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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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New Training Course Coming Soon - Oven and Range Repair

UPDATE: The Oven and Range Repair course is now open for enrollment. Click here for details.  Team Samurai is turning up the heat this July with a new full-length technical course: Oven and Range Repair The content that we’ve created for you is absolutely fantastic. We cannot wait to be able to open the doors so you can see it for yourself. This is a mondo course, with over 30 original videos and 7 Case Studies, that was almost a year in the making using the same training structur

Appliantology through the Looking Glass

Back in the ‘90’s, when the internet was new and I didn’t have any grey hair yet, I started the first of several incarnations of sites that offered appliance repair wisdom online. Appliantology.org was started in November 2010. It’s an old site by Internet standards. It has evolved a lot over the years and I expect it will continue to do so.  As it exists today, this site is dedicated to supporting the professional appliance tech community with teaching, training, information, and camarader

How to access and disassemble the Custom Cool unit in a GE Profile or Arctica refrigerator

This video shows how to disassembly the freezer in a GE Profile or Arctica refrigerator. It also shows disassembly of the Custom Cool™ unit itself and its various parts. <object id="scPlayer" width="320" height="288" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://content.screencast.com/users/zenzoidman/folders/Videos/media/0bf36abc-28f7-4ba8-8b58-35355fdd0504/mp4h264player.swf" > <param name="movie" value="http://content.screencast.com/users/zenzoidman/folders/Videos/media/0bf36abc

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Troubleshooting a Dead GE Profile Refrigerator

If you're working on one of these GE Profile refrigerators with the knob controls in the fresh food compartment and it's DOA, this flowchart can help plan your attack: And here are the part links to the most likely parts you'll need: Encoder Board: click on picture Muthaboard: click on picture Sensor: click on picture

Annual Service Training Institute 2017 in San Diego

Had a great week at the Annual Service Training Institute (ASTI) in San Diego last week! Got to hang out with old friends as well as meet lots of Appliantologists and Master Samurai Tech students in-person for the first time. For technical training, I focused mostly on high-end appliances since that's about all that's worth fixing these days. Attended some technical training on Sub-Zero, Wolf, Bertazzoni, DCS, and a couple others, and some business courses.  I also conducted an all-day

Three reasons why doing component replacements on electronic boards is a bad idea

A recent topic in the tech forums here at Appliantology illustrates perfectly a point I’ve made in the past that replacing components on electronic control boards, rather than replacing the whole board, is a bad idea both for the customer and for the technician. The discussion was about a power supply problem on the main control board in a Kitchenaid KSCS25INSS refrigerator which is NLA. This topic pointed out three specific reasons why replacing components on electronic control boards is i

Ultimate Appliance Gift Ideas

<p>The Samurai has scoured both the Innernet AND the Outernet rounding up those perfect Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, and Festivus gift ideas for that special Fixer Dude or Dudette in your life.  <strong>Click the photos</strong> for more info or to purchase.</p> <p> </p> <p>Stay warm AND safe with this Pocket Air Check combustible gas leak detector. Works with Natural and LP gas.</p> <p><a href="http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Ga

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to test the motor in a Whirlpool Duet Sport - Kenmore HE2 Plus front load washer

If your front load washer isn't spinning or tumbling the drum, the three big components to test are the door latch assembly, the motor control board, and the motor. Usually details for these tests are given in the tech sheet inside the washer. Here are some tips from Sublime Master Willie for testing the motor using an ohm meter: Source: Kenmore HE2 Plus, mod# 110.47511701. Won't agitate or spin

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to Remove the Main Control Board in a Bosch Ascenta Dishwasher

The Bosch Ascenta line of dishwashers disassemble very differently from the older Bosch dishwashers you may be familiar with. In the older Bosch's, the main control board is easily accessible in the door control panel, just like you would expect. But not with the Ascenta line. The Bosch engineers thought it would be a great idea to put the main control board way down at the bottom in back of the dishwasher so you have to pull the whole dishwasher out to get to it. Brother Chat calls the danc

Some tips on diagnosing the door latch assembly on a Frigidaire Gallery frontload washer that won't do high speed spin

For any frontload washer that won't go into high speed spin (but does tumble), the top three things to check are: 1. Drum pump out. No pumpy, no spinny. If the drum is not pumping all the water out before spin begins, the imbalance and/or hall effect sensors sensors in the machine will prevent it from going into high speed spin. Incomplete or no pump-out conditions are caused by a problem with the drainage system: drain pump bad or gunked up with gookus, drain hose clogged, suction boot clo

Digital Data Communications in Appliances - Samsung Dryer

Most appliances today use computers to control the various appliance functions. Computers talk in logical 1's and 0's which are actually pulses or square waves of voltage that you can see on an oscilloscope or measure with a meter. These pulses are arranged in a specific sequence to transmit and receive information inside the appliance. In this video, the Samurai uses a Samsung dryer to show you what these pulses look like and how to use this information for troubleshooting. Come with me no

A Christmas Eve Service Call on Smarts Mountain

The Samurai is ready to go wherever and whenever there's a broken appliance! No place is too remote for a service call from the Samurai. Here's a Christmas eve service call I made today to a home on the summit of Smarts Mountain with a broken Dacor range. <img alt="Smarts Mountain" src="http://cdn-3-service.phanfare.com/images/external/4169021_5401211_146375562_WebSmall_2/0_0_91223cb0112f1a486080be50f36fd652_1"> The view from Lambert Ridge heading up Smarts Mtn. near the outset of this f

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

What about Protection Plans or Extended Warranties for New Appliances? Are they worth buying?

I get asked about new appliance protection plans and extended warranties a lot both during real-life service calls as The Appliance Guru and via emails from this site. So, FWIW, I thought I'd offer my contemplations and musings on the topic. First off, you gotta realize that protection plans and extended warranties are only as good as the people offering or doing the actual service work. Protection plans are basically a form of insurance. Lots of companies want to get in on the protection plan b
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