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  1. I have a GE monogram side by side unit that has been overcooling the fresh food side as of late. The freezer registers right around 0 degrees as it should, but lately the fresh food section has been dropping to around 26 degrees and the only way to get it to stabilize is to shut the unit down completely. All of the temperature sensors ohmed out correctly and seem to be registering the proper temperatures as compared to my temperature readings. I think the quick cool drawer has something to do with it, but I believe it may only be half of the problem. The quick chill drawer has been getting as low as 16 degrees and the fan in the drawer seems to run almost constantly (which I believe should only run when the quick chill and quick thaw is set). But my main question is why is the freezer staying constant as the fridge continues to cool? Is it likely a damper issue? Damper seems to open and close correctly. Any direction or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Is there a field service guide or in software diagnostic mode on this unit? Thanks in advance.
  2. Hello all, I have been wrestling a GE Monogram ZISW420DRA side by side fridge for about 8 months now with the same problem... everything works fine (after a manual defrost & part replacement) until the freezer gets too cold (-10) and the fridge gets too warm (47)... this has happened multiple times at multiple intervals. i've replaced: evaporator fan motor, defrost heater, defrost heater thermistor, all thermistors in fridge and freezer and the main control board. This happened to me again this past weekend and so i decided "let's replace some more parts", with 1 of which being the ice dispenser door/flap (it was icing up if i used it in the past). when i took the dispenser display/control assembly off, i noticed on the back of the circuit board that the 1 screw that held it in place actually screwed/dug into the board itself. it looks like it took out 2 or 3 pins with the screw, itself, showing signs of corrosion. so my question to you folks is - could something like this, on this particular circuit board be the root cause of my temperature problems that i never would've guessed??? maybe it's shorting something?? causing bad ground?? i remember seeing on this forum once that someone had a similar problem and replaced the same parts as i did ALONG with his "fresh food defrost assembly" board under the assumption that THAT circuit board was causing problems for him. after all was replaced his fridge was working again but it wasn't determined what part really fixed it. (http://appliantology.org/topic/37379-monogram-ziss420drcs-side-by-side-built-in-frig-ff-at-42-deg/?page=2 ) thank you very much for any information or help you folks can provide! i really appreciate it! -Walt
  3. Version 1.0.0


    PUB 31-9216
  4. Version 1.0.0


    No PUB number.
  5. I read here weeks back about how fridge doors, due to weight/time and use can wear out load bearing cams/washers. It seems my zis has some problem with the door. It can be swung shut without binding, but if not done hard enough it'll stop about 1-2" from sealing. sometimes when I open the door I hear a clink of metal on metal coming from the area of the bottom door hinge. I id'd that sound as one of the metal plates ( the left end of the long guy in this: https://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Hinge/WR02X11211/944904?model=909936) . I can easily clink that plate with my hand by wiggling it. It moves easily up and down on the inserted spindle The equivalent part on the freezer door does not. I'm willing to tackle it my self. The effort seems straight-forward enough - but what parts are recommended? Do I have the correct one linked above? Ouch. I was wondering if the spring provides/ed some sort of tension (like a return on most any door), and it broke. At least I don't have to guess which part to get if I go with that part group. Does any of this make sense? Any other ideas? If I need to I'll remove the door to get a better look before ordering... thanks, samurais.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Models: 18” wide cabinet version ZDIB50X-Black ZDIW50X-White GE Service Guide PUB 31-5250 15” narrow cabinet version ZDI15CWW-White ZDI15CBB-Black ZDI15CSS-StainlessSteel GE Service Guide PUB 31-9030 GE Service Video PUB 31-9031 This is a good basic primer on operation and common problems with ice machines. Although it is a GE Monogram training presentation, the information applies to all standalone ice machines.
  7. GE Monogram Ice Machines Training Presentation - How They Work View File Models: 18” wide cabinet version ZDIB50X-Black ZDIW50X-White GE Service Guide PUB 31-5250 15” narrow cabinet version ZDI15CWW-White ZDI15CBB-Black ZDI15CSS-StainlessSteel GE Service Guide PUB 31-9030 GE Service Video PUB 31-9031 This is a good basic primer on operation and common problems with ice machines. Although it is a GE Monogram training presentation, the information applies to all standalone ice machines. Submitter Samurai Appliance Repair Man Submitted 03/18/2019 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  8. GE Monogram ZIC30GN ZIK30GN ZIW30GN Convertible Drawer Wine Cooler View File PUB 31-9210 Submitter Chat_in_FL Submitted 02/20/2019 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  9. GE Monogram SxS Side-by-side fridge zfsb23drbss PHOTOS: https://photos.app.goo.gl/NWvvFw157aSd8ZyQ9 Datasheet is in the photos. And Yes, I know the high / low side are swapped. All temps in Fahrenheit, Ambient 60F, 6.5oz of R134a Ok, so started kitchen remodel, wanted new fridge, fell in love with Monogram from 2005. Craigslist had one that didn't cool properly, and guy ended up giving it to me for free. So began with 25F Freezer, 45F Fridge, only 6” of frost on freezer evaporater at cap tube outlet. After removing compressor, changing POE oil, replacing filter-drier, testing 3-way valve, leak-testing / flushing with nitrogen @100PSI, and evacuating / charging, I got a cooling fridge. Current Problem: Low side in 10inHG of vacuum, should be 0-5PSIG. High side 70PSIG, normal. 1) Fridge seems to work correctly, frost on 80% of FZ evaporator, gets to normal temps 0F/37F within 6 hours. 2) Low side (read at process stub) in 10inHG of vacuum, spec calls for 0-5PSIG 3) Equalizes within 5 minutes to ~22PSI @60F, datasheet calls for minimum 40PSIG @ 70F, 4) Inverter 3-speed Compressor current is 20% lower than datasheet: 54W measured, vs datasheet 65W (Low speed). 5) Condenser is barely warm to the touch +5F of ambient, possibly because of 60F Ambient? What I gather from this, is that there is a low-side restriction, possibly in the cap-tube, or evaporator(s). So should I: A) Leave it alone, and hope it runs for a long time – is the low-side vacuum going to impact the compressor / system life? or B ) Investigate further and only quit when I get low-side pressure that is within 0-5 PSIG spec? Your feedback is very valuable, I have 2 weeks into this learning experience, and would like to enjoy the fridge already.
  10. GE ZDI15C ZDIS15C Monogram Ice Machine Technical Service Guide View File PUB 31-9030-1 Submitter Chat_in_FL Submitted 02/12/2019 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    PUB 31-9030-1
  12. GE ZD115CBBE Monogram Ice Machine Minimanuals View File Minimanuals for model ZD115CBBE PUB 31-51316 PUB 31-51316-1 Submitter Samurai Appliance Repair Man Submitted 02/07/2019 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Minimanuals for model ZD115CBBE PUB 31-51316 PUB 31-51316-1
  14. GE Monogram Ice Machines: Theory of Operation and Updates View File Training presentation on how GE Monogram ice machines work. Service Bulletin on updates to GE Monogram ice machines. Models ZDI15CWW, ZDI15CBB, ZDIS15CSS PUB REF03-01 Submitter Samurai Appliance Repair Man Submitted 02/07/2019 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Training presentation on how GE Monogram ice machines work. Service Bulletin on updates to GE Monogram ice machines. Models ZDI15CWW, ZDI15CBB, ZDIS15CSS PUB REF03-01
  16. Ge Monogram Built-In SxS Refrigerator Service Bulletin - FF too Cold REF18-03 View File Monogram Side-by-Side Models: ZIS360NM, ZISB360DM, ZISW360DM, ZISS360DM/NM, ZIS420NM, ZISB420DM, ZISW420DM, ZISS420DM/NM, ZIS480NM, ZISB480DM, ZISW480DM, ZISS480DM/NM. REF 18-03 AUGUST 2003 Submitter Samurai Appliance Repair Man Submitted 10/09/2018 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Monogram Side-by-Side Models: ZIS360NM, ZISB360DM, ZISW360DM, ZISS360DM/NM, ZIS420NM, ZISB420DM, ZISW420DM, ZISS420DM/NM, ZIS480NM, ZISB480DM, ZISW480DM, ZISS480DM/NM. REF 18-03 AUGUST 2003
  18. Version 1.0.0


    PUB 31-51976-2
  19. GE ZIR360NHCRH ZIRP360NHBLH ZIRP360NHBRH ZIRS360NHBLH ZIRS360NHBRH Refrigerator Minmanual View File PUB 31-51976-2 Submitter Samurai Appliance Repair Man Submitted 07/26/2018 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  20. GE ZIR360NHARH ZIRP360NHALH ZIRP360NHARH ZIRS360NHALH ZIRS360NHARH Refrigerator Minimanual View File PUB 31-51884 Submitter Samurai Appliance Repair Man Submitted 07/26/2018 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  21. GE ZISB48DCA Monogram Refrigerator Mini Manual View File ZIS 48D PUB 31-51309 Submitter Lighthouse Submitted 03/12/2018 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  22. Version 1.0.0


    ZIS 48D PUB 31-51309
  23. GE AP5 Refrigerators Service Mode Training Presentation View File Training presentation on entering and using service mode in the new AP5 refrigeration controls in the Profile, Cafe, and Monogram lines. Submitter Samurai Appliance Repair Man Submitted 08/03/2017 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
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