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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Mounting a dishwasher to granite counter tops

Here's something that maybe of use to someone. A system to attach the dishwasher to granite or other rock type counter tops without trying to drill and risk damage to the expensive counter top material. http://www.granitegrabbers.com/ Just happened to run across these being sold on E-bay and found this website by searching google. It appears from the google search there is a real need for this product and it's not readily known about yet. Source: Mounting a dishwasher to granite counter tops

More Downtime Today

Yet more downtime today on the server that runs this site. That makes the 8th time this week alone for over an hour and half of downtime. My host tells me that the server running my site has been the victim of several denial of service attacks. Must be another site on this server that draws all the hostiles like flies to a turd. Well, that turd is stinking me out! My host has offered to move me to another server which I eagerly accepted. The move will happen sometime in the next 24 hours,

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Money-Saving Tip for Replacing a Motor in a GE Dryer

Some models of GE dryers are actually made my Frigidaire... or they at least use Frigidaire parts. One example is the GE DSXH43EA3WW dryer. If you have one of these with a bad motor, here's a tip that could save you a couple of of Benjamins: use the Frigidaire part number instead of the GE part. Grand Master Reginald explains: Source: GE Dryer: model# DSXH43EA3WW, Starts but won't stay running.

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Meet The Appliance Guru

Howdy!  Let us introduce ourselves to you...   <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/41675452" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> In the New London, NH, area, call for service:  526-7129

Maytag Performa washer thrust bearing re-assembly order

If you ever have to replace the thrust bearing, basket drive hub, or snubber in one of these Maytag Performa top-loading washers, you may get the washers and spacers that comprise the thrust bearing out of order. Brother fairbank56 has put together this nifty roadmap showing the proper sequence for re-assembling the thrust bearing. If you boogar up or lose these parts, you can buy the replacement kit here: http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Basket-Drive-Hub-Kit/12002213/1042142

Maytag Neptune Dryer with a Split Drum

Customer called with a complaint that her 7-year old Maytag Neptune MDE9700AYW dryer would hum when started then click off. Also said the drum would not turn by hand. What could the problem be? The answer may surprise you! Epilogue: Turns out this is not covered under warranty. The failure occurred right at the seam where the drum was welded together. Total fee to replace this drum, part and labor, is over $400. I recommended that the customer purchase a new Whirlpool dryer with a lint f

Maytag Electric Dryer Motor Stops Running After Start Switch is Released

In this recent Live Dojo appliance troubleshooting workshop, we workshopped a problem with a Maytag dryer where it would start but stop running as soon as the start button was released. We looked at how the motor's start circuit works-- how it's configured before starting and how it changes after the motor is started and running. Finally, we compared this start configuration with the Whirlpool push to start (PTS) relay system.  Become a tech member at Appliantology and join in on

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man in Tech Talk

Maytag dryer model LDE9806ACE: grinds, groans, shudders, and grunts

These are the good ol' Maytag dryers, one of the best designs ever made. They're not making this design anymore. If you have this dryer, it's definitely worth fixing and keeping. If it starts sounding like this... <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid160.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Ft200%2FZenzoidman%2FVideos%2Fmaytag

Master the Internet in 30 Minutes or Less!

Wassmatta, Boopie-- got the Don't-know-my-ass-from-that-hole-called-the-Internet Blues? Well, unfurl thy brow and unbunch thy panties, my Internet-bungling friend for the Samurai shall shine the light of wisdom upon thee and make straight thy cyberpaths. And for FREE! Yes, my sweet-- the Internetology Course is our latest electronic offering to the Great Virtual Universe and we bequeath it unto all posterior unto the ages of ages. Amen.  [Read more about the Free Internetology course here]

Master Samurai Tech to Provide Online Appliance Repair Training for Mr. Appliance

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Master Samurai Tech to Provide Online Appliance Repair Training for Mr. Appliance  New London, NH, USA, February 14, 2016 - Master Samurai Tech, a nationally-recognized online appliance repair training academy, has been selected to provide technical training to Mr. Appliance franchisees and technicians.  Master Samurai Tech will create a custom training website exclusively for Mr. Appliance

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 9

- Samurai and Son of Samurai are off to Dacor training. - Manufacturers focusing on producing higher-profit upscale major appliances and what this means for your service bidness. - Sub-Zero doing a huge expansion in Wisconsin to crank out upscale dishwashers and ranges. What are these manufacturers seeing that you should also be seeing as an appliance repair company? - A recent Samsung warranty debacle shows how there’s a huge need for skilled appliance technicians but the trade is still ate-up

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 8

Industry News: an interesting twist in the legal drama surrounding the GE-Electrolux merger. GE’s biggest laundry product launch in 20 years: yet another top-loader? Future tech: are ultrasonic dryers on the horizon?   Appliantology News: Traipsing through the various incarnations of the Samurai’s online appliance repair forums and groups (first one on the internet in 1997!) right up through the present incarnation as Appliantology.org. Discussion of the various membership groups at Appliantolog

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 7

In this special episode of MST Radio, the tables are turned and instead of being the host, Samurai Appliance Repair Man is a guest on another radio show, the Scott Horton Show. We discuss the changes going on in the appliance repair trade today and the opportunities this creates for skilled appliance techs. Whether you’re contemplating a new career in appliance repair or are a seasoned veteran in the trade, the Samurai explains how the Samurai Tech Academy can teach you the technical and busines

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 4

In this jam-packed episode: - New credit card readers for the EMV technology; merchant (appliance service company) liability for fraud if not using the new readers. - Square has already issued the new EMV readers. - Electrolux buying GE Appliances - complications, lawsuit, implications for the appliance market. Samsung and LG brought into the fray! - First military veteran scholarship awarded! If you're a veteran, apply for a full-tuition scholarship in the Fundamentals of Appliance Repair train
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