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  1. Hello all! I really need to get my Kenmore 80 Series washing machine going again! A few weeks ago, it started making noise during the drain and spin cycles. I was advised to replace the basket drive and clutch assemblies. So, I ordered those parts. In the meantime, the symptoms changed: The noise turned into a grinding banging sound during the spin cycle The washer skipped the neutral drain step and instead did a drain/spin at the same time (there were no problems during agitation) The new grinding and banging was so bad, I stopped the cycle before it completed. When they arrived, I installed the basket drive and clutch assembly. However, the behavior was the same -- grinding and banging when the drain/spin cycle started. Research pointed to the transmission and the need for a neutral drain kit which I purchased and installed. I was super-disappointed to find the behavior is exactly the same! It's acting like it wants to spin, but also agitate at the same time (see attached video). So, my question is: Where do I go from here? Is it possible to identify the parts inside the transmission that need to be replaced? Or, is a new one the only way to go? I like the machine and would rather use it than a new (HE) machine. So far, I've spent around $275 in parts (along with many hours in research and labor). So, I don't want that to go to waste. But, my confidence is shot at this point and I don't want to just keep throwing money at this thing either. I'd really appreciate any guidance I can get. I'm happy to provide any information that could help you point me in the right direction. Thanks! KenmoreWasher.mp4
  2. We have a Maytag we bought used a couple years ago, it was manufactured in 1993, model LAT5000AAW. We really like it and were disappointed when we found it was leaking a couple weeks ago. I researched it, and determined that the tub seal was leaking, so we ordered a new tub seal from RepairClinic and I followed a video on youtube, and put it in. Now, the machine had been running just fine before I discovered that it was leaking, and when we were looking for where it was leaking, the transmission was turning just fine while the machine was running. We didn't use the machine for about two weeks while waiting for me to have time to work on it. Today I put the new tub seal in, and upon testing it, we were glad to see it was no longer leaking. However, as we ran the machine we started smelling a burning smell and it was smoky (not sure exactly what was smoking, but I'm assuming the belts or motor over working), and we turned it off, and I realized that the transmission wasn't turning. I am not sure what to do because it had been working fine. Is it possible that the leaking water caused the transmission to seize up in the interim even though it had been running just fine the last time it was run two weeks ago? Should I be able to turn the transmission by hand? We are not sure if this is possible, as we didn't try it before. I have watched several videos and read several posts here and it seems like on some models it should turn, but am unsure about my model. The pulley on the bottom turns, but I tried turning the transmission itself and it does not turn. I don't know what to check here. Is there anything I should troubleshoot before assuming it is the whole transmission that is bad? One thing, I removed the outer tub because I thought it was necessary to replace the tub seal but then realized it wasn't. I cleaned it up since I had it out, and now I'm wondering it it's possible the tub bearing could cause it not to turn? The video I watched showed them replacing that but we looked at the tub bearing and the sleeve, we decided they were okay, RepairClinic didn't mention this as being a source of leaking, and we didn't have that part so we wiped it all down making sure it was clean, and put everything back together. I would think that if that was bad that would cause a noise and not stop the transmission from turning entirely, but I don't know for sure. I did not apply any lube to the sleeve, the video I watched didn't say to do that, but another video I saw after did. I am unsure if that could cause this problem. The machine is not making any weird noises, no grinding or anything. When we tried to run it again, just to try to troubleshoot, we observed that the agitator tried to turn, but then stopped. I don't want to damage the motor or anything else by running it. Just not sure at all what to do next. I hope this all makes sense, I've worked on this so many hours today and it is so late. Thank you all in advance for any advice or anything I could check or troubleshoot to see about fixing this.
  3. Howdy, I am looking for some information about this transmission, specifically what type of oil is in the transmission case and where can I find a replacement for the upper oil seal? I have a GE WPSE4200A0WW top load washer. The was leaking water through the tub seal which lead to an unhappy transmission bearing. I came across this website that let me know that it was possible to work on this non-serviceable transmission: http://www.appliance-repair-it.com/GE-washer-is-leaking.html. I had a bear of a time getting the hub nut off and the basket off of the transmission. I got everything apart and the transmission out of the platform. I set it on its side and when I looked back at it, it was leaking oil out the top. The oil seal was not making a good seal around the splined shaft that drives the agitator. I can read the part number off of the oil seal as: MTP 4735, but I can not find much information about this seal. I measure the shaft to be 0.628"(though I imagine it is 0.625" unless its metric) and the bore to be 1" on the nose. The little I have learned by looking into oil seals shows how much I don't know about them! I lost most of the oil to the newspaper the transmission was laying on. Does anyone know the type and weight of the oil in this transmission? I found the plastic fill plug located on the top of the case. It would be great to not have to open the can of worms. Does anyone know if there is an oil seal on the bottom of the transmission? Thanks so much in advance for your time and help! There is also a lot of great information about working on this transmission on this site: http://appliancejunk.com/forums/index.php?topic=12091.0. Unfortunately fairbank56's pictures no longer load, as the other older posts say they were very helpful pics!
  4. Recently our lightly used 12 year old Maytag Netpune TL FAV6800AWW (SN: 11697430EN) washer started making a load noise when tumbling (spinners spinning). It is a constant whirrlling noise. This noise is the only issue. IN ALL OTHER REGARDS THE MACHINE WORKS FINE. The spin cycles are very quiet. I have removed the spinners and their bearings and this does not change the noise so the source of the noise is the transmission or something below. I can very easily spin the pulley by hand in either direction and hear nothing so the noise only appears when the pulley is spun fast. Yes, when you spin the pulley in one direction it spins the tub and when you spin it in the opposite direction it spins the the tumblers with the tub fixed so the clutch appears to be fine. I do see a little rust just above the pulley right at the tub exit. This rust is in a little ring around the inside edge of the tub exit. I gather that this rust is on the bottom edge of a bearing sleeve. Initially I thought that I must have a leak in the outer tub seal but I see no evidence of water leaking from the tub. I've even tried filling the tub with water and putting paper towels above and below the pulley and letting the machine sit overnight. Still, no signs of water dripping onto the pulley. Possibly the rust resulted from condensation on the outside of the outer tub and then running down to the bottom of the tub. Incidentally, everything under the tub looks great almost new. Pan under the pulley is very clean, no evidence that anything has ever dripped onto it. I am wondering whether the noise might be coming from the transmission. Do you have any experience with transmission related noises? My thinking at this point is to either continue to use the machine until something breaks or to pull the transmission and see what I can determine (oil level, noise it makes spinning with electric drill, etc.). I'd appreciate any thoughts you might have. Thanks, Spiker
  5. Maytag A810 fills, empties, spins, but won't agitate. Would run through full cycle without agitating, except I heard it, noticed agitator is stuck and won't turn at all by hand and belt wants to burn, other slight oily smell when machine's trying to agitate but cannot. I'm guessing the transmission's bad or needs more work than I can put into it. Replace brake, tub bearing, etc., all major repair six months ago, but I'm thinking the last major part has now failed--the tranny. Time to replace the whole unit from Craig's when the rich folks go buy a front loader?
  6. AwesomeMarioFan

    MAV9750AWW Not Spinning

    Hello, We have a Maytag Atlantis MAV9750AWW, and we have been having a problem recently with the spin cycle. During the period of time before this happened, the washer would make lots of noise during the spin cycle and would "walk" around the room sometimes because of how off balance it was. The brake would also squeak after the spin cycle was ended. Now, the washer now agitates correctly, but will no longer spin or would spin very slowly. Upon disassembly the brake seemed to have been stuck engaged, since the pulley wheel would not disengage it when turning it counterclockwise but would agitate when being turned clockwise. When removing the brake the tub would spin freely, so we ruled out the bearings being the cause. We attempted to replace the snubber ring (old one was almost completely gone) and transmission pulley assembly in the unit. We were unable to finish installing the transmission pulley assembly because the included washer would not fit with the e-clip no matter how much we tried to raise the transmission shaft up (using flathead screwdriver). We were able to install it without the washer but it seemed to be very tight and even forcing the cam to turn to raise up would not disengage the brake. After messing around with the transmission some more we sort of gave up since we didn't want to replace the entire transmission and didn't have the bearing removal tool for the unit to remove it. It seems that the problem is that the brake will not disengage because the transmission is locked up? If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Also, if anyone knows where to get the special Maytag repair tools that would be great, since they don't seem to be available anymore. I have the washer's repair manual and can post it here if it would help out with repairing this problem. Thanks, - John
  7. Hi: I have a Maytag washer-dryer SE-1000, which is 31 years old. It has been a great machine for us and we want to keep it. I have done repairs on it over the years but nothing involving transmission or the tub's seals and etc. Lately the wash machine has been making a clunking noise only in the agitation mode. It also had an incident of a squeaking noise and a burning smell. I checked the belts and the pump belt was loose. I replaced the belt and the smell problem and the squeaking noise went away. However the clunking persists. The machine spins fine and drains fine. There are no leaks and it continues to do a good job with washing. I did the following: Removed the agitator and inspected it, it looks fine and not stripped. While the pump and motor were disengaged, I turned the drive pulley and I didn't feel anything that indicated a problem but then I am no expert! However, when I turn the pulley slowly, I could clearly hear the clunking, which seemed to come deep from the transmission. I am concluding that something in the transmission is busted. So I have a question from all of you good people out there; First of all do you think it is the transmission? Second, I have to go the orbital transmission, because my present design is not available anymore. Will the orbital transmission replace my existing transmission, which I believe is helix?? Will my old agitator work? the newer agitator models that go with the orbital transmission, they don't sell their dispensers anymore! Will greatly appreciate any input. Best Kav
  8. File Name: Maytag Performa and Atlantis Washer Transmission Diagnosis File Submitter: Samurai Appliance Repair Man File Submitted: 12 Sep 2013 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Maytag Performa and Atlantis Washer Transmission Diagnosis Text file with troubleshooting tips. Click here to download this file
  9. 67 downloads

    Maytag Performa and Atlantis Washer Transmission Diagnosis Text file with troubleshooting tips.
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