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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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GE GSD2600D02 dishwasher giving C5 error code

That is an outstanding analysis, Willie! I am truly impressed! After much weeping and gnashing of teeth, I was finally able to find something on the C5 error in this ancient-of-days electronic monstrosity and it's pretty close to what Sublime Master Willie's well-reasoned conjectures... (click for larger view) Source: GE GSD2600D02 dishwasher giving C5 code

Troubleshooting a Samsung Electric Dryer No-Heat Problem from the Control Board

Join the Samurai on this Samsung electric dryer service call and learn how to troubleshoot a no-heat complaint from the control board, without having to tear apart the whole dryer, by using the schematic and strategic electrical tests. Work smarter, not harder!    Learn how to troubleshoot appliances like a real technician at http://mastersamuraitech.com Professional Appliantologist members here at Appliantology should watch my webinar recording on troubleshooting this s

Learn Samurai's Secret that Stops the Stink in Your Front-Load Washer

One of the most common complaints I hear people make about front-load washers is about odor: stinky basket, stinky door gasket, stinky towels, stinky underwear... okay, I'll stop there. In almost every case, when I see (smell) this problem on service calls, they all invariably have the same cause: incorrect detergent usage, either too much or the wrong kind. For front-load washers (and HE top-loaders), you should only be using HE detergent. And, no, using less of the regular stuff is not the sam

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Tip for removing the top panel and tub from the NEW versions of the Whirlpool Cabrio washers

Just when we were getting used to the old Whirlpool Cabrio (and Maytag Bravo and Kenmore Oasis) washers-- not liking them, mind you-- but getting used to working on this cheesy bucket of bolts, Whirlpool goes and changes the design. Two things in particular that have changed that affect how the washer is disassembled is the top panel and tub removal. Academy Fellow nickfixit explains in his own colorful way: Source: Cannot release top spring clips on Whirlpool WTW5600XW0 Cabrio

Gas dryer not heating, troubleshooting with only a jumper wire

Problem: I'm on a gas dryer service call-- no heat complaint. Solution: Using only my jumper wire at the main board, I proved a problem with the Neutral sense line from the motor and made the burner fire up.  Question: At what two points did I place my jumper wire to troubleshoot this problem?   

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man in Tech Talk

Appliantology 3000 Microchip Implant Now Available

<p>As many of my long-time grasshoppers know, the CIA occasionally calls upon the Samurai for special assignments which are particularly dangerous. </p> <br /> <p>I have recently completed yet another covert assignment for The Company; this one involved testing a prototype of an implantable microchip. My assignment was to be the human test subject and to have this protoype implanted into my spine. </p> <br /> <p>The Agency has declassified portions o

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

The Appliantology Academy's Appliance Tech Boot Camp, Coming This Spring

Question: what's one job skill that cannot be outsourced to India or China? Answer: home services. Looking to get in on the glamour life of being a professional appliance repair technician but you don't have the time or the money to travel somewhere and be gone for a few weeks at a time? Now you can learn appliance repair at your own pace right online at your computer with the Appliantology Academy's Appliance Tech Boot Camp. The Appliance Tech Boot Camp is a structured and guided online trainin

Dielectric Grease: Myths and Reality

There's a lot of misinformation and mythology out there in the tech community about the use of dielectric grease on electrical connections. Some techs, knowing that the word "dielectric" refers to an electrically insulating material, mistakenly conclude that dielectric grease should never be used on electrical connections. This is based on a misunderstanding about how dielectric grease works. Dielectric grease has two main properties that make it especially desirable specifically for use on elec

The Silver Bullet Fix for LE Error Codes in LG Dishwashers

Of all the error codes seen in LG dishwashers, the LE error is probably the common one asked about in The Samurai Appliance Repair Academy Kitchen Forum. So much so that it seemed like this one needed a Silver Bullet answer. And who better to fire that silver bullet than the Dean of LG Appliantology himself, john63. Y'all go grab you a cold one and let's listen to the big guns going off: Source: LG LDF6810ST Error Code "LE"

The Hard Facts about Hard Water and Your Appliances

Complaints about the washer or dishwasher not cleaning very well are one of the more common ones I get from grasshoppers at my website and from paying grasshoppers in the field, also known as customers. The first thing I always like to figger out in these cases is how hard the water is. What’s water hardness and why’s it so ding-dang important? Well, Hoss, hang on ’cause I’m gonna ‘splain it to you. Hardness is a term them fancy-pants engineers use to talk about dissolved minerals, mostly calciu

Samurai's 12 Laws of Appliance Repair

Samurai's Ichiban Law of Appliance Repair: Never replace a part unless you have proof that the part is bad. This distinguishes the Samurai School of Appliantology from the Monkey Boy School of Appliance Repair. When I replace an appliance part, it's because I have proven that the part is bad. This proof could be something subtle, like an electrical measurement, or something simple, like laying eyeballs on a burned wire connection. It could be direct, meaning the part is getting proper input but
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