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  1. I have a Kitchen Aid dual fual 36" oven that I bought last fall from Lowe's (though it was only just recently installed). Model # KDRS467VSS. The second time I used it, I realized it wasn't always getting up to temperature. My first couple batches of cookies took 10 minutes, a normal amount of time. The third batch was in for 20 minutes and turned to a pile of goo. The setpoint was at 375, but the actual temp (per the display) was more like 200. I did NOT put a thermometer in there, but I can assure you it wasn't 375!! I tried turning it off and on a few times, to no avail. Then, all of a sudden, it started working again. Thinking I was crazy, I carried on. A few days later, I was using the oven again and had the same issue....it was fine for awhile, but then would all of a sudden lose temperature. I finally said something to my wife, and she had the same experience. I called Lowe's, since we bought the extended warranty, and they sent a tech out from their subcontracted repair team. I also noticed that the button for the oven light did not work at times when the oven wouldn't hold temp. Otherwise, if the oven was working the oven light button would work. Of course, the symptoms couldn't be replicated. He also checked the oven for level (put a socket, on its edge, on the open door to see if it would roll in either direction. He couldn't find anything wrong, so he suggested a "reset", which was nothing more than turning the circuit breaker off (at the panel) for a few minutes. The next time I used it, I found I had the same issue with the both temperature AND the light button. Then, I noticed that if I pushed the door closed, with a little pressure, the light button would work. It didn't take much pressure, but it's like the gasket just needs to be depressed a bit. I'm not 100% certain, but I feel like the gasket is holding the door slightly ajar...but I'm not sure how that would keep the oven from reaching temperature. Is there a safety in there that would turn the heating element off after the door is left open for a certain period of time? Is there an adjustment to the gasket and/or safety switch and/or oven light switch? Anyone have a similar experience? I'd like to call the appliance guy back, but would like a little ammo first....since the second call will likely generate a charge. As an aside, not particularly thrilled with the KitchenAid lineup so far. The microwave came in with a HUGE dent, though the box seemed fine. Lowe's replaced it. Then, the ice maker wouldn't stop pouring water out the front. Repair man fixed that. The name plate on the hood is crooked by about 5 degrees....still need to fix that. Now the oven isn't working right. 4/5 appliances in the package have had issues, and they weren't cheap appliances!!!!!!
  2. Version R-118


    KitchenAid Built-In Bottom Freezer FD and single door. Models: KBBL206EPA KBBL306EPA KBBR206EPA KBBR306EPA PUB W10768110 R-118
  3. 643 downloads

    PUB W10543820 REV B
  4. Version 1.0.0


    PUB W10543820
  5. 215 downloads

    Wiring Sheet PUB 2316852 Main control schematic PUB 2317849
  6. Version 1.0.0


    PUB. W10761657 Rev. B Also applies to JIM159XYRS0 KUIC15POZP2
  7. Manufacturer: Kitchenaid Type of Appliance: Ice maker Model Number: kuic15plxs2 Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): Yes Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): Yes Need service manual for disassembly tech sheet helps as well
  8. Version Revision A


  9. Hi there helpful folks. This forum has been very helpful as I've navigated this broken dishwasher. Last week it stopped spraying when running a wash cycle. Water fills the bottom, the soap pod does come down, but doesn't dissolve fully, and food particles in the bottom barely move. It does drain if you run the drain cycle once water is in the bottom. So far, I have: Checked filter (clean) Thoroughly checked the float for debris (cleaned and clear) Removed and run water through the spray arms (all running just fine) Run diagnostic mode (it shows a 4-3 error code) Replaced the circulation pump motor (THAT was fun) I'm kind of at a loss of what to do for my next steps, and of course, there are no resources over the phone. Trying to avoid anyone coming into the house right now. Any guidance would be much appreciated!
  10. 138 downloads

    Whirlpool Kitchenaid Built-in Gas Cooktop Job Aid 4317256
  11. Kitchenaid KUID508HPS00 Freestanding Ice Maker Tech Sheet View File PUB. W10761657 Rev. B Submitter MarcusF Submitted 01/04/2023 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  12. Version 1.0.0


    PUB W10423562 Rev A
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Models: JDRP430WP01 (LF) KDRS407VSS03 (LF) KGCU407VSS01 (LF) JDRP436WP02 (LF) KDRS407VSS04 (LF) KGCU462VSS01 (LF) JDRP536WP02 (LF) KDRS462VSS03 (LF) KGCU463VSS01 (LF) JDRP548WP02 (RF, LR) KDRS463VSS03 LF) KGCU467VSS01 (LF, RF) KDRS467VSS04 (LF, RF) KGCU482VSS01 (LF, RF) JGCP430WP01 (LF) KDRS483VSS02 (LF, RF) KGCU483VSS01 (LF, RF) JGCP436WP01 (LF, RF) KDRS483VSS03 (LF, RF) KGCU484VSS01 (LF) JGCP536WP01 (LF) JGCP548WP01 (LF, RF) KDRU707VSS04 (LF) KDRU763VSS02 (LF) JGRP430WP01 (LF) KDRU763VSS03 (LF) JGRP436WP01 (LF, RF) KDRU767VSS03 (LF, RF) JGRP536WP01 (LF) KDRU767VSS04 (LF, RF) KDRU783VSS02 (LF, RF) G7CG3665XB00 (LF) KDRU783VSS03 (LF, RF) G7CG3665XS00 (LF) PUB W10540279 Rev A March 2013
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Gas and Electric Slide-In Ranges IEL730C IGL730C JES1450D JES1750E JGS1450D JIS1450D JDS1750E KSEB900E KSEG700E KSGG700E WEG760H0D MES8880D MGS8880D KSEG950E WEE760H0D WEC530H0D WEE730H0D KSGB900E JDS1450D KSIB900E KSDB900E WEG730H0D PUB W10748358 KR-40
  15. IKEA Jenn-Air KitchenAid Maytag & Whirlpool Gas and Electric Slide-in Ranges Job Aid View File Gas and Electric Slide-In Ranges IEL730C IGL730C JES1450D JES1750E JGS1450D JIS1450D JDS1750E KSEB900E KSEG700E KSGG700E WEG760H0D MES8880D MGS8880D KSEG950E WEE760H0D WEC530H0D WEE730H0D KSGB900E JDS1450D KSIB900E KSDB900E WEG730H0D PUB W10748358 KR-40 Submitter Captain Dunsel Submitted 04/23/2016 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper
  16. I’m working on a KitchenAid range that won’t bake nor broil… both elements check good. No burnt spots on the control board/panel. There is no thermal fuse that I see. What should I do next? Is it gonna be in the board? The cooktop works perfect.
  17. Whirlpool FDBM Dual Evap Refrigerator Service Pointer - Frost in Freezer View File IKEA, Jenn-Air, KitchenAid, Maytag, & Whirlpool French Door, Dual Evaporator Refrigerators Frost in Freezer Models: KFIV29PCMS00 KFIV29PCMS01 KFIV29PCMS02 KFIV29PCMS03 KRMF706EBS00 KRMF706EBS01 KRMF706ESS00 KRMF706ESS01 JFX2897DRM02 JFX2897DRP02 KFIS29BBBL00 KFIS29BBBL01 KFIS29BBBL02 KFIS29BBBL03 KFIS29BBMS00 KFIS29BBMS01 KFIS29BBMS02 KFIS29BBMS03 KFIS29BBWH00 KFIS29BBWH01 KFIS29BBWH02 KFIS29BBWH03 KFIS29PBMS00 KFIS29PBMS01 KFIS29PBMS02 KFIS29PBMS03 KRMF606ESS00 KRMF606ESS01 7MF2976AEM05 MFT2776DEE00 MFT2776DEE02 MFT2776DEH00 MFT2776DEH02 MFT2776DEM00 MFT2776DEM01 MFT2776DEM02 MFT2778EEZ00 MFT2778EEZ01 MFT2976AEB00 MFT2976AEB01 MFT2976AEB02 MFT2976AEB00 MFT2976AEM00 MFT2976AEM01 MFT2976AEM02 MFT2976AEM03 MFT2976AEW00 MFT2976AEW01 MFT2976AEW02 MFT2976AEW03 MFX2876DRE00 MFX2876DRE01 MFX2876DRE02 MFX2876DRH00 MFX2876DRH01 MFX2876DRH02 MFX2876DRM00 MFX2876DRM01 MFX2876DRM02 WRF757SDEE00 WRF757SDEE01 WRF757SDEH00 WRF757SDEH01 WRF757SDEM00 WRF757SDEM01 WRF989SDAB00 WRF989SDAB01 WRF989SDAB02 WRF989SDAB03 WRF989SDAE00 WRF989SDAE01 WRF989SDAE02 WRF989SDAE03 WRF989SDAF00 WRF989SDAF01 WRF989SDAF02 WRF989SDAF03 WRF989SDAH00 WRF989SDAH01 WRF989SDAH02 WRF989SDAH03 WRF989SDAM00 WRF989SDAM01 WRF989SDAM02 WRF989SDAM03 WRF989SDAW00 WRF989SDAW01 WRF989SDAW02 WRF989SDAW03 WRF990SLAM00 WRF990SLAM01 WRF990SLAM02 WRF990SLAM03 WRF991BOOM00 WRF991BOOM01 WRF997SDDM00 WRF997SDDM02 WRV976FDEM00 WRV976FDEM01 WRV986FDEM00 WRV986FDEM01 WRV996FDEE00 WRV996FDEE01 WRV996FDEE02 WRV996FDEE03 WRV996FDEH00 WRV996FDEH01 WRV996FDEM00 WRV996FDEM01 WRX988SIBB00 WRX988SIBB01 WRX988SIBB03 WRX988SIBE00 WRX988SIBE01 WRX988SIBE02 WRX988SIBE03 WRX988SIBH00 WRX988SIBH01 WRX988SIBH02 WRX988SIBH03 WRX988SIBM00 WRX988SIBM01 WRX988SIBM02 WRX988SIBM03 WRX988SIBW00 WRX988SIBW01 WRX988SIBW03 PUB W10842568 Submitter Samurai Appliance Repair Man Submitted 09/10/2016 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  18. Version 1.0.0


    PUB W10142800 Rev C
  19. Version 1.0.0


    PUB W10832390 Rev C
  20. I'm planning on repainting the old gal but first want to install a new power cord and need to clean out and replace all the old grease that's seeping out. Meanwhile, I've only removed the rear end cap and it stopped working: no sound or movement when the speed control is moved. I can send photos if need be, but what is the first thing to look for in this case? Thanks, Ron
  21. KitchenAid KDTM354DSS5 Dishwasher Tech Sheet View File PUB W11266098 - Rev A Submitter MarcusF Submitted 03/14/2022 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
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