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  1. I love my Haier HLP21N portable machine because I don't have hookups in my apartment. I have one of the older versions of this model and the manual that was included is missing a lot of important information!!! I simply wanted to replace my leaky 8-9 year old inlet hose and now, according to the NEW manual, I may have damaged the threads where the water inlet valve connects to the hose and possibly the water inlet valve itself. Before changing the hose, I was experiencing leakage near the faucet hookup and now with the new hose, water leaks and floods at the other end. I got an adapter for fine threaded connection but it didn't make a difference. I am also missing the elusive 'water absorption cushion' but it wasn't ever a problem... I am so frustrated!!! On top of all this, I just purchased a portable dryer but I can't even wash my clothes :(:(:( Does anyone who is familiar with this model know if the water valve needs replacing? or is it just the connection??
  2. Hello, I have a Fisher & Paykel Dish Drawer that is Filling with Water every day and overflowing onto my floor and while we were on vacation into our basement and into buckets.... Model DD603, The repair guy has ordered parts for repair and should be back sometime next week to repair. At this point I need to know how to shut off the water supply... I have turned off the water supply to the sinks, pulled the power from the dish drawers, yet the drawer keeps filling with water- POS...is making me crazy... Video located here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zxvvk0WUsUQ Dish drawer is refilling from a small water spout behind the little drawer where the dishwasher soap goes while unplugged from power.
  3. Frigidaire Water Dripping from Control Housing Service Flash View File Bulletin for Frigidaire-built top mount fridges to remedy water dripping into FF cabinet from control housing. PUB RF1504 Applies to these model numbers: FFHI1831QE FFHI1831QP FFHI1831QS FFHT1814QB FFHT1814QW FFHT1821QB FFHT1821QS FFHT1821QW FFHT1831QE FFHT1831QM FFHT1831QP FFHT1831QQ FFHT1831QS FFTR1814QB FFTR1814QS FFTR1814QW FFTR1821QB FFTR1821QM FFTR1821QS FFTR1821QW FFTR1831QE FFTR1831QP FFTR1831QS FFTR18D2QB FFTR18D2QS FFTR18D2QW FFTR18D2RB FFTR18D2RS FFTR18D2RW FFTR18G2QS FFTR18G2QW FFTR18G2RS FFTR18G2RW FGHI1864QE FGHI1864QF FGHI1864QP FGHT1846QE FGHT1846QF FGHT1846QP FGTR1845QE FGTR1845QF FGTR1845QP FPHT18D3RS FPTR18D3RS FTMD18P4RW LFHT1831QE LFHT1831QF LFHT1831QP LGHT1846QE LGHT1846QF LGHT1846QP LGTR1844QE LGTR1844QF LGTR1844QP NFTR18X4QB NFTR18X4QS NFTR18X4QW WWTR1811QW WWTR1821QW CRT181QW CRT182HQB CRT182HQW CRT182IQB CRT182IQW CRT182QB CRT182QW CRT186QB CRT186QS CRT186QW Submitter Rhubarb Tau Submitted 02/03/2018 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  4. We have a Maytag we bought used a couple years ago, it was manufactured in 1993, model LAT5000AAW. We really like it and were disappointed when we found it was leaking a couple weeks ago. I researched it, and determined that the tub seal was leaking, so we ordered a new tub seal from RepairClinic and I followed a video on youtube, and put it in. Now, the machine had been running just fine before I discovered that it was leaking, and when we were looking for where it was leaking, the transmission was turning just fine while the machine was running. We didn't use the machine for about two weeks while waiting for me to have time to work on it. Today I put the new tub seal in, and upon testing it, we were glad to see it was no longer leaking. However, as we ran the machine we started smelling a burning smell and it was smoky (not sure exactly what was smoking, but I'm assuming the belts or motor over working), and we turned it off, and I realized that the transmission wasn't turning. I am not sure what to do because it had been working fine. Is it possible that the leaking water caused the transmission to seize up in the interim even though it had been running just fine the last time it was run two weeks ago? Should I be able to turn the transmission by hand? We are not sure if this is possible, as we didn't try it before. I have watched several videos and read several posts here and it seems like on some models it should turn, but am unsure about my model. The pulley on the bottom turns, but I tried turning the transmission itself and it does not turn. I don't know what to check here. Is there anything I should troubleshoot before assuming it is the whole transmission that is bad? One thing, I removed the outer tub because I thought it was necessary to replace the tub seal but then realized it wasn't. I cleaned it up since I had it out, and now I'm wondering it it's possible the tub bearing could cause it not to turn? The video I watched showed them replacing that but we looked at the tub bearing and the sleeve, we decided they were okay, RepairClinic didn't mention this as being a source of leaking, and we didn't have that part so we wiped it all down making sure it was clean, and put everything back together. I would think that if that was bad that would cause a noise and not stop the transmission from turning entirely, but I don't know for sure. I did not apply any lube to the sleeve, the video I watched didn't say to do that, but another video I saw after did. I am unsure if that could cause this problem. The machine is not making any weird noises, no grinding or anything. When we tried to run it again, just to try to troubleshoot, we observed that the agitator tried to turn, but then stopped. I don't want to damage the motor or anything else by running it. Just not sure at all what to do next. I hope this all makes sense, I've worked on this so many hours today and it is so late. Thank you all in advance for any advice or anything I could check or troubleshoot to see about fixing this.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Bulletin for Frigidaire-built top mount fridges to remedy water dripping into FF cabinet from control housing. PUB RF1504 Applies to these model numbers: FFHI1831QE FFHI1831QP FFHI1831QS FFHT1814QB FFHT1814QW FFHT1821QB FFHT1821QS FFHT1821QW FFHT1831QE FFHT1831QM FFHT1831QP FFHT1831QQ FFHT1831QS FFTR1814QB FFTR1814QS FFTR1814QW FFTR1821QB FFTR1821QM FFTR1821QS FFTR1821QW FFTR1831QE FFTR1831QP FFTR1831QS FFTR18D2QB FFTR18D2QS FFTR18D2QW FFTR18D2RB FFTR18D2RS FFTR18D2RW FFTR18G2QS FFTR18G2QW FFTR18G2RS FFTR18G2RW FGHI1864QE FGHI1864QF FGHI1864QP FGHT1846QE FGHT1846QF FGHT1846QP FGTR1845QE FGTR1845QF FGTR1845QP FPHT18D3RS FPTR18D3RS FTMD18P4RW LFHT1831QE LFHT1831QF LFHT1831QP LGHT1846QE LGHT1846QF LGHT1846QP LGTR1844QE LGTR1844QF LGTR1844QP NFTR18X4QB NFTR18X4QS NFTR18X4QW WWTR1811QW WWTR1821QW CRT181QW CRT182HQB CRT182HQW CRT182IQB CRT182IQW CRT182QB CRT182QW CRT186QB CRT186QS CRT186QW
  6. Hello Esteemed Samurai Appliance Masters I have a Bosch dishwasher which you helped me with several years ago when the solder joint was bad on a circuit board relay and it wouldn't heat water. That fix worked perfectly! Now I am having a leak at the bottom of the door of the dishwasher most of the times the the dishwasher runs. It seems to me it must be related to the gasket the seals the front door but as a novice repair grasshopper I'm just not sure what I need to do to fix this.
  7. It's me again. You guys helped me so much with getting my washing machine working (https://appliantology.org/topic/59674-lat5000aaw-maytag-transmission-problem/ ) that I have another question for you. So, the outer tub seal was leaking during the spin cycle. We bought a new one. We put it on, it's still leaking a little, but is much improved. It appears to be leaking because the lip/edge of one side of the outer tub is rusted/corroded. I sanded it down with emery cloth, but it's still leaking slightly. I'm assuming this is because it's pitted a bit, and not smooth. Now, I have the bright idea to caulk around the ring as a temporary fix, but I wanted to ask the forum two things: 1) Can I buy an outer tub for a Maytag LAT5000AAW? I tried looking online but I couldn't find anyone that had one for sale. I came up with the mfg. part number 205486. 2) I once had a stop motion animation class where we used plumber's putty to build maquettes. I think I could possibly build up the lip of the tub where it's corroded with plumber's putty, which will stick to metal no problem and is sandable, drimmel-able and most importantly water proof. This would be a project for later, but I was wondering if there is some material that you all, being appliance repair people, would recommend instead. How would you fix a leaking tub that has a rusty edge that is corroded? Any ideas? Thanks so much again for all your help!
  8. I am trying to access the pictorial essay on the blog post at http://fixitnow.com/wp/2010/10/02/repairing-a-water-tube-embedded-inside-the-freezer-door-foam-insulation-of-a-ge-refrigerator/, posted by the Samurai Appliance Repair Man. I have exactly the issue described there, with a leaking in-door water service line in the refrigerator door, causing puddles when the water dispenser is used, and sputtering after the water back drains into the fridge door. The fridge is about 12 years old, a GE profile PTC22SFMALBS, and is a freezer-on-top model with the water line running through the refrigerator door, into the freezer door, and making a series of twists bent into the tubing--not a "pull through" operation as with a SxS fridge. If I can access the water in the freezer, I can fix the issue. But with the water line embedded in foam, I am afraid that when I take the door apart, it will not be an easy process and I may ruin the insulation or the door when I do it. Hoping the video on the post referenced above will be a better solution to the problem! Thanks!
  9. I noticed water running out from inside my kitchen island. After looking into it, it was the dishwasher (model LDF6810ST). I already repaired the infamous "broken wire" in the door for this unit. I ran a cycle with the dishwasher out of it's cabinet so I could observe. Looks like a small amount of water leaks from near were the waterline connects to the washer (on the bottom). However, it looks like the water is actually coming from behind one of the metal access plates beneath the washer...not the water connection. I'll pulled the metal access plates off and ran it again. Now I can see it's leaking from the bottom left (as your facing the washer). To clarify, the bottom left edge...feels like its dripping down the door. Very little water comes out, after 2 runs (delicate and power scrub) only a few drops. Somehow, there was alot more water before. What's next? After looking inside, the seal seems the same on both sides of the washer. I have the dishwasher out of the island and up on wood so I can see underneath it. I plan to run it as usual and keep an eye on it. I put an even layer of paper towels beneath it to help ID leak locations. Thanks in advance, -Beau
  10. File Name: Samsung Refrigerator Service Bulletin: Water leaking from ice room, puddles under the deli drawer or runs into the freezer. File Submitter: Spannerwrench File Submitted: 15 Sep 2015 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper RF263BEAEBC/AA / RF263BEAESP/AA / RF263BEAESR/AA / RF263BEAEWW/AA / RF263TEAEBC/AA / RF263TEAESP/AA / RF263TEAESR/AA / RF263TEAEWW/AA SERVICE BULLETIN Product: French Door Refrigerators Bulletin Date: 10/22/2014 Bulletin Number ASC20141022001 Models: RF263BEAE RF263TEAE ALL COLORS SUBJECT: Water leaking from ice room, puddles under the deli drawer or runs into the freezer. Customer Complaint: Water drips down the left wall OR the ice bucket is stuck OR ice crystals form at the bottom of the ice maker. Click here to download this file
  11. 376 downloads

    RF263BEAEBC/AA / RF263BEAESP/AA / RF263BEAESR/AA / RF263BEAEWW/AA / RF263TEAEBC/AA / RF263TEAESP/AA / RF263TEAESR/AA / RF263TEAEWW/AA SERVICE BULLETIN Product: French Door Refrigerators Bulletin Date: 10/22/2014 Bulletin Number ASC20141022001 Models: RF263BEAE RF263TEAE ALL COLORS SUBJECT: Water leaking from ice room, puddles under the deli drawer or runs into the freezer. Customer Complaint: Water drips down the left wall OR the ice bucket is stuck OR ice crystals form at the bottom of the ice maker.
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