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How to replace the drain pump in an LG front load washer stacked laundry unit

The need for this repair could be something obvious like the washer isn't draining (though other things can cause that, too, like a plugged drain hose) or something less obvious like an OE error code. First step is to come git you a new drain pump with a 365-day return policy ratcheer ==> http://www.repaircli...EA2001D/1266821 The Academy's resident Professor of LG-ology, john63, tiptoes us thru these tulips... Source: LG Front Load WM2077CW, won't spin

Troubleshooting a Frigidaire Dishwasher with the Spray Arm Re-Direct Check Ball

If you're having washability problems with this funkified Frigidaire-design dishwasher that uses a check ball to alternate the spray between the upper and lower spray arms, Professor Willies explains the basic operation: And Grand Master kdog offers this experiential wisdom: Here's the replacement electronic control ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Main-Control-Board/154806401/1793650 And here are the various ball and housing parts: Source: Frigidaire D.W. Model# DGBD2432KF1, Se

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai's Big Three Troubleshooting Secrets

It's tough for appliance techs today. Our biggest competition is from cheap replacement machines. The proliferation of pricey electronic boards in appliances (and their uncertain procurement these days) means that if you can't quickly do a slam-dunk diagnosis, you are at risk of losing customers and your profitability. Meanwhile, electrical troubleshooting is largely a lost science. What exactly have we lost? The Old Skool troubleshooting techniques that us old timers learned way back. And

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man in Tech Talk

Tool Backpack: The One Year Report

Well, it's been over a year now ridin' with my trusty tool backpack, doing service calls in every imaginable situation, including hiking up snowy and icy driveways to get to the house and I just wanted to give an update. I LOVE this thing! Keeps my tools clean and organized so I know exactly where they are when I need 'em. Impresses customers, too. Get one for yourself, your favorite toolhead, or that special fixit dude or dudette in your life. Currently 37% off retail at Amazon! https://www.am

Dishwasher Filmology: Handling Hard Water and Mineral Buildup Problems in Today's Wimpy Dishwashers

Intro The dishwashers being made today ain’t like yo mamma’s dishwasher. Dishwashers made as recently as 1997 used big honkin’ motors that practically sandblasted your dishes clean and then reversed direction to pump the water out. They used a lot more energy and water than the delicate little dainties being made today. They also lasted much longer and weren’t as prone to having problems with mineral buildup inside of ‘em… but don’t get me started on that rant. Prodded along by the Beltway Bandi

A Powerful and Portable Information Tool for Professional Appliantologists

If you've been doing appliance repair as a Professional Appliantologist for any length of time, you've probably struggled through something similar to all these situations: - You're trying to fix an Electrolux range but you can't even figure out how to take it apart so you can troubleshoot. - You need to put a Whirlpool Duet washer into diagnostic mode but the sleaze bag who worked on it last stole the tech sheet. - You're working on a temperature control problem in a GE refrigerator and need to

Wall Oven Wiring Fail

I went to remove a wall oven today and ran into a little problem. Can you find it? I run into this kind of problem all the time up here in the backwoods of New Hampster. It's an endemic problem with electricians and handymen not bothering to read the installation instructions. For the record, this installation fail was done by a licensed electrician. Kind of a wake up call for the whole licensing racket, isn't it? Having a "licensed" electrician is still no guarantee that he knows what in the h

How to determine if the transmission is bad in a Kenmore-Frigidaire top loading washer

This machine could be a stand-alone washer or part of a stack unit, doesn't matter 'cuz it's the same washer. If it has a Kenmore label on it, the model number prefix will be 417. A common symptom of a bad transmission is that it won't agitate. Still spins and drains, motor runs, the agitator just won't move during the agitate cycle. Grand Master kdog gives us the Quick n Dirty™ for checking the transmssion: And if the transmission turns out the be bad, here's your shopping list (click the

Kenmore: Just another brand or yet another scam?

Sears is a popular place to buy appliances because they are located all over the country, they frequently have special offers, and they are an old, familiar name. When you stroll through the rows of shiny machines in a Sears store you see all the major brands, including lots of Kenmores. Does buying this "Sears brand" have any downside for the consumer? Ya sure, ya betcha! Although there are still a few folks who haven't gotten the memo yet, most people understand that there ain’t no Kenmore fac

GE front load washer "Smart" dispense pedestal problem

If you ever run into one of these overly-"smart" GE front loaders with a "smart" dispense pedestal, Brother nickfixit offers these sage words of advice: Along with this tech bulletin from GE on this problem: http://appliantology.org/files/file/934-ge-profile-front-load-washer-smart-dispenser-inop-tech-bulletin/ Source: GE SPBD880J0MV detergent dispensing pedestal

How to replace a broken drum baffle in a Whirlpool / Kenmore dryer

The drum baffles in a dryer are those plastic ridges that stick out in the drum. They look like this: Without those drum baffles, the clothes would get wadded up into a tangled ball that wouldn't dry werf a shi'ite. If one of the baffles is broken off inside your dryer, it's an easy and inexpensive repair. Here's the part link to the baffle ==> Dryer Drum Baffle And here's how to install it: Source: Clothes getting all tangled, bar came off Kenmore 80 series dryer

How to run each component in an Asko DW70 dishwasher from the control panel

A powerful and indispensable troubleshooting technique to use when working on any modern appliance with a computer control board is to run the self test built into the control board. Almost all control boards used in appliances today have some type of self test. The trick is knowing the key dance to get into it. The other trick is knowing how to interpret the results. Brother PDuff shares with us the key dance for putting an Asko DW70 dishwasher into self test mode where you can activate ea

How to install the upper rack stops and rack rollers in a Whirlpool-KitchenAid dishwasher

Both the upper rack stop and roller assembly in the Whirpool-KitchenAid dishwashers are amazingly simple to install... IF you know the trick. Ain't that the way it always is in appliance repair: it's all a cake-walk IF you know what you're doing. And that's a big fat IF. Problem is that most people don't know what they don't know but they THINK they know it all. Case in pernt: Had a customer call me yesterday (Saturday) because the upper rack in their dishwasher came out. They insisted that I co

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to disassemble the CustomCool compartment in a GE Profile or Arctica refrigerator

The CustomCool is a gimmicky marketing name that GE came up with for what is basically a souped-up crisper drawer in the refrigerator. The drawer has been outfitted with a system of dampers, a fan, a temperature thermistor and a heater. Depending on the function selected on the CustomCool settings in the controls at the top of the refrigerator, a combination of these components can be used to theoretically chill items quickly, thaw items or hold the drawer pan at a specific temperature.
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