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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Locating a leak source in a Whirlpool direct-drive washer

This customer called in saying his washer was leaking but it was from somewhere up top. He had even put the washer on blocks and knew for sure that the leak was not from the bottom. This service call is a great illustration of the Golden Rule of Appliance Repair: Never, ever trust customer diagnostics. This customer has a PhD in mechanical engineering. If you were ever going to trust customer diagnostics, this may have been one of those times. Watch as I show the customer that the leak originate

Live Appliance Repair Training Webinars for STA Students

You already know that the Samurai Tech Academy provides superior technical training for appliance repair professionals. And now, just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, we’ve gone and cranked it up to 11 by offering free weekly live appliance repair training webinars for enrolled students starting this coming Monday!   Think of the webinars like Office Hours where students can drop by for extra instruction and ask questions about their course work.   Samurai's regular Office Hours ar

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Linear Motors and Linear Compressors Webinar Recording

In case you missed it or would like to review, Professional Appliantologist members here at Appliantology may watch the recording on Linear Motors and Linear Compressors webinar on August 15, 2016 here:  And just a reminder that Professional Appliantologist members have convenient access to all the webinar recordings on the Webinar Recordings Index page here:  Master Samurai Tech Academy students have access to all the webinar recordings here: http://mastersamuraitech.com/webinar-rec

LG WM3677HW Combo Washer/dryer - washes okay but doesn't dry

One common problem with these combo laundry units is that they'll stop drying the clothes. The dryer portion of the combo unit is a condenser type dryer. It works on the principal that water condenses on a cool surface, similar to moisture collecting on a cold drink on a hot and humid summer day. A fan circulates air through the warming duct, drum, and condenser and over and over. The air is warmed because warmer air holds more moisture than cooler air and the heat causes more of the water to be

LG refrigerator frosting up inside the freezer, but it's not a defrosting problem

This has been a long-time vexing problem in some LG refrigerator models. You'll also see this on Kenmore and GE refrigerators that were built by LG. The unit defrosts properly but builds up rime ice inside the freezer looking like there's an air leak, like from a bad door seal. But the door seals are good and no source of air leak can be found. Brother Durham found this tech memo that explains it and offers the cure: a redesigned evaporator fan motor. Here's the upgraded evaporator fan:

LG Refrigerator Compressor Start Relay Madness

Every now and then, you run into a real CF when you're trying to order a part to fix an appliance. A case in point is trying to get a start relay kit for some models of LG refrigerators, such as the LFX25960ST. Grand Master kdog, adept extroidinaire of all things appliance repair, explains how to de-frak this mess: Here's the link to the start relay you need ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Relay-and-Overload-Kit/4387835/586449 Source: LG Fridge Model# LFX25960ST, Totally Stumpe

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

LG Front-Load Washer and Top-Mount and Bottom-Mount Refrigerator Training Albums

Screencast showing the new albums of photos of handouts from a technical training session on the new model LG top-mount and bottom-mount refrigerators and front-load washers. Mucho domos to Grand Master Funk appl.tech.29501 for the photos of the training material! Links to the new albums in the Gallery: LG Washer Training ==> http://appliantology...asher-training/ LG Refrigerator Training ==> http://appliantology...rator-training/

Learn Samurai's Secret that Stops the Stink in Your Front-Load Washer

One of the most common complaints I hear people make about front-load washers is about odor: stinky basket, stinky door gasket, stinky towels, stinky underwear... okay, I'll stop there. In almost every case, when I see (smell) this problem on service calls, they all invariably have the same cause: incorrect detergent usage, either too much or the wrong kind. For front-load washers (and HE top-loaders), you should only be using HE detergent. And, no, using less of the regular stuff is not the sam

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Learn how to troubleshoot appliances like a Master Tech for Memorial Day

Learn the troubleshooting skills you need to repair today's computer-controlled appliances. Increase your earnings with our empowering, comprehensive training. It's all done online, self-paced, and cost-effective. All our courses offer a terrific value with proven results. Use the coupon code MEMORIAL2016 for 10% off any course or course bundle through the end of May. See this page for a description of our course offerings and enroll today: http://mastr.tech/1TVQZkt  

Learn how to create an account so that you can get free, personalized help at the Appliantology Academy Forums

In her next amazing episode of the award-winning screencast rock opera, As the World Turns to Appliantology, Mrs. Samurai gently guides you through the short n' sweet registration process for becoming a new student, a Grasshopper, here at the Appliantology Academy. Grab some popcorn, kick back, and enjoy... <iframe src="http://www.screenr.com/embed/Goys" width="650" height="396" frameborder="0"></iframe> Watch the pilot episode of this inspiring rock opera screencast series here ==&

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Learn Appliance Repair Online at the Samurai Tech Academy - Limited Time Tuition Discount!

Learn appliance repair at the best online appliance repair school on the web! Act now to take advantage of this limited-time offer for a 14% tuition discount. Offer ends July 11, 2015. Use the coupon code FREEDOM14 on the Enroll page: http://mastersamuraitech.com/online-enrollment/ Check out all our appliance repair training courses here: http://mastersamuraitech.com/appliance-repair-courses/ http://mastersamuraitech.com/

Lake Solitude Lookout

So, it's been seven days since I had surgery on my schnoz to straighten out the septum and zap polyps in my sinuses. Trying to do a mellow hike today. It's a hot, dry 87F day today. Might not have been a good idea because that hot, dry air makes my sinuses burn. My surgeon will probably sneer contemptuously at me tomorrow when I see her like she did when I saw her the day after the surgery to have the nose packing removed. She yanked them out and I yelled in pain, " Ahhh! I can't believe you d

Labor Day Discount on all Appliance Repair Courses Extended Through This Weekend!

We were blown away by the phenomenal response to our Labor Day 10% discount special! We had lots of people taking advantage of the discount to pick up the course bundles. This is a smart move! The courses you enroll in are yours for life so why not go ahead and lock in the savings now while you can?   We also had lots of returning Fundamentals students taking advantage of the Labor Day special by enrolling in other courses such as Refrigerators or Advanced Schematics. We love seeing this because

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

KitchenAid refrigerator KSSS36DAW05 - icemaker fill tube keeps freezing up

Common causes for this problem are an incontinent water inlet valve or low water supply pressure (such as from being hooked up to an RO filter) which doesn't have enough pressure to seal the valve. Another common cause, and the easiest to fix, is to replace the plastic water fill tube in the back of the icemaker with the new aluminum one: Source: KitchenAid refrigerator KSSS36DAW05 - icemaker fill tube keeps freezing up
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