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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

Entries in this blog

Appliantology Newsletter, Winter 2011

Appliantology Newsletter, Winter 2011 0. Introduction 1. It's the exciting dishwasher issue! 2. Uncommonly delicious parts return policy 3. New merit apprenticeship program 4. Samurai News® 5. Mrs. Samurai's dojo 6. Story time 7. Hillstomping update 8. Domo! ### ### ### ### 0. Introduction From deep within the bowels of frozen Yankeeland, in the foothills of the White Mountains and finally dug out from under 13 feet of fresh, pristine global warming, it's another steamy issue of Appliantology.

Appliantology Newsletter, Early March 2012

Appliantology Newsletter, Early March 2012 0. Introduction 1. Appliantology Chat Room Now Open to All Members 2. Private Appliance Repair Tutoring is Here! 3. Appliance Tips 4. Mrs. Samurai's Kitchen 0. Introduction Blowing in from the Great White North Woods of New Hampshire like an Arctic Clipper on crack, it's another chill issue Appliantology. Movin' on... 1. Appliantology Chat Room Now Open to All Members Ya sure, ya betcha! All members of the Appliantology Academy, faculty, staff, and s

Appliantology Newsletter, December 2011: Last-Minute Gift Ideas and Some Helpful Appliance Repair Tips

Appliantology Newsletter, December 2011: Last-Minute Gift Ideas and Some Helpful Appliance Repair Tips 1. Ultimate Appliance Gift Ideas 2. Snowblower Repair 3. Recent Appliance Repair Tips at Fixitnow.com 4. Share the Love! ### ### ### ### 1. Ultimate Appliance Gift Ideas Panicking over last-minute holiday shopping? Never fear! We've got ideas for ya. Of course, one of the best gifts would be to finally repair that nagging problem on your [fill in troublemaking appliance here], and you know

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Appliantology Newsletter, August 2011: Appliances and Disasters

Appliantology Newsletter, August 2011: Appliances and Disasters 0. Introduction 1. Can I use my appliances during a disaster? 2. Does it hurt my appliances to run them or have them plugged in while the power is blinking on and off? 3. Can running my appliances off a generator damage them? 4. What about water? 5. How do I store food safely while the power is out? 6. Epilogue ### ### ### ### 0. Introduction With Hurricane Irene rampaging up the East Coast and record-breaking earthquakes off

Appliantology March 2018 Peer Group Meeting

Fantastic Peer Group meeting last night! We had 5 presentations (including mine) and I want to thank the other presenters for doing such a fantastic job! We had almost 20 techs in attendance who stayed the full two hours. Good presentations, good discussion, good times!  Here's a listing of the presentations and presenters: Network marketing for your business, @Ed V New AHAM Guidance for Safe Servicing Appliances with Flammable Refrigerants, @KaveMan Dealing with Custo

Appliantology is Your Key to Appliance Repair Service Call Success!

The Old Skool method of doing service calls was to go out on the call and pray to the pot bellied Buddha that the tech sheet was still hidden somewhere on the appliance. The plan being that, if the tech sheet was still there, you could stare at the lines and squiggles long enough to convince the customer you had reached a definitive and scientific conclusion about the problem.  My friends, I'm here to tell you that the Internet has made this Monkey Boy way of doing bidness obso-frikkin-lete

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Appliantology is Changing with the Times

It's a great time to be a Professional Appliantologist at Appliantology! A lot has changed at Appliantology.org over the years! We've gone from being a site that focused on helping DIYers to a site focused on supporting the professional tech community. In the past, one of the ways this site supported and funded itself was through parts sales to DIYers. But today, parts sales to DIYers isn't nearly as big a source of funding for this site as it once was. Part of this change was a result of increa

Appliantology 3000 Microchip Implant Now Available

<p>As many of my long-time grasshoppers know, the CIA occasionally calls upon the Samurai for special assignments which are particularly dangerous. </p> <br /> <p>I have recently completed yet another covert assignment for The Company; this one involved testing a prototype of an implantable microchip. My assignment was to be the human test subject and to have this protoype implanted into my spine. </p> <br /> <p>The Agency has declassified portions o

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Appliance Techs or Computer Techs?

Appliance techs servicing today's modern computer-controlled appliances need both analog and digital skills to be effective. This is exactly why we teach these skills at the Samurai Tech Academy. More and more people are realizing this, too. Here's an industry leader who agrees! http://mastr.tech/1MfkcCt

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Appliance Tech Certification: What does it mean? And who cares?

I get asked frequently about technician certification and there’s a lot of misunderstanding and confusion out there in the tech community about it. So I wanted to offer some thoughts that may help you think more clearly and realistically about this topic. The number one question you should ask yourself about any certification is, “What does it mean?”  Does it mean that someone simply paid a fee to take and pass a test? If so, is the person certified in this way a better technician as a

Appliance Repair Pricing Systems: Comparing Flat Rate vs. Time and Materials

After reading a lively and long-lived discussion about flat-rate vs. time and materials pricing at another blog that Brother Durham brought to my attention, Mrs. Samurai felt The Calling to weigh in and write up her own opus magnum on the topic. We decided to post it here at my blog since she wants hers to be mostly about food, home, and health-related topics. So I'm posting it here under her by-line. It's a great read! Whether you're a professional appliantologist or a client of a professional

Another killa podcast: Untangling the Samurai's Websites

Join Samurai Appliance Repair Man and Mrs. Samurai for another action-packed, adrenaline-gushing episode of their award-winning podcast as they talk you through the Samurai Suite of DIY appliance repair websites and explain why they are the way they are. Listen here ==> http://fixitnow.com/wp/2012/03/31/another-killa-podcast-untangling-the-samurais-websites/

Annual Service Training Institute 2017 in San Diego

Had a great week at the Annual Service Training Institute (ASTI) in San Diego last week! Got to hang out with old friends as well as meet lots of Appliantologists and Master Samurai Tech students in-person for the first time. For technical training, I focused mostly on high-end appliances since that's about all that's worth fixing these days. Attended some technical training on Sub-Zero, Wolf, Bertazzoni, DCS, and a couple others, and some business courses.  I also conducted an all-day

Announcing the Winners of the First-Annual-Ever-yet-(somehow)-World-Famous Appliantology Photo Caption Contest!

We held the First-Annual-Ever-yet-(somehow)-World-Famous Appliantology Photo Caption Contest both at our Facebook Page and here at my Appliantology blog. The judges have all harumphed, guffawed, flatulated and conferred. And now, finally... The results are in! Before I reveal the clever and literarily-endowed recipients of the coveted Appliantology Photo Caption Award™, I'll show you the uncaptioned photo. Behold... Here, now, I give you the two winners for the First-Annual-Ever-yet-(somehow)-

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

An open letter to America’s college cupcakes on Veterans Day

Brethren, on this Veteran's Day, I present to you a timely and fitting guest blog post by Ray Starmann, the Editor in Chief of US Defense Watch. Enjoy!   An open letter to America’s college cupcakes on Veterans Day November 11, 2016 by Ray Starmann, US Defense Watch, http://usdefensewatch.com/2016/11/an-open-letter-to-americas-college-cupcakes-on-veterans-day/   Dear College Cupcakes: America has watched for the last year or so, as our nation’s universities

Although You May Not Realize It, You Are Technological

Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is freedom. The planet is radiating sonar energy. Serenity is the driver of inseparability. We are at a crossroads of spacetime and dogma. The cosmos is calling to you via frequencies. Can you hear it? How should you navigate this unlimited universe? If you have never experienced this source undefined, it can be difficult to exist. The world is approaching a tipping point. It is a sign of things to come. This journey never en
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