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  1. I've got a Kenmore Washer model 110.29522801 will agitate and drain but won't spin. I thought it could be the motor coupler, but the black piece looks to be in perfect condition and the two plastic pieces are not broken or worn. (See images) I connected the motor back to power and ran the spin cycle. The motor moves the coupler without issue. What I think my issue is(I really have no clue. ha), the transmission won't turn by hand clockwise. It will turn counterclockwise, but not clockwise. Should it turn clockwise? If its not turning clockwise, does this mean my transmission is bad? Is a broken transmission worth fixing? https://ibb.co/8KzrbqH https://ibb.co/R93SmbK https://ibb.co/qnRyF0M
  2. Occasionally the tub on my Frigidaire laundry center (about 4 years old) will stop spinning. Generally disconnecting the ground wire to the motor and reconnecting it will fix the problem but that's not working this time. The tub and the motor spin freely by hand so nothing appears to be burnt out. The control module clicks when I try to run the spin cycle in diagnostic mode telling me the module is probably fine. Any ideas regarding what's wrong here?
  3. I added this to a thread on the same washer ("Kenmore washer noise during spin cycle") but it didn't get picked up with that title. I have a Kenmore Series 70, Model #110.82870120, which has had a plethora of new parts installed over the past 2 weeks: transmission, clutch, coupler assembly, motor, pump, water inlet valves and agitator dogs. The main problem had been a bad motor which rattled badly and seized periodically. Once the machine was all back together the noise was gone, but part-way through the first cycle the circuit breaker tripped. Thought maybe the breaker was damaged when the old motor had seized so I replaced it. No more tripping. Now, however, the motor clicks on and off randomly and rapidly during the spin cycle. The timer continues to run until the "Off" position but when finished, there's an inch or two of slightly sudsy water left in the tub. I jumped the lid switch and ruled that out, and realized that the clicking sound is coming from the area of the motor. (I haven't taken the cabinet off yet to pinpoint it.) The timer is only 3-4 years old, but could the periodic seizing of the old motor have damaged it so that it's not providing the right "signals" to the motor? Is there a separate motor switch down below? Something else I should be looking at? Several participants have commented on how solid these old machines are but this is becoming frustrating! Advice, suggestions or encouragement are welcome.
  4. Once again I seek advice from the wise and powerful appliance gods. My Whirlpool GHW9150PW4 (I believe 10 years old) front load washer produced an F02 error last week. I removed the bottom front cover, emptied out the filter and ran a drain and spin cycle with the bottom front cover removed. Left the cover off again to make sure no leakage and ran a full wash. Got the F02 error again. Cleaned the filter out and ran the drain and spin cycle. Problem: The spin cycle is making a very loud banging noise Happened the first time I ran the drain and spin after clearing the filter. Not sure if it was happening before this. The wife does most of the laundry while I am at work. Machine is in the basement and with 5 kids the house can get noisy. From what I have found the likely culprit is the rear bearings. My questions are these: 1) Given what I described do you think it is the rear bearings? 2) Is there a danger of causing more damage by using the washer in its current state? (remember 5 kids. It piles up quick) 3) Could I have done something (leaving cover off) to cause or agitate this issue? Seems like a pretty big coincidence that it came up right when I was dealing with the other issue 4) Any suggestions for finding a quality repairman south of Boston MA? Afraid this one is beyond my reach Thanks for reading Matt
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