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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Tips for replacing the brake pads in a Maytag / Amana NAV / SAV top load washer

Here's the brake pad set ==> http://www.repaircli...mber=SAV3655AWW Professor Willie calls the dance steps on this little ditty: In case you need more help, the service manual for this washer is the Downloads section of this site ratcheer ==> http://appliantology...odels-16022937/ You'll need to be an Apprentice to download it ==> http://apprentice.appliantology.org/ More parts for this washer (helix, tub seal and bearing, pump, drive belt, etc.) ==> http://www.repaircli...ID-631295

How to run each component in an Asko DW70 dishwasher from the control panel

A powerful and indispensable troubleshooting technique to use when working on any modern appliance with a computer control board is to run the self test built into the control board. Almost all control boards used in appliances today have some type of self test. The trick is knowing the key dance to get into it. The other trick is knowing how to interpret the results. Brother PDuff shares with us the key dance for putting an Asko DW70 dishwasher into self test mode where you can activate ea

Maytag Performa washer thrust bearing re-assembly order

If you ever have to replace the thrust bearing, basket drive hub, or snubber in one of these Maytag Performa top-loading washers, you may get the washers and spacers that comprise the thrust bearing out of order. Brother fairbank56 has put together this nifty roadmap showing the proper sequence for re-assembling the thrust bearing. If you boogar up or lose these parts, you can buy the replacement kit here: http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Basket-Drive-Hub-Kit/12002213/1042142

Understanding the run cycles and the operating sequence of the neutral drain in a Whirlpool / Kenmore direct-drive washer

The neutral drain is a feature added to the later production models of the Whirlpool/Kenmore direct-drive top-loading washer to prevent the washer transmission from going into spin while the tub was still full of water. To accomplish this, Whirlpool jiggered a way of putting the transmission into neutral while the drain pump drained the water. Understanding this neutral drain feature has befuddled many Grasshoppers and Master Appliantologists alike. This post will hopefully demystify that for

Apprenticeships at the Appliantology Academy

For many years grasshoppers by the thousands have found solace and expert guidance here in this world-famous, award-winning appliance repair forum from the Samurai and his brethren Master Appliantologists. You can sift through the glittering pearls in this treasure-trove of wisdom - over 200,000 posts! If you're not finding what you need, then go ahead and register as a Grasshopper so you can start a new topic in the Kitchen or Laundry repair forums-- absotootly free! After you've registered, yo

How to determine if the transmission is bad in a Kenmore-Frigidaire top loading washer

This machine could be a stand-alone washer or part of a stack unit, doesn't matter 'cuz it's the same washer. If it has a Kenmore label on it, the model number prefix will be 417. A common symptom of a bad transmission is that it won't agitate. Still spins and drains, motor runs, the agitator just won't move during the agitate cycle. Grand Master kdog gives us the Quick n Dirty™ for checking the transmssion: And if the transmission turns out the be bad, here's your shopping list (click the

Why do antiphase sine waves cancel each other out in a sound mixer but not in a center-tapped transformer?

This is an excerpt of the full split-phase household power supply webinar held on June 6, 2016. In this excerpt, I explain why antiphase sine waves (meaning 180 degrees out of phase with each other) cancel each other out in a sound mixer but not in a center tapped transformer. Just because an AC voltage can be represented or modeled as a sine wave does not mean all sine waves behave the same way everywhere regardless of the device-- you have to know what you're measuring!   R

Advice for repairing a Whirlpool Cabrio washer that makes a loud noise during spin

A visitor to www.Fixitnow.com surfed in and chatted with the Samurai about his noisy Cabrio washer. Let's listen in... Surfer from Santa Monica, CA, wrote during live chat: Here's what the Samurai told him during live chat. Obviously, the images were added later but the voice reply is real-- that's how live chat is done at www.Fixitnow.com and www.ApplianceGuru.com (Cabrio washer teardown images courtesy of Jerry at www.EliteApplianceService.org a.k.a., <strong>appl.tech.29501</strong&
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