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  1. The oven on our DCS RG-304 Gas Range (using Propane) is not heating properly. The top burners and broiler seem to be working fine. The oven bake burner igniter is heating up to glowing quickly when the oven is set to a bake temperature. After about 6 minutes the gas will kick on and light. After a few minutes of firing the gas will go off, but apparently short of the desired temperature, and the oven (preheating) lamp doesn't go off. At some point the gas seems to kick back on, but either doesn't light again or lights low and switches back off. I've followed the troubleshooting guide as best I could through the first few stage - igniter working, power flowing to the thermostat (I think - I borrowed a volt/ohm meter but wasn't entirely sure I was touching all the right connections to test power and continuity). I started to remove the service access panel to test the thermal valve but the panel was getting hard to remove and I wanted to get some advice first. From all I've read, it seems that the igniter is getting amps but not enough to keep the gas valve open? The ignitor part number is 211541P and takes 3.2 - 3.7 amps and costs around $100. I ordered a Frigidaire 5303935066 which has same appearance, says it has same Amp range, and was about $20. Will this work? Will it fry quickly? Other advice on likely problem? One update: I got an amp meter and tried to test it and after I tried that it appears that the igniter burned out completely. Is that co-incidence or did my errant manner of checking with the meter somehow burn it out? NB: I am on an island off the Maine Coast, so in-person service is a real problem!
  2. No schematics on this one! I know that'll be a relief for some of you. Honestly, it was a nice break for me, too. I love these easy jobs where you can troubleshoot using only your eyeballs and fix it with something as simple as a paper clip. In this short little video, I show you how to troubleshoot a problem with a surface burner on Bosch gas range. The burner was not lighting correctly and would sometimes flare up. All gas range surface burners operate using the same principles so don't let the fact that this is a Bosch fool you. Gas fuel, just like electricity, works the same way in the US as it does in Germany, Korea, or anywhere else in the world. So the same principles and repair shown here apply to all gas surface burners regardless of brand. Learn all about gas and electric technology used in cooking appliances and confidently burn through any oven and range problem. Enroll in the Master Samurai Tech Oven and Range Repair Training Course today.
  3. In this glimpse into the glamour life of an appliance tech, we troubleshoot an E-OE error code on a Samsung gas range with the added twist of rat infestation and yapping little dogs. It's winter in New Hampshire and rodents will seek out warm places but this place was a literal rats nest. The smell of rodent piss was gagging us (me and @Son of Samurai) as soon as we walked in the door. It would have been stronger if it was actually warm inside the kitchen but it was probably only about 45F which kept the stench at sub-gag level. And then, to make our joy complete, we were serenaded by yapping Jack Russell terriers the entire time. (Isn't it about time we outlawed little yapping dogs? How 'bout at least make it legal to shoot them on sight?) Service calls often come with distractions and curve balls. Master Technicians don't get thrown by these, because they understand technology and have a reliable troubleshooting system. If you've already taken the Fundamentals of Appliance Repair course, then take your troubleshooting and repair skills to the next level with the Master Samurai Tech Oven and Range Repair course. It's loaded with technology knowledge boosts along with case studies using real tech sheets to give you lots of practice.
  4. Viking Open Burner Gas Cooktop and Range Service Manual View File VGRT VGRC PUB F90553-1 Submitter Samurai Appliance Repair Man Submitted 03/14/2017 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    VGRT VGRC PUB F90553-1
  6. Hi All - I have a 12-year old 30" KitchenAid KGSA906 30" range which uses natural gas. The LFront TripleTier flame burner will not light using the electric igniter, although that burner's igniter will click and produce a spark when knob is in the LITE position. The smallest center burner of the 3 (the simmer burner) is what the igniter is supposed to ignite - however doesn't get gas flow enough to light. I can turn on gas and manually light the outer power burner rings on that burner with a match or by turning that knob to the power burner settings and then turning one of the other burner knobs to LITE. Also, once lit manually, turning the knob to the simmer" setting means the burner simply goes out yet there will be a very light smell of gas if the knob is left in simmer. The center/simmer burner does not work all. What I have done: I have removed the cast iron burner caps and attempted to clean the burner base and the gas tube opening in the center of the simmer burner with a wet towel and paperclip etc. I have vacuumed the gas tube opening to try and pull out any loose debris. I removed the knob and turned the two brass screws that I can see behind the knob. Neither seem to have any effect on the flame. When the burner caps are off, I can hold a match over the center burner tube opening and the match will be blown out, but not light. I can smell gas, but it seems like there is too much air or too much volume in this simmer burner. Can anyone help me figure out how to get this inner simmer portion of the TripleTier to work properly and so that I can light it? Thanks Steve
  7. I am in need of a tech manual for this gas range please. The oven intermittently ignites and then won't ignite. I am inclined to think it is the ocb and not the ignitor but would like to see the troubleshooting schematic to run some tests to be sure. The customer says it does not ignite nor make the "clicking sound" (relay). I went and tried it and it lit fine. Does and ignitor fail intermittently?
  8. 107 downloads

    Models: MGR6772BDB MGR6772BDQ MGR6772BDS MGR6772BDW Freestanding GeminiTM Gas Range PUB 16021694
  9. This is a natural gas range with 5 burners and gas oven and broiler. Convection. This one is about 2 1/2 years old
  10. Version PDF


    Service Manual for Frigidaire - Kenmore freestanding 30 inch Gas Range version of manual 2005
  11. Version PDF


    Whirlpool Job Aid KR-28 8177893 Service Manual for Whirlpool Freestanding Self Cleaning Gas Range Models with Direct Spark Ignition
  12. File Name: DCS 30 inch Gas Cooktop File Submitter: kdog File Submitted: 08 Jan 2013 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper DCS (and other brands?) 30 inch drop In Gas Cooktop MODELS: CT-304SS CT-304BK Click here to download this file
  13. Version PDF


    DCS (and other brands?) 30 inch drop In Gas Cooktop MODELS: CT-304SS CT-304BK
  14. File Name: Maytag Gemini Double Oven Gas Range Service Manual File Submitter: kdog File Submitted: 14 Nov 2012 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Models: MGR6772BDB MGR6772BDQ MGR6772BDS MGR6772BDW Freestanding GeminiTM Gas Range PUB 16021694 Click here to download this file
  15. File Name: Frigidaire 30 inch Gas Range File Submitter: kdog File Submitted: 24 Oct 2012 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Service Manual for Frigidaire - Kenmore freestanding 30 inch Gas Range version of manual 2005 Click here to download this file
  16. File Name: Whirlpool Freestanding Gas Range with Direct Spark Ignition File Submitter: kdog File Submitted: 04 Oct 2012 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Whirlpool Job Aid KR-28 8177893 Service Manual for Whirlpool Freestanding Self Cleaning Gas Range Models with Direct Spark Ignition Click here to download this file
  17. File Name: DCS RGT Gas Ranges File Submitter: kdog File Submitted: 27 Mar 2012 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Complete Service Manual ah-la Diagrams DCS Gas Ranges MODELS: RGT-305 RGT-486GD RGT-364GD RGT-486GL RGT-364GL RGT-485GL RGT-366 Click here to download this file
  18. Version PDF


    Complete Service Manual ah-la Diagrams DCS Gas Ranges MODELS: RGT-305 RGT-486GD RGT-364GD RGT-486GL RGT-364GL RGT-485GL RGT-366
  19. File Name: Frigidaire 30" Gas Freestanding Ranges File Submitter: kdog File Submitted: 25 Mar 2012 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Service Manual for your run of the mill Frigidaire Freestanding Gas Range Publication # 5995440277 June 2005 P/N 316439221 Click here to download this file
  20. Version PDF


    Service Manual for your run of the mill Frigidaire Freestanding Gas Range Publication # 5995440277 June 2005 P/N 316439221
  21. File Name: DCS RG304 Gas Range File Submitter: kdog File Submitted: 01 Mar 2012 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Service Manual Schematic Wiring Diagram Click here to download this file
  22. Version PDF


    Service Manual Schematic Wiring Diagram
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