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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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How to disassemble an LG dryer to remove a sock or something stuck in the blower

Dryer powers up, you select a cycle and push start and the dryer hums for a coupla seconds and then goes quiet for a while. This usually indicates something is blocking the drum from rotating. A sock stuck in the blower would do it. A quick test to see if you have a drum blockage problem is to simply open the door and try to turn the drum by hand. If you can't turn the drum manually, ain't no way that dinky motor in there is gonna turn it, ether! Can I hear an, "A-freakin-men?" If you need

Rigging and using a compressor test cord to manually operate a compressor

One of the many things that can make a refrigerator warm up is the compressor is trying but failing to start. You may occasionally hear this type of noise from the back of the refrigerator (starts about 15 seconds in): This is the sound of your compressor trying, but failing miserably, to start. Best case scenario: Bad compressor start relay. Worst case scenario: open compressor start winding or seized compressor bearing == buy a new refrigerator. Question: How do you tell which is which? Answ

The Willie Method ™ for testing the radiant (flame) sensor in a gas dryer burner

Gas dryer not firing up and all the components of the burner check out good but you're not sure how to check that flame sensor on the side of the burner tube? Samurai Appliance Repair Academy Fellow Budget Appliance Repair (a.k.a., Willie) reveals the wax on-wax off moves for testing the radiant sensor in a gas dryer. Here's the part link for the replacement radiant sensor ==> Flame Sensor This video shows you how to replace it: Source: Maytag gas dryer LDG9334AAE not heating--can I jump

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to test the auto load sensing switch in a Whirlpool/Kenmore 800 top loading washer

If you have the misfortune of owning one of these machines that takes away your ability to control water level (because supposedly it figures it out for you) then you need to know that you're not in Kansas anymore! These machines use an auto load sensing switch that's supposed to fill the tub with just the right amount of water based on how full it's loaded with clothes. Sounds great, right? Yeah, except it sucks. If your washer starts agitating right away when you start it, then you may ha

How to enter service test diagnostic mode in Bosch WTMC dryers

Once in test mode, you can select the tests to run using this procedure: Selecting WTMC / WTXD Dryer Tests Test Position on knob WTMC33/WTXD53 WTMC63/65, WTXD83/85 View fault codes 1st position on right (cw) Extra Dry (Reg./Cot.) Extra Dry (Reg./Cot.) Safety test2nd position on right (cw) Very Dry (Reg./Cot.) Very Dry (Reg./Cot.) Display test (LED's/LCD's) 3rd position on right (cw) Regular Dry (Reg./Cot.) Regular Dry (Reg./Cot.) Control elements test 4th position on right (cw) Damp Dry (Reg./Co

Dryer Auto Dry cycle not working - a simple fix using the Dean's Method

Most dryers have an Auto Dry cycle where it sense the dryness of the clothes and adjusts the cycle time accordingly. Sometimes, clothes will stop drying properly on the Auto Dry cycle but still dry normally on the Timed Dry cycle. Brother john63, the Dean of LG Appliantology, has developed a simple procedure to correct this problem and it works on all brands and models of dryers with an Auto Dry feature. Source: Samsung Dryer DV350AEW/XAA auto dry not working

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to test the keypads on the touchpanel of a Whirlpool dishwasher

If you have a flashing light above one of the keypads on your Whirlpool dishwasher, the keypad may be shorted. This does not apply to the Clean Light blinking in a sequence of seven blinks, pause, seven blinks, etc.; more on that here and here. The dishwasher's tech sheet is located behind the bottom kick panel. Remove the panel to retrieve the tech sheet-- it has a procedure for testing the key pads on the touchpanel. But in case someone with sticky fingers done stole your'n, this awwta g

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Using an Airflow Meter to Check Your Dryer Vent for Safety and Efficiency

In this journey into appliance repair enlightenment, Samurai Appliance Repair Man shows you how to use an airflow meter to analytically test the back pressure on a dryer vent for safety and efficiency. Looks can be deceiving, as this video shows, and even a short simple dryer vent that appears to be ideal can have airflow problems. So it's always wise to use a meter to actually measure the back pressure. Here's the air flow tester I used in the video ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDeta

The Master Samurai Tech Alumni Program

Training at the Master Samurai Tech Academy is already a killer deal: comprehensive, state-of-the-art training that’s online and on-demand at tuition low enough that anyone can afford it. Well now we’re kicking it up to 11 with the Master Samurai Tech Alumni program. If you have been certified* in the Core course at the Master Samurai Tech Academy (formerly called the "Fundamentals" course) or earned Master Certification at the Mr. Appliance Academy , you can get full tech access to ou

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

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