV7557EW*, MAV8557AW*, MAV6458AW*, MAV9557EW*, ALW221RJW, PAV1200AW*, PAVT234AW*, PAVT244AW*, PAVT344AW*, PAVT444AW*, HAV2557AW*, HAV2558AW*, HAV4657AW*, HAV2360AW*, HAV2460AW*, HAV3460AW*, AAV1100AW*, PAV1100AW*, PAVT144AW*, MAV6451AG*, MAV9750AG*, CW5500*, CW6500*, CW8500*, CAV2004AW*, CAV2004AJ*, CAV2004AK*, CAV4004AW*, CAV4004AG*, CAV1000AW*, MAV9504EW*, MAV7657EW*, MAV9657EW*, MAVT754EW*, PAVT454EW*, HAV4657EW*, MAV7504EW*, AAV9000AW*, AAV7000AW*, AAV8000AW*, PAVT234AW*, PAVT244AW*, PAVT344AW*, PAVT444AW*, LNC6762B01, LNC6762B71, LNC6764A*, LNC6766B71, LNC6760B71, CAV2004AJ*, CAV2004AK*, AAV1200AG*, AAV1200AJ*, AAV1200AK*, AAV1200AR*, AAV2200AJ*, AAV2200AG*, AAV4200AG*, ALW221RJW, CAV1000AW*, AAV1100AW*, CAV4004AG*, CW5500*, CW6500*, CW8500*, CAV2004AW*, CAV4004AW*, PAVT454EW*, PAV1100AW*, PAVT144AW*, HAV2360AW*, HAV2460AW*, HAV3460AW*, HAV2557AW*, HAV2558AW*, HAV4657AW*, HAV4657EW*, HAV1200AR*, HAV1200AW*, HAV4200AK*, HAV4200AT*, HAV4200AW*, MAV2200AJ*, PAV2300AG*, PAV3300AG*, PAV3300AK*, MAV3350AG*, PAVT134AW*, PAVS244AW*, PAVS234AW*, AAV4000AW*, CAV1004AW*, HAV2357AW*, MAV3855AW* Part number: W10219156 PUB TDL-0086-B Date: October 2005 -
New Appliance Service Manual added: Admiral Amana Crosley Magic Chef Washer Tech Bulletin - New Hub and Seal
Samurai Appliance Repair Man posted a topic in Appliance Service Manual Requests Forum
Admiral Amana Crosley Magic Chef Washer Tech Bulletin - New Hub and Seal View File Models Policy Letter √ Service Information Service Managers √ Service and Parts Managers Current Production: NAV2335AWW, PAVT910AWW, CW5500W, CAV2005AWW, AAV7000AWW, NAV3335AWW, CW6500W, CAV4004AWW, PAVT920AWW, AAV8005EWW, NAV5805AWW, CW9505W, NAV8805EWW, MAV1655AWW, MAV1755AWW, PAV2755AAW, MAV2755AJW, MAV275SAWW, PAV3855AAW, MAV3855AGW, MAV3855AKW, MAV385SAWW, MAV5920AGW, AAV4000AWW, CAV1004AWW, HAV1200ARW, HAV1200AWW, PAVT915AWW, AAV7000AGW, AAV7000AJW, AAV7000AKW, CAV2004AJW, CAV2004AKW, NAV2335AJW, AAV8000AGW, AAV8000AJW, CAV4004AGW, AAV9000AGW, HAV4200AKW, HAV4200ATW, HAV4200AWW, MAV208DAWW, MAV2755AWW, MAV2757AWW, MAV308DAWW, MAV3757AWW, MAV3758AWW, MAV3855AWW, MAV3905AWW, MAV3955EWW, MAV408DAWW, MAV4755AWW, MAV4757AWW, MAV4758AWW, MAV551EEWW, MAV5758EWW, MAV5920EWW, MAVT236AWW, MAVT346AWW, MAVT446AWW, MAVT546EWW Previous Production: MAV5960AW*, MAV6200AW*, MAV7200AW*, MAV7600AW*, MAV7700AW*, MAV7650AW*, MAV9600EW*, MAV7600AG*, MAV7600BG*, MAV6300AG*, MAV6300BG*, MAV7750AG*, MAV7750BG*, MAV7450AW*, MAV7580EW*, MAV7357AW*, MAV6357AW*, MAV7358AW*, MAV7757AW*, MAV8757AW*, MAV6650AW*, MAV9750AW*, MAV8551AW*, MAV7551AW*, MAV6451AW*, MAV6358AW*, MAVT634AW*, MAVT834AW*, MAV6260AW*, MAV6548AW*, MAV6601AW*, MAV7260AW*, MAV8260AW*, MAV8601AW*, MAV9501EW*, MAV7501EW*, MAV6300CG*, MAV7600CG*, MAV7750CG*, PAV2200AW*, PAV2300AW*, PAV5000AW*, CAV2000AG*, CAV2000AJ*, CAV2000AK*, CAV2000AW*, CAV4000AW*, CAV4050AW*, MAV2200AJ*, PAV2200AA*, PAV2200AK*, PAV2360AW*, PAV3200AA*, PAV3240AW*, PAV3200AW*, PAV3300AW*, PAV3360AW*, PAV4960AW*, PAV5157AW*, PAV5158AW*, AAV1200AG*, AAV1200AJ*, AAV1200AK*, AAV1200AR*, AAV2200AG*, AAV2200AJ*, AAV4200AG*, CW5000*, CW6000*, CW7500*, HAV1200AR*, HAV1200AW*, HAV4200AK*, HAV4200AT*, HAV4200AW*, DLW231RAW, LNC6766A*, LNC6764A*, LNC6762B01, LNC6762B71, PAV2200AG*, PAV2200AR*, LNC6760B71, MAV7260BW*, MAVT734EW*, LNC6766B71, PAV3300AG*, PAV3300AK*, PAV2300AG*, MAV6457AW*, MAV7557EW*, MAV8557AW*, MAV6458AW*, MAV9557EW*, ALW221RJW, PAV1200AW*, PAVT234AW*, PAVT244AW*, PAVT344AW*, PAVT444AW*, HAV2557AW*, HAV2558AW*, HAV4657AW*, HAV2360AW*, HAV2460AW*, HAV3460AW*, AAV1100AW*, PAV1100AW*, PAVT144AW*, MAV6451AG*, MAV9750AG*, CW5500*, CW6500*, CW8500*, CAV2004AW*, CAV2004AJ*, CAV2004AK*, CAV4004AW*, CAV4004AG*, CAV1000AW*, MAV9504EW*, MAV7657EW*, MAV9657EW*, MAVT754EW*, PAVT454EW*, HAV4657EW*, MAV7504EW*, AAV9000AW*, AAV7000AW*, AAV8000AW*, PAVT234AW*, PAVT244AW*, PAVT344AW*, PAVT444AW*, LNC6762B01, LNC6762B71, LNC6764A*, LNC6766B71, LNC6760B71, CAV2004AJ*, CAV2004AK*, AAV1200AG*, AAV1200AJ*, AAV1200AK*, AAV1200AR*, AAV2200AJ*, AAV2200AG*, AAV4200AG*, ALW221RJW, CAV1000AW*, AAV1100AW*, CAV4004AG*, CW5500*, CW6500*, CW8500*, CAV2004AW*, CAV4004AW*, PAVT454EW*, PAV1100AW*, PAVT144AW*, HAV2360AW*, HAV2460AW*, HAV3460AW*, HAV2557AW*, HAV2558AW*, HAV4657AW*, HAV4657EW*, HAV1200AR*, HAV1200AW*, HAV4200AK*, HAV4200AT*, HAV4200AW*, MAV2200AJ*, PAV2300AG*, PAV3300AG*, PAV3300AK*, MAV3350AG*, PAVT134AW*, PAVS244AW*, PAVS234AW*, AAV4000AW*, CAV1004AW*, HAV2357AW*, MAV3855AW* Part number: W10219156 PUB TDL-0086-B Date: October 2005 Submitter Samurai Appliance Repair Man Submitted 05/19/2016 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper -
New Appliance Service Manual added: Admiral ATW4475xQ0 TL DD Washer Wiring Sheet
Samurai Appliance Repair Man posted a topic in Appliance Service Manual Requests Forum
File Name: Admiral ATW4475xQ0 TL DD Washer Wiring Sheet File Submitter: Samurai Appliance Repair Man File Submitted: 23 Jan 2015 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper PUB W10362939 Click here to download this file -
Admiral ATW4475xQ0 TL DD Washer Wiring Sheet
Samurai Appliance Repair Man posted a file in Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper
Admiral AED4475TQ1 Electric Dryer Wiring Sheet
Samurai Appliance Repair Man posted a file in Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper
New Appliance Service Manual added: Admiral AED4475TQ1 Electric Dryer Wiring Sheet
Samurai Appliance Repair Man posted a topic in Appliance Service Manual Requests Forum
File Name: Admiral AED4475TQ1 Electric Dryer Wiring Sheet File Submitter: Samurai Appliance Repair Man File Submitted: 11 May 2013 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Admiral AED4475TQ1 Electric Dryer Wiring Sheet Pub No. W10185979 Click here to download this file -
From the album: Kelfin Photos
Picture of the center of the blower fan from an Admiral / Montgomery Ward clothes dryer model LNC8750A71 or A, showing where a portion of the core has become brittle and cracked off. This resulted in a loud clunking noise at the start and end of a dry cycle, plus intermittent running noises during the cycle.-
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- montgomery ward
(and 4 more)
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