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  1. GE Monogram ZISS420nmcs, side by side cabinet depth unit. condenser is in the "ceiling" of the freezer compartment. Water is leaking, and freezing, from the ceiling of the freezer. Started making a terrible noise (fan was hitting the ice). I have removed all screws but cannot seem to remove the ceiling panel. There is a small opening, I can reach in and feel ice above the ceiling. I suppose I can fix the symptom by letting all of the ice melt and simply turning off the water to the ice maker. Any better suggestions? TIA !!
  2. Hello. I have an LG ga-b499yecz refrigerator, and since yesterday it started audibly rattling/vibrating. I removed the back panel, cleaned it, lubed the fan, but the problem seems to be with the small piece of styrofoam on a condenser tube. When I applied pressure there, rattling noise stopped. I removed it entirely and abnormal noise went away completely. So the question is, can I use my fridge without this piece? Or does it serve some great purpose? There seems to be some kind of valve/flap on the condenser, but I don't know whether it's dependent of that piece of styrofoam. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi, I have a * dryer that just developed a small rattle. What's odd is that the rattle doesn't start right away; it kicks in 30 seconds after I start the dryer. I lifted the top and popped off the back grille so I could see it in action, and I don't see anything obviously amiss. The pulleys all seem to be turning smoothly. There's a hot metal smell (and it's heating and blowing out air), but no burning smell, so that seems normal, too. I took a short video. You can hear the bit where the sound changes from the normal operating noise to the rattle. Video with the rattle starting about 5 seconds in. Any idea what could be causing this? I've been keeping this machine going for many years, but it keeps plugging along with different bits getting replaced over time. Is it time for a new idler pulley or rollers? It's weird, though, that the sound doesn't start right away. Whether the dryer is cold or already warm, it starts 30 seconds after I turn on the drying cycle. Thanks, Erika
  4. Our top load GE Profile WPRE8150H0WT has started sounding louder and louder over the last couple weeks. During spin cycles it is starting to resemble a jet engine. It does not get off balance and there are no grinding or metal on metal noises apparent. There may be a new or louder clicking type noise when in the back and forth agitation cycle but I'm not sure. From the serial number (RM120235G) It looks to be about 11 years old. Does anyone know of the common things that wear out on these units that would cause it to get more noisy? Thanks, Norm
  5. Our top loading GE WJRE5550K2WW was making horriblly loud noises on spin cycle. Re-balancing the loads made no difference. So I opened the front expecting to see broken tub guide straps or tub shocks. Nothing broken. Simply, the tub had jumped over the flange that is used for the shipping bar that secures the tub during transit from the factory. Solution: lift the tub sligtly and guide it over that flange (or bracket) back to the center where it belongs. If this happens again, I'm bending those suckers over. They're not needed ever again. Just an FYI to anyone that might benefit from our experience. Enjoy.
  6. Samsung Refrigerator Water Dispenser Noise Bulletin View File Subject: Loud hammering sound when water is dispensed AND/OR when ice maker fills with water. The noise stops with the filter removed or if the water pressure is reduced. Models: RF24FSEDB, RF260BEAE, RF261BEAE, RF263BEAE, RF263TEAE, RF323TEDB, RF32FMQDB, RF4267HA, RF4287HA, RF4289HA, RFG297HD, RFG298HD, RS261MD, RS263TD, RS265TD, RS267TD, RSG307AA, RSG309AA PUB ASC20131104001 DATE 11/4/2013 Submitter Samurai Appliance Repair Man Submitted 05/20/2016 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Subject: Loud hammering sound when water is dispensed AND/OR when ice maker fills with water. The noise stops with the filter removed or if the water pressure is reduced. Models: RF24FSEDB, RF260BEAE, RF261BEAE, RF263BEAE, RF263TEAE, RF323TEDB, RF32FMQDB, RF4267HA, RF4287HA, RF4289HA, RFG297HD, RFG298HD, RS261MD, RS263TD, RS265TD, RS267TD, RSG307AA, RSG309AA PUB ASC20131104001 DATE 11/4/2013
  8. My MAV5000AWW has some problems. I started a load and when I closed the top I could tell immediately there was an issue. It would not spin or I think more properly agitate. I could hear the belt slip on the motor for a second and then smelled that electrical burning smell and immediately opened the lid. I removed the clothes, but it was still full of water. I removed the screw and tried to pull the agitator hoping that maybe something is stuck between it and the tub. I could not get the agitator off. I eventually I found I could push it to the end of rinse cycle and it would spin and empty, but it was noisy. Best I could describe it is like a very small 2 cycle engine which seemed to smooth out a bit, but not go away. I ran a second mini load and this time it agitated. I again pushed it to the end of rinse and it emptied. This time the tub was out of balance maybe 1/2 to 3/4". Do not recall this the first time, but not positive. I ran it a short as possible. I am wondering if I have sucked some small item into the works that I can fish out (done that before), or if it's some more mechanically related (trans going south) or a bearing. Any trouble shooting tips are appreciated.
  9. My dryer is working fine at drying clothes, but it makes a moderately loud humming sound that was absent when it was new. The humming sometimes gets louder as the cycles goes on. It sounds somewhere between a hum and a steady grinding sound. And it seems to be coming from the front of the dryer, although I can't be sure. Here's a video of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hR5Uje5lE1Y The sound is very steady. There's no thumping or banging. Any help would be appreciated. -Chris
  10. I have a front-loading washer. It's a GE WSXH208A and was purchased 12 years ago. I do about one load every five days. About two months ago, it started making one (and only one) loud thud just as the spin cycle is starting. I checked to see if the struts were OK, and they were still intact. I was wondering (a) if this is a serious problem, because I don't mind the noise otherwise, and (b) how I might repair it myself. The top of the washer is already off so it's easy to reach into the washer, so I can post photographs of any component if that helps. Thanks!
  11. File Name: Samsung Top Load Washer Service Bulletin UPDATED File Submitter: TheApplianceTechnician File Submitted: 27 Oct 2015 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Revised samsung shock service bulletin addressing replacement washer dampers. Supersedes all previous bulletins. All Production Through Jan, 2015 Models: WA456DRHDWR/AA WA456DRHDSU/AA WA400PJHDWR/AA WA422PRHDWR/AA WA45H7200AW/A2 WA45H7200AP/A2 WA45H7000AW/A2 PUB ASC20150605001 V2 Click here to download this file
  12. 2,008 downloads

    Revised samsung shock service bulletin addressing replacement washer dampers. Supersedes all previous bulletins. All Production Through Jan, 2015 Models: WA456DRHDWR/AA WA456DRHDSU/AA WA400PJHDWR/AA WA422PRHDWR/AA WA45H7200AW/A2 WA45H7200AP/A2 WA45H7000AW/A2 PUB ASC20150605001 V2
  13. Motor started making noise yesterday and today stopped spinning. It is making a lot of noise, whining trying to get started. I cleaned a bunch of the lint and grime off the motor and it blew hard for a while. But the next time the furnace kicked on it didn't blow again. Making noise so I shut it down. I know the obvious thing is that this very old unit and should be replaced but does this sound like a motor issue? Let me know the next step.
  14. From the album: Washer Repair

    Posted topic on this here: http://appliantology...elicates-cycle/
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