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A Day in the Life: A Tale of Two Refrigerator Service Calls

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


In this first video, we troubleshoot a warm beer compartment (fresh food) in a Frigidaire Gallery french door bottom mount refrigerator. The video illustrates the importance of following a cardinal rule of troubleshooting: Fix the obvious problem first

In this case, the customer simply reported that the FF compartment was warm but the freezer compartment was good. We verified these temperatures upon arrival. But then the customer points out that the lights in the FF compartment were stuck on and melted a hole in the liner at the top-- you'll see this in the video. 

So, in keeping with step one of the Ten Step Tango™ troubleshooting procedure, what is our problem statement? Warm FF compartment? Or...

It may have started out that way but now, with this new observation, the problem statement evolves to "lights in the FF compartment stuck on." 

We then show how to verify this in diagnostic mode and using the video record function on the your iPhone. Then we show how to use the schematic on the tech sheet to deduce the cause of the problem. 

BTW, we had already tested the door switch in diagnostic mode and it was correctly reporting the open/closed status to the UI so we ruled that out. 

This case study reveals how imperative it is for the sharp shooter tech to avoid getting tunnel vision based on the customer problem statement and to look for and respond to realtime observations at the service call. 


In this next video, we take you inside the defective damper assembly in a GE Profile (Arctica series) side by side refrigerator and shows you a common way these dampers fail, allowing too much cold air into the beer compartment. 


If you want to master the art of refrigerator repair with a high first call complete rate and satisfied customers, then remember to enroll in the Master Samurai Tech Academy's Refrigerator Repair course.


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I bet the light bulb was a higher wattage than it should be 



Did the same job on GE profile yesterday. Easy $$

  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


On 3/6/2018 at 11:47 PM, J5* said:

I bet the light bulb was a higher wattage than it should be 

No, they really were just 40 watt bulbs. 

On 3/7/2018 at 6:00 AM, Lighthouse said:

Did the same job on GE profile yesterday. Easy $$

Bip, bap, boom, cha-ching! 

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