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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Although You May Not Realize It, You Are Technological

Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is freedom. The planet is radiating sonar energy. Serenity is the driver of inseparability. We are at a crossroads of spacetime and dogma. The cosmos is calling to you via frequencies. Can you hear it? How should you navigate this unlimited universe? If you have never experienced this source undefined, it can be difficult to exist. The world is approaching a tipping point. It is a sign of things to come. This journey never en

Webinar Recap: May 23, 2016 Web Meeting

Fantastic web meeting last night with many assembled Brethren! This was one of the weekly web meetings that we have every Monday evening for Professional Appliantologists and Mast Samurai Tech Academy students.  Personally, I think it was the best one yet-- lots of interactivity and discussion about all kinds of different appliance repair topics.  It was a especially great because we had the audio under control so other people besides just me were able to talk. Mrs. Samurai even joined in t

Troubleshooting a Samsung Electric Dryer No-Heat Problem from the Control Board

Join the Samurai on this Samsung electric dryer service call and learn how to troubleshoot a no-heat complaint from the control board, without having to tear apart the whole dryer, by using the schematic and strategic electrical tests. Work smarter, not harder!    Learn how to troubleshoot appliances like a real technician at http://mastersamuraitech.com Professional Appliantologist members here at Appliantology should watch my webinar recording on troubleshooting this s

Updated Appliance Tech Webinar Recordings Index Page

Master Samurai Tech Academy students may access the webinar recordings here. Mr. Appliance® Academy Bundle 1 students may access the webinar recordings here. Professional Appliantologist members may access the webinar recordings here. The index page is continually updated with new webinar recordings but this is the index page as of this post: Ultra Short Primer on Basic Electricity, Circuits, Ohm's Law, and Schematic Reading Basic Refrigerator Troubleshooting Schem

Learn Samurai's Secret that Stops the Stink in Your Front-Load Washer

One of the most common complaints I hear people make about front-load washers is about odor: stinky basket, stinky door gasket, stinky towels, stinky underwear... okay, I'll stop there. In almost every case, when I see (smell) this problem on service calls, they all invariably have the same cause: incorrect detergent usage, either too much or the wrong kind. For front-load washers (and HE top-loaders), you should only be using HE detergent. And, no, using less of the regular stuff is not the sam

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Every day should be a day of thanksgiving

It's interesting how just finding the little things to be thankful for each day can transform our outlook and affect everything about us-- our mood, attitude, memory, even our health. Sometimes, I lose sight of that in my day-to-day struggles and get bogged down in tedious things or things that are not uplifting or beneficial. Or I focus and dwell on things that give me tension or irritation. That's why I'm glad there's a special day just for giving thanks-- it's a reminder that everyday shoul

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Soot: A Clear and Present Danger in your Gas Oven

I was at a service call on gas range the other day for an oven that wouldn't bake or broil. The cause turned out to be a bad range control board. Nothing unusual about that. The astonishing thing with this range was the inside of the oven cell-- all the surfaces inside were coated with a thick layer of soot (click the images for a larger view): This is NOT a normal condition in any gas range. If you see soot accumulated on your oven cell walls, even a little, STOP USING IT AND GET IT CHECKED O

What causes SUDs and SD error codes in high-efficiency front-load and top-load washers?

Many important questions have plagued mankind since the dawn of time. Questions such as, "Why am I here?", "Who is God?", and, most importantly, "What causes SUDs and SD error codes in high-efficiency front-load and top-load washers?" Here now to guide us into the truth and understanding of this important epistemological question is Brother Delawaredrew: Source: Suds error sd

Programming Instructions for the HV Control Board used in some Whirlpool-built Bottom Mount Refrigerators

Some models of Whirlpool-built bottom mount refrigerators use a high-voltage control board that, at some point, you may need to replace. These boards are used in certain models of Whirlpool, Maytag, and Kenmore-branded bottom mount refrigerators. Here's what the HV board looks like: Part number: AP4568436 When you replace this HV control board, you will need to program it to work in your particular model. If you don't program the new HV board, you'll get the error code PEO 000 in the dis

Meet The Appliance Guru

Howdy!  Let us introduce ourselves to you...   <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/41675452" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> In the New London, NH, area, call for service:  526-7129

Tech Tips: Voltage, Voltage Drop, and Loads

Understanding the distinction between voltage and voltage drop as well as understanding what a load is in an electric circuit are essential troubleshooting concepts for the professional appliantologist to grasp. In my years of working with other appliance techs online here at Appliantology.org, I have found that many, from rookies to seasoned and battle-hardened techs, do not have a firm grasp of these concepts. As a result, many professional appliance techs (I said many, not most) don't know ho

Christ is Risen!

"Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs, bestowing life." -- Sung repeatedly at Orthodox Paschal Matins "Christ is Risen!" "Indeed He is Risen!" -- Traditional Orthodox Paschal greeting and response "Enjoy ye all the feast of faith; receive ye all the riches of loving-kindness." -- From the sermon of St John Chrysostom, read at Paschal Matins "May of the joy of the Resurrection be with all!" -- From a Samurai Paschal sermon

Flume and Liberty Loop with The Oz Man

Hiked the Mts. Flume and Liberty loop with The Oz Man yesterday. Went up via the Flume Slide. That was a kick in the pants! Very steep, wet, slippery, lots of loose skree, had to help The Oz Man up ledges several times. We were both hurtin' units when we got to the top of Mt. Flume. But, WOW, what a gorgeous bluebird day! I saw that blue sky and those forever views and forgot about all the pain and fatigue. I tried to capture the essence of the hike in this video. Enjoy!    <iframe src="http:

Secrets of the Ten-Step Tango™ Troubleshooting Method Revealed!

I've been working with appliance techs online for over 20 years. One of the biggest changes I've seen in the tech community during that time is a steady decline in competence in troubleshooting electrical circuits. It's to the point today that many techs don't even know what real troubleshooting is or looks like. A common misunderstanding is that pattern recognition and parts changing are what constitute "troubleshooting."  Real troubleshooting starts with a succinct problem statement that an

How to Decipher Schematics like a Pro!

In this journey to Total Appliance Enlightenment™ in a Live Dojo workshop, we worked on a real-world problem on a Kitchenaid refrigerator posted at Appliantology. We were interested in how the defrost timer motor gets Line and Neutral in both defrost and run modes. Turns out that doing so required that we also understand the rest of the circuit, including the dumbed "PC board". But how do we do that? That's exactly what we show you in this workshop recording!  In this short little half hour

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man in Tech Talk

Do the Evaporators in Whirlpool Dual Evaporator Refrigerators have Leak Problems?

We're starting to hear lots of reports of frequent instances of leaking evaporators in the newer Whirlpool dual evaporator refrigerators. Brother PDuff brings this Whirlpool Service Pointer to our attention: And Brother CubbieBear84 reports this: Something to keep in mind if you're called out on one of these with a warm compartment complaint. Source: model WRF989SDAF00 whirlpool frig.
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